#NAPS and ASUP strike the Journey sofar #We have tried, we are - TopicsExpress


#NAPS and ASUP strike the Journey sofar #We have tried, we are still trying, we have less support and cooperation of all polytechnic student union president (SUG) wen we call for meetings very few attends, wen we fix action less mobilize dt is why we always give down to the hand of security agency for dialog (meeting wit relevant body) instead of earlier plan confrontation (protest). Couple wit the political tense of our dear country and security situation which make every action look suspecious before the security agencies at time wit political intonation like sponsorship by opposition party as we have experience a lot in this course . I had summon for 2 senate meeting, 1 emmergency senate session, all in effort to put heads together for wayforward, how many SUG turn out. It was on this We resolve to adopt regional system of confrotation maybe it will work out as central keep failling, that is wt brought kaduna thursday 27th mass action for northen state polytechnic, as south west had held one in lagos on 17th wit colleges of education held one in abuja on 18th March, we hope after all this with declaration of last ultimatum student accross the country will wake up and see reason to flood abuja in mass so as to see end to the systematic delay of carrier and destiny by FG of Nigeria all in the name of 2009 Aggreement with ASUP. We shall continue to strive until our desire is achieved. Remember we have met former minister of education once Hon supervising minister 3trice, protest in abuja twice , open letter to president Jonathan publish on dalies once , meeting wit Asup twice,meeting with Cohead all polytechnic rectors once and Asup wit Need assessnent commiittee once, NBTE twice, SSA to president more than 6 times , several press statement, presentation of position paper to National council on establishment ( council responsible for removal of HND/BSC disparity in civil service ) in ilorin kwara state during their 38th national conference We cant do wit out your support Let support ourselves for the actualisation of this strugle Collective Hands Rescue Mission. Aluta continua Victoria Ascerta SP NAPS (aluta inspector)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:30:22 +0000

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