NANCY SUKHRI IS ANOTHER HYPOCRITE. WHAT SHE IS SAYING IS THAT THE 10-POINT SOLUTION ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS AS GOOD AS A PIECE TOILET PAPER BECAUSE THE STATE LAW SUPERSEDES THE FEDERALS. AS SUCH, ISNT THAT NAJIB & IDRIS JALA ARE FLAKES MAKING BOGUS PLEDGES STRICTLY TO ENTICE THE CITIZENS TO VOTE FOR BN DURING GE13???? PUTRAJAYA IS COMMITTED TO THE 10-POINT SOLUTION-THATS A BIG B.S. !!!!!!! QUOTE: Putrajaya today insisted that it remained committed to the 10-point solution which was signed with Sabah and Sarawak in April 2011 and on the use of the word Allah. However, Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Datuk Nancy Shukri said religious affairs in every state fell under the purview of the state government and not Putrajaya. She pointed out that where Putrajaya was concerned, it never diverted from the 2011 agreement which was signed just before the Sarawak state elections. The 10-point solution, which was announced by the Government in April 2011, was to have resolved the use of Bahasa Malaysia and the term Allah in the Alkitab. Under the agreement, which was drawn up by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala (pic), bibles in all languages can be imported into the country, including those in Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia, and the bibles can also be printed locally in the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. Religious issues do not come under the purview of the Federal government and we cannot interfere in how each state manages its religious affairs, she said. UNQUOTE themalaysianinsider/malaysia/article/putrajaya-is-committed-to-10-point-solution-but-cannot-interfere-in-state-a
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:18:27 +0000

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