NASA-backed study indicates it’s Elizabeth May, or mass - TopicsExpress


NASA-backed study indicates it’s Elizabeth May, or mass extinction. Your choice: One would think that a scientific paper predicting the imminent end of civilization, backed by the imprimatur of no less an authority than NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, would generate considerable interest, not to mention news coverage. Oddly, though, it hasn’t, at least not in North America. In Britain, where they know a headline when they see one, newspapers were all over it. It got coverage in Australia and India. But in Canada? Barely a mention. If I hadn’t read it in the National Post, I wouldn’t even know the end was nigh. But it is. At least according to this study, deceptively titled A Minimal Model for Human and Nature Interaction (academics have never been good at headlines). Written by a team of mathematicians headed by Safa Motesharrei of the University of Maryland, it concludes that, as National Post’s Tristin Hopper reported, the utter collapse of human civilization will be “difficult to avoid.” They’re not talking several centuries down the road, either. They’re talking about soon, like within existing lifetimes, maybe before Al Gore can buy up enough carbon credits to claim immunity. According to the authors, doomsday has a way creeping up on civilizations, which tend not to notice because the “elites” — who are a big cause of the collapse — are having too good a time wasting resources to notice. It’s also not as unusual an occurrence as you might think: the authors list numerous civilizations that were once grand and glorious, but which have long since disappeared from the world. I’m not going to pretend to understand the complex model they use to reach their conclusion... Fortunately, for those of us outside the PhD realm, they simplify the message by reducing it to a simple issue of predator versus prey, wolves versus rabbits, and “elites” versus “masses.” No prize for guessing who wins in each category. Although dozens of causes have been cited in studies examining the decline and fall of former empires — volcanoes, social decadence, marauding Huns — the authors contend that all include some form of two shared features: “(1) the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity and (2) the economic stratification of society into Elites and Masses.” In other words, the 1% is not paying enough attention to the Sierra Club. The authors evaluate their data with a mathematical model that goes by the acronym HANDY, which stands for Human And Nature Dynamical but could just as easily mean “really handy for activists, campaigners, Left-wingers and celebrities with intellectual pretensions”. If President Obama is still looking for an excuse to turn down the Keystone XL pipeline, I can tell him where to look. The handiness of this model is demonstrated by how eagerly it has been seized on by eco-zealots and income warriors. Former editor Derrick O’Keefe pretty much said it all when he noted it leaves the world a choice between “socialism or extinction.” Not only does it put the situation in black and white (apparently there are no grey areas in total doom), but it uses convenient modern terminology in dividing the world into competing camps: you’re either the elite or the masses, and no sneaking between bedrooms after lights out. It also provides an easy-to-understand route to avoiding worldwide annihilation. As related by Nafeez Ahmed, who first reported on the study in The Guardian: “The two key solutions are to reduce economic inequality so as to ensure fairer distribution of resources, and to dramatically reduce resource consumption by relying on less intensive renewable resources and reducing population growth.” In other words: “Whatever David Suzuki says, you do it.” The study, in fact, could have been written for Suzuki, or by Suzuki, or both for that matter, so closely does it hew to everything Big Green has been preaching for so long. It’s a bit suspicious, in fact, that so many societies, over so many centuries, involving such a diverse range of humanity at such disparate stages of sophistication, could all be reduced to: “The rich people hogged all the resources.” You could almost fit it on a single banner, to be unfurled down a smokestack by an intrepid team of activists who somehow snuck in while the security guards weren’t watching. I claim no particular expertise, but I always understood that the various pre-Columbus North American civilizations -- Aztec, Mayan, Inca -- disappeared because the white people turned up and gave everyone disease... I also understood that the best-known example of a fallen Empire — the Romans — sealed its doom by outgrowing its ability to defend its swollen borders from attack by any passing horde of Vandals or Visigoths. Was a lack of resources really Rome’s undoing, or the sheer vastness of same — the empire stretched from England to the Middle East and included most of Europe and North Africa — which proved too tempting to rivals? In any case, by some accounts Rome never did fall, but simply moved east to Constantinople and lived on happily for many centuries after the Palatine Hill had been well and thoroughly sacked. It seems somewhat shallow to suggest that an event as cataclysmic as cultural annihilation can by avoided if we simply put more solar panels on our rooftops, increase taxes on high incomes and reduce population growth. Most of the industrial societies struggle from too little growth, which is why Canada, the U.S. and much of Europe throw open their doors to millions of immigrants. China, the world’s most populous country, recently ended its policy of one child per family after having fallen behind the U.S. in reproduction rates. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have even lower rates than China. And as the world’s last serious Communist power, China surely meets the social welfare standard of even so strict a judge as These explanations obviously lack the simple satisfaction that comes from blaming everything on a bunch of irresponsible rich people. And they lack the NASA cachet. You could, if you were so inclined, fashion an entire election platform on this report alone. Maybe someone will; maybe that was the intention. “See? NASA says to vote for Elizabeth May. Otherwise we all die.” Doubters may question whether 40 centuries of human history can be reduced to so simple an equation, but they’ll be the first to go. Visigoths were famous skeptics — that’s where the phrase “doubting Visigoth” comes from — and how many of them do you still run into? --NASA-backed study indicates it’s Elizabeth May, or mass extinction. Your choice, Kelly McParland, National Post, March 22, 2014 fullcomment.nationalpost/2014/03/22/kelly-mcparland-nasa-backed-study-indicates-its-elizabeth-may-or-mass-extinction-your-choice/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:48:28 +0000

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