NAGR Banner Bad news. In just a few hours, the U.S. Senate is - TopicsExpress


NAGR Banner Bad news. In just a few hours, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to take up a key vote on a bill that would extend the anti-gun PATRIOT Act. This time theyre cloaking it behind another misleading name -- the USA Freedom Act -- or S.2685. If you’re skeptical that this latest pretty-sounding piece of legislation, youve got good reason. As written, the freedom act is just another anti-gun scam. Even though the bills alleged purpose is to clamp down on the government’s abuses of surveillance powers, gun-grabbers like Senators Pat Leahy, Al Franken and Dick Durbin are the ones behind it. Theyre trying to pass a bill so the government can still get away with abusing its powers and persecuting gun owners, while pretending not to publicly. Remember, Senator Harry Reid still controls the reigns of the Senate for a few more weeks. And he would love to preserve the government’s ability to spy on law abiding gun owners and activists. As written, the USA Freedom Act would re-authorize the PATRIOT Act -- again -- meaning all the Federal Government will have to do to deny your right to bear arms without due process is label you a terrorist. It’s for that reason U.S. Senator, and pro-gun hero Rand Paul has taken a firm stand against this bill. Thats also why Reid is threatening to RAM the current version through without allowing any pro-gun amendments to get rid of the PATRIOT Act once and for all. George, without repealing the PATRIOT Act provisions that have been haunting gun owners since 2001, this so-called freedom bill only enshrines anti-gun provisions into law for Barack Obama to use and abuse for the remainder of his presidency. Worse, it gives an excuse to allow squishy Senators to avoid having to take a stand on this issue for the next three years! While tonights vote is only the first, procedural vote, your help is needed immediately. Please contact your U.S. Senators: *** Sen. Maria Cantwell at (202) 224-3441 *** Sen. Patty Murray at (202) 224-2621 If those numbers dont work, try the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your U.S. Senator. Urge them to OPPOSE S.2685 USA Freedom Act unless it is amended to eliminate re-authorization of the anti-gun PATRIOT Act. And if you can, please click here to chip-in $15 or $20 to the National Association for Gun Rights so we can warn more liberty-loving Americans of this latest scam. Thank you for your continued activism. For Freedom, Signature Dudley Brown President P.S. The U.S. Senate is scheduled to take up renewing the anti-gun PATRIOT Act. Please contact your U.S. Senators and Urge them to OPPOSE S.2685 USA Freedom Act unless it is amended to eliminate re-authorization of the anti-gun PATRIOT Act. *** Sen. Maria Cantwell at (202) 224-3441 *** Sen. Patty Murray at (202) 224-2621 If those numbers dont work, try the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your U.S. Senator. And if you can, please click here to chip-in $15 or $20 to the National Association for Gun Rights so we can warn more liberty-loving Americans of this latest scam. The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense. To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend. To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online. Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights! donate
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:31:18 +0000

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