NASCIDA A 4 DE OUTUBRO: Nascida a 4 de Outubro, dia que 18 anos - TopicsExpress


NASCIDA A 4 DE OUTUBRO: Nascida a 4 de Outubro, dia que 18 anos depois passaria a ser o Dia da Paz em Moçambique, em 2003 Clarisse Machanguana comemorou o seu décimo 4 de Julho nos Estados Unidos. Na altura jogadora do Orlando Miracle (Milagre), ela reflecte aqui sobre as suas origens, seu percurso e seu "share" do "American Dream", em pleno "Independence Day" na Terra do Tio Sam. Clarisse foi lembre-se a "trail blazer" do Sonho Americano de basquetebolistas e estudantes moçambicanos: foi o primeiro basquetista moçambicano de sempre a evoluir no básquete universiário norte-americano, e a primeira e única a jogar até agora em ligas profissionais de básquete americano, primeiro na experimental ABL e depois na versao feminina da NBA: a fantástica WNBA. Seguir-se-lhe-iam Noel Govene, Paulo Manuel "Potolas", seus irmaos Raúl "Loló" Machanguana e Zinóbia "Ducha" Machanguana, Amélia "Melita" Gune, Evelina "Maninha" Nhassengo, Júlia "Julinha" Machalela, Samuel Pita Manhanga Júnior "Samuelito", Ana Flávia Azinheira, Cesário "Pitcho" Chipepo, Mauro "Penta Cruel" Matai, Amarildo Matos, Nádia do Rosário de entre outras e outros basquetistas moçambicanos que continuam a percorrer esse "Grand Canyon" em busca da sua realizaçao na Terra do Basquetebol. Leiam aqui, este texto - que fez parte das minhas leituras obrigatórias quando eu era jornalista desportivo. Mais uma parte do legado de Clarisse: Miracle Star Machanguana Has Earned Her Stripes In professional basketball a new error of seeking international talent for both women and men’s basketball has arrived. Clarisse Machanguana can attest that she was one of the original players during the influx of international talent. Boasting her own Internet column (Mach Pit), rights to the being apart of the first-ever trade in Orlando Miracle history, and the key to the Miracle’s new defensive strategy Mozambique native Clarisse Machanguana has a lot to celebrate. On Thursday, Machanguana will celebrate her 10th Fourth of July in the United States. Over the past decade Machanguana has sported an Old Dominion jersey, a San Jose Lasers jersey, an L.A. Sparks jersey, Charlotte Sting jersey and currently wears an Orlando Miracle jersey. She stands for Title IX, girl power and all the great things America represents. The 6’5 center loves the opportunities in America and boasts about the changing opportunities for women in Mozambique. “Women have the same opportunities as men, the time when women were restricted from doing certain activities is long gone in Africa”, Machanguna stated. “We (Mozambique) are just a very poor country and we just don’t have things, in a way that hinders all human beings and women”, she added. Upon her arrival in the states Machanguana took one giant step for women and an even greater one for herself. While maintaining a 3.7 GPA, the Old Dominion player started every game earning All-American honors, proving to the world that the American dream was hers to claim. Stints with the WNBA’s top teams gained Machanguana American notoriety as well as a Mozambique fan base. She also takes notice of “Clarisse-inspired” WNBA hopefuls in her home country. “I see a lot of people who dream about coming to the USA and playing basketball professionally”, said Machanguana. “It’s not easy, first there is not much of a search from Americans there…you have to have contacts,” she added. Machanguana added that some of her fellow Mozambique players are playing on the national team and others have made different life choices. Machanguana is more than grateful for the everyday opportunities in America that she experiences. “My favorite thing about America are the opportunities, you have the opportunity to do whatever you want”, Machanguana stated. The selfless center acclaims that she would like to share those opportunities and more with her country. When asked what was one imperative thing she would take from America to Mozambique she answered “For me or for them?” “Not one thing, I would take money to them because there is a lot of poverty and I would take knowledge”, she continued. On Independence Day Machanguana will participate in an old American tradition, “ I will cook normal food and hang out with my fiancée.” As of July 3rd, the international presence on WNBA rosters now stands at 44 players. That is 22 percent of the league. MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: Ao contrário do nome da sua penúltima equipa na WNBA, Miracle (Milagre, em portugues), nao foi por milagre que Mach conseguiu tudo o que alcançou. Um ditado tipicamente Americano resume as suas conquistas: HARD WORK ALWAY PAYS OFF! A imagem nao engana!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 16:00:38 +0000

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