NAME:- Withheld Nov 19th, 12:26pm QUESTION :- Greatings - TopicsExpress


NAME:- Withheld Nov 19th, 12:26pm QUESTION :- Greatings sir,l watched a Pastor on Christtv giving a mind blowing Testmony.He gave an account of how he was in prison and at some point Prophet Makandiwa brought him food.My first question is how did Prophet Makandiwa responded to this testmony.Was he the one who was transported in the spirit to go to the remand prison or it was an Angel impersonating Prophet Makandiwa.Hide my IDplease ANSWER :- Thank you very much brethren for a very good question.In my answering allow mw to widen my answer so that i try and answer other questions that might arise from the answer again. I do remember hearing that testimony during the Sunday morning service.I dont know what Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwas response to the specific miraculous testimony you mentioned was but what i know is every time a testimony of whatever magnitude is given the Prophet of God gives glory to God and he thanks him and thanks him again and again. Before i answer your second question let me also inform you that the atmosphere for such miracles is a norm at UFIC,we witness miracles of this calibre every service and its our prayer as UFIC sons not to get used to them because of their frequency.We experience instant miracles that happen even as the Prophet is sharing the word of God. Coming to your second question,Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwas image is now trusted by the Holy Spirit to an extent that Angels use it as they do what the Lord sends them to do in spirit on this earth. This has been experienced mainly in dreams and trust me 90% of the sons and daughters of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa have dreamt of him and or Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa either giving them instructions or praying for them as well as many other missions that the Holy Spirit might want to do in peoples lives. Seeing these Prophets in dreams has happened to many other people who are not members of UFIC and even more intresting some christians who are not members of UFIC and serving under other men of God have been visited by the Holy Spirit in Prophet and or Prophetess Makandiwas image. As if thats not enough Men and Women of God with their own ministries have been visited by the Holy Spirit in the Prophets images too. We have had times in the past where one would dream of a person whose face is not visible and they would wake up to narrate a dream of this shadow character who was praying for them or giving them positive instructions but they would always end narrating the dream with a statement likei was eager to see the face of the person but it was just blank. I personally believe it was a character of the likes of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa and Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa that was not available. To be specific to your second question,it might not be Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa who in spirit visited the brother with food in the prison cells but it might be him as well because when it comes to those areas the Prophet is a serious mistry and no one can stand to say it was him in sprit or his image was used by Angels.Its only himself and the Lord who know. I cant give you a specific answer on that one because there are many times that he disappears in his life,at one time our mother Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa gave a testimony where Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa was sitting on a chair reading a bible in their family home as usual but in the blink on an eye he was nowhere to be seen for some time. He then appeared later and he confessed that the Lord wanted some time with him but the kids wanted to play with him so the Holy Spirit did his thing and the kids where searching all over the house for their dad who was still sitting right where they had seen him from the start though now invisible. I have heard an unconfirmed testimony that one of the ushers that was driving a car in front of the one Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa was driving checked his mirror a number of times and could see the car behind him driving itself or rather being driven by the Holy Spirit because there was no one on the drivers seat. This iam told put shivers through that ushers spine and he pulled over in order to give way to the Prophets car as well as to check if what he was seeing was real through the drivers window as they drove side by side in the dual lanes in that road and still he saw no one in the car. Its is said he struggled driving trailing behind the Prophets car until they reached their destination and its only when the car had stopped that he saw the Prophet coming out of the car from the very seat that was empty. So the Man we are talking about is really a mistry when it comes to things of the sprit of this nature.My desire is to know and reveal all the truth but trust me most of it we will never know unless God gives us a special measure of grace. Thank you
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:59:37 +0000

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