NATIONAL RESTORATION PARTY PRESS STATEMENT GIVE US CONSTITUTION, STOP THE DRAMA! As NAREP youth league, we are calling on President Sata and the PF to give Zambians the constitution that rightfully belongs to them. One important point to note is that, the PF administration is the reason behind the drama surrounding the constitution. If the PF had given Zambians a new constitution as they had promised, then the country wouldn’t have been witnessing the drama of youths wanting to go to parliament to protest, police being deployed at parliament to keep calm when in fact there is no violence and politicians now accusing each other of having a hand in the delay of the release of the constitution. It is sad that the PF has now turned Zambia into a playing ground. The PF won the 2011 elections because Zambians listened to them whilst they were in opposition. And now that they are in the ruling, it is time for the PF to listen to the demands and cries of the Zambian people because if they continue to turn a deaf ear to the people that put them in power, they will find themselves back in the opposition. We are calling on the PF to allow the release of the constitution so that it can be given simultaneously to both President Sata and the people. We the youths of NAREP do not want any anarchy in the country; all we want is a constitution that will stand the taste of time. Wilson Banda Chairman NAREP Youth League 5th March 2014
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:24:17 +0000

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