NARIR-NITI (Woman’s Code) CHILDREN OF THE FEEBLE-MINDED As I think, it is extremely difficult for the feeble-minded to stick to anything, and the more the habit of continuity is broken the more weak, restless and feeble becomes the mind; Their mental restlessness makes life almost unbearable. Then too, a wife of this fickle and feeble-minded kind cannot exalt the thought-currents of her husband in a way that his brain could embrace deeply, growing and blooming in intensity of feeling; as a result of this she becomes the breeder of children whose minds are of a weak and restless constitution which is very difficult to cure later; this is also a main cause of short-life, idiocy and disease in children. If you be of this kind, try diligently to put perseverance or adherence into your character; if you can do this, you will be released from the grip of these disasters; dont worry. ---- Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:17:52 +0000

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