NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK COMMITTEE – Urgent Alert Requiring - TopicsExpress


NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK COMMITTEE – Urgent Alert Requiring Action: 11/10/13 - Barack Obama is seething with anger after concerned citizens like you won the first battle in his war to pack the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Last week, thanks to your pressure, the Senate voted not to cut off debate on the first of Obamas three nominees to the nations second most powerful court. And just as I predicted, it didnt take long for Big Labors pet politicians to call for blowing up the whole system. Round two of this fight is going to happen as soon as the Senate returns this week, according to sources in the Capitol. This time union-label Senator Patrick Leahy predicts there will be almost insurmountable pressure on the Senate to pull the so-called nuclear option, breaking the rules to do away with the filibuster. Make no mistake, this is all about Barack Obama seeking revenge against the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals for rebuking his unconstitutional recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The worst may be yet to come from his radical NLRB -- and the last thing Obama wants is an independent court that will check the Obama Administrations power. But we cant forget what -- or who -- got us into this position. It was just a few months ago that Republican Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander cut a deal with Harry Reid the last time he threatened to pull the so-called nuclear option and gut the filibuster. You see, Harry Reid didnt pay a political price the last time he made these threats. Reid, Obama, and Big Labor got exactly what they wanted: A fully-stocked NLRB that will rubber-stamp everything on Big Labors wish list. We cant let them do to the courts what theyve done to the federal bureaucracy. First the Executive Branch. Then the courts. If they get away with it, next time theyll try to end minority rights in the Senate for good by gutting the filibuster for all legislation. Over and over again since our founding, the National Right to Work Committee and our members have used the Senate filibuster to keep Big Labor from stealing even more destructive monopoly power. One by one, Big Labor and their pet politicians will bring back the power grabs that would have been law but for the filibuster: *** The Card Check Forced Unionism Bill, which would eliminate secret-ballot elections in union organizing campaigns; *** The Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill that could force union monopoly bargaining on state and local police and firefighters; *** Repeal of Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act, wiping out all state Right to Work laws at once. Thats why we cant afford another deal. Its an encouraging sign that Reid lost the first vote in Obamas court-packing scheme. But he hasnt yet twisted the arms of his fellow Senators like he did over the summer. Thats why its absolutely critical you click here to authorize your FREE Action Fax urging your Senators to oppose Obama’s court-packing scheme:
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:53:02 +0000

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