NAREP PRESS RELEASE HARASSMENT OF OPPOSITION LEADERS ON THE COPPERBELT NAREP on the Copperbelt has noted with deepest concern and regret the harassing of opposition leaders on the Copperbelt by the alleged politically aligned youth. We wish to condemn in strongest terms this inhuman treatment of national leaders in the opposition who are simply exercising their constitutional right to assembly. We urge the PF leadership to quickly clear its name of these actions. As the party in power, it is the Patriotic Front’s responsibility to ensure that the security and protection of every Zambian is guaranteed, regardless of political affiliation. The PF is in power today because of the political stability that existed during the rule of the previous regime. The PF should remember that they will not be in power forever and one day they will have to make account for the violence we are currently experiencing as a country. We demand professionalism from the Police Service on the Copperbelt whose sworn duty is to protect the lives of innocent Zambians. Finally, we request the general secretary of the Patriotic Front to issue a statement stating clearly the Patriotic Front’s position regarding the brutality and misbehaviour exhibited by PF cadres. This on-going violence and the silence from PF leaders demonstrates clearly why we need a new constitution. A new constitution will protect innocent Zambians from party-sponsored and party-endorsed violence and give hope to the lives of people struggling with the high cost of living. Kalale Musonda NAREP Copperbelt Province Chairman 17 April, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:58:45 +0000

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