NASA predicts that 100 million worlds in our own Milky Way galaxy - TopicsExpress


NASA predicts that 100 million worlds in our own Milky Way galaxy may host alien life, and space program scientists estimate that humans will be able to find life within two decades. connecticut.cbslocal/2014/07/15/nasa-humans-will-prove-w... SOZT Taking a page from SETI, zetatalk/govmt/g28.htm NASA is implying that unless humans go looking out in space for intelligent life elsewhere, it will not be found. In other words, the alien presence on Earth is nonexistent! As we stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, SETI is taking their absurd posture so the truly anxious among the populace can having something to cling to, reassurance from officialdom. As the cover-up over Nibiru, aka Planet X, steadily erodes with announcements of Nibiru-like planets found roaming around afar from their stars, in odd orbits, and as disclosure on the alien presence looms closer with mass UFO sightings almost becoming the norm and even the Pope talking about little green men from Mars, those in the public who cannot handle this news are being given an out. Thus, the duality. EOZT Prior 1995 ZT: zetatalk/govmt/g28.htm The absurdity of the SETI premise has been mentioned long and loudly by many - that aliens would simply use radio signals, that aliens would wait for an invitation, that the UFOs sighted regularly in the skies should not at least be factored into the program. Of course those at the helm of the SETI project know how absurd the premise is, and of course they know the alien presence exists on their planet. They are all active members of the larger MJ12 organization, and in most cases have even met aliens and canvassed alien technology. Carl Sagan was simply a good actor, who was as is rumored offered his choice of several roles and chose skeptic. The government is leaving props for the truly anxious to cling to, and the scene of renowned scientists peering into the sky and hoping for a radio bleep makes a statement - the Earth has not yet been visited. The truly anxious can then ignore all the rest of the uproar as misguided. After all, Carl Sagan said so. How long will SETI keep it up? As long as there are anxious citizens nervously querying the agencies and as long as the US government can continue to function. The coming cataclysms will surely put an end to SETI, but we expect SETI to be issuing reassurance right up to the end. poleshift.ning/forum/topics/zetatalk-chat-for-july-26-2014?xg_source=activity
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:15:29 +0000

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