NATION OF ISLAM (KRISNAISLAM) The Religion of GOD. All Religion - TopicsExpress


NATION OF ISLAM (KRISNAISLAM) The Religion of GOD. All Religion is ONE and came from the SAME SOURCE. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. Split the atoms heart, and Lo! within it thou wilt find a sun. Thus demonstrating the power of the all-knowledge of the Supreme Manifestation of God, concerning the thermonuclear power of the sun being contained in the smallest of particles, the atom. And again Bahaullah so clearly predicted, that the day is fast approaching when the flame [thermonuclear] of a civilization carried to the excess will devour the cities. (GPB, p. 218) Now at this time, this great force, unleashed in the hands of political and greedy men, in wars fought over religion and oil, still stands as the greatest threat to human life on this planet. The Guardian of the Bahai Faith, Shoghi Effendi, in 1954, has thus clearly and urgently warned all the people of the world and especially those chosen few living within the United States of America: Bahais must have a new way of life. They need to be different from other people. They must be distinguished. The more distinguished, the more they will attract people. The greater the distinction, the greater the attraction. They must read the Tablets of the Covenant of Abdul-Baha (Will and Testament of Abdul-Baha) and study the Text of the Teaching (the Book of the Covenant of Bahaullah, the Kitab-i-Ahd). It is not enough to be good and kind and to lead a religious life today; it does not count for much unless one accepts the Manifestation of God and His Covenant, and the successors named therein. If one has heard of Him; it is almost wasted. One must accept the Manifestation in His day. If one has not heard of Bahaullah, they are not to blame; the blame lies with the Bahais. If the Bahais fail to teach the Faith, the people who do not hear of the Faith are not to blame. The blame lies with the Bahais. The young people must disperse far away, the old ones to outlying places; they must settle goal cities. Sell your property and pioneer! The young people of America should go out into the country on farms and work with their hands and produce food for their families. The cycle of six thousand years of city building has come to an end, and now we will have a new pattern starting with villages, etc. Material civilization is becoming like the ancient city of Babylon, and it must be destroyed. Americans are exposed to great dangers. Today the power of America is in the hands of the masses. There is a terrific power in the press, and the people are swayed by it. The United States, on a national scale, sets the pattern for an international pattern. There will be a World Civil War, followed by the establishment of a world state; all the nations will be a part of it and will have to conform to it. This war has already started... Mankind cannot be purified and cleansed without suffering. It is positively dangerous to live in cities. The cities are doomed. They will go up in smoke. They will evaporate. The Bahais must disperse from the cities...why do they not disperse? If they do not respond and disperse, they will suffer spiritually, materially, and physically. In America the destruction will be great! They must disperse for their own protection. The cities are doomed: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles... America will become the storm center of the future. Those with independent means must pack up and go. Those with spirit must pack up and go. There must be a mass response. I can warn them, but I cannot make them go. The Cause will triumph in spite of the actions and inactivity of the believers. If one country falls down, another will make up for it. The Bahais have been given the method. Now they must have the spirit. It is hopeless for capable teachers in the cities (the people will not listen). The friends are calculating too much, and there is too much emphasis on nonessentials. People are flocking to churches through fear. Americans must have a totally new way of life, become a race of wholly devoted souls, devoted to God and His ways. They must get to a simpler way of life. The standards of America must be lowered, have fewer luxuries. Americans do not have enough belief in God, not enough detachment. They must be more spiritual, disencumber themselves from things, have Bahai standards, not American standards. Americans are too materialistic, too mechanized, too attached to family, health, and death. There must be less materialism, less intellectualism, and more spirit. America is the most disturbed nation, politically, on earth. There is too much organization in America and too little spirit. Reflections such as these should steel the resolve of the entire Bahai community, should dissipate their forebodings, and arose them TO REDEDICATE THEMSELVES TO EVERY SINGLE PROVISION OF THAT DIVINE CHARTER-the sacred Will and Testament-whose outline has been delineated for them by the pen of Abdul-Baha. (Shoghi Effendi, Advent of Divine Justice, p. 73) This House of Justice enacteth the laws and the government enforceth them. The legislative body must reinforce the executive, the executive must aid and assist the legislative body so that through the close union and harmony of these two forces, the foundation of fairness and justice may become firm and strong, that all the regions of the world may become even as Paradise itself. (Will and Testament of Abdul-Baha, page 15) This purpose of this article is to introduce the reader and true seeker to the dire consequences that violation of the Covenant of God has upon human affairs both collectively and on an individual level. All present day civilization is the by-product of the mysterious forces of civilization that have been poured forth in the last 6000 years through the 9 Great Revelators of the Adamic cycle. The violation of the Covenant of God, likewise, and mans turning away from Him toward something else, has been the cause of the collapse of society and civilization, which is now seen as endemic in the Western World, now that the Dispensation of Jesus has come to an end with the appearance of the second coming of Christ fulfilled in the person of Bahaullah, the promised Inaugurator and Divine Author of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. It is essential that every pure soul be acquainted with the prophecies of Bahaullah and Abdul-Baha concerning the Global Catastrophe all the people of the world are now suffering within in order that fears and childish or immature concepts should be dispelled and that a mature, spiritual and intellectual understanding of the crises that befalls us all should be inculcated in the minds and hearts of all for the safety, security and salvation of both individual souls of men and the continuing process of the spiritualization of the societies and countries of this terrestrial world. This article only scratches the surface of these concepts: Kingdom and Catastrophe. It is our hope that it will shed more light and insight of individuals already awake to this reality from God, on the warnings and prophecies given in all the holy books and scriptures of the prophets of every people and passed generation and dispensation. Only through the perspective of understanding of how prophecy has already been fulfilled, are we able to fully develop our inner faculties to comprehend according to our capacity the onrushing fulfillment of prophecies still yet to be. Every prophecy is a promise. And God never makes a promise but that he keeps it I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 13:57:57 +0000

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