NATIONAL YOUTH EMPOWERMENT AGENCY (NYEA) RESPONSE ON THE ABUJA STAMPEDE OF15TH MARCH 2014. To President Goodluck E. Jonathan, As Nigerians now know, on Saturday March 15, 2014, hundreds of thousands of university-educated young Nigerian job applicants responded to officially-sanctioned offer of job interview with the Nigerian Immigration Services (NIS). And as the World witnessed on that day, many of those young Nigerians died at various venues because NIS officials unsympathetically and negligently failed to provide the basic amenities for the promised interviews. At least 20 deaths have been recorded and scores of those job applicants are still nursing injuries as the nation and the world watch in horror and mourn in anguish for the needless loss of lives. Sadly, now over two weeks after this globally-witnessed and nationally-embarrassing display of official cold-hardheartedness, no Nigerian public official has been brought to book, none called to account, sacked, suspended or asked to resign. Hundreds of thousands of Nigerian youths, senior citizens, Civic Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and well-meaning observers have called for official inquiry at the highest levels of government. Even Senators and members of the House of Representatives have pledged to look into what really happened. For the avoidance of doubt, National Youth Empowerment Agency (NYEA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the needless loss of young Nigerian lives at the Nigerian Immigration Services Recruitment Centers. We support the call by various individuals, Civic Organizations, NGO’s and International Organization for a full scale investigation into the job recruitment disaster. We specifically demand that the Presidency launch its own investigation into this catastrophic incident that has further tarnished the image of Nigeria. The National Youth Empowerment Agency (NYEA) has worked patriotically, passionately and conscientiously with the Nigerian Presidency to Empower the Youths of Nigeria in support of the Unity, Peaceful Co-existence and stability of Nigeria. Through Youth Training and structural Skills Acquisition Programs for Youth Self Employment and reliant, NYEA has been at the vanguard of Youth Empowerment by reducing idleness and joblessness. The Directors, Management and Officers of NYEA have faithfully supported the Presidency while maintaining Neutrality on issues of National Security, Partisan alignments and Political Leadership. Further, please be advised that: 1. NYEA is one of the largest Civic Youth Empowerment Organizations in the Country and maintains active Membership participation in thirty-three (33) States of the Federation. 2. NYEA has over 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Members in 33 States of the Federation and an additional 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand) Affiliated Youths. 3. Though politically Neutral, NYEA patriotically supports all Constituted Nigerian Authorities at National and State levels as a Core requirement of participation. 4. Though NYEA partners with the Nigerian Presidency for Youth Empowerment we have noted with dismay that, the Presidency has not responded to our FIVE previous mails despite the excellent relationship established over many years and mutually cooperating events. 5. NYEA Directors and Management have been assisting President Jonathan’s Administration even from when he was Vice President. Human life is paramount and Nigeria is a tradition-bound society that supports a culture of life. That is why we are perplexed that matters pertaining to the death of these job applicants have not received due process and the weight of Presidential-level Inquiry that it deserves. Sir, it is our patriotic and humanistic duty to inform you that frustration and tempers are running high. While we do not threaten violence, it must be understood that we may be compelled to let loose these over 100,000 Youth members and 150,000 Affiliated members under our control. We managed to stall Demonstration Immediately after the incident, but we may not be able to hold it if this matter is swept under the carpet.. 1. With the job crises in Nigeria it was clearly foreseeable that thousands would apply for the few available jobs tendered by NIS. 2. That a poorly organized test and inadequate facilities for hundreds of thousands of job seekers across Nation could lead to rush and stampede was also predictable. 3. That security operatives sporadically shot at suffocating job applicants rather than help them was beyond the balance of moral explanation. Sir, NYEA is mindful of the pressures on the President’s time. For instance, NYEA notes with encouragement that President Jonathan summoned Interior Minister Abba Moro, and NIS Comptroller General Mr David Parradang, over the recruitment disaster. But this nationwide catastrophic negligence and the resulting national disaster called for a firm Presidential response. Therefore, we demand: 1. Immediate appointment of an Independent Commission of Inquiry by the Presidency to look into the remote and immediate causes of this job recruitment disaster. 2. Recommendations and parameters to be outlined for training for future crowd control to ensure that this never happens again 3. A Disaster Assessment Report to be issued in simple language with a full accounting and direct apportionment of official blame without cover-up and equivocating language. 4. A refund to each job applicant of the =N1000 that was arbitrarily fleeced from them 5. A public apology from Interior Minister, Mr Moro for publicly and insensitively blaming the victims for their own death rather than blame official negligence of NIS officials, and 6. Dismissal of high level Ministry of Interior and Nigerian Immigration Services officials. Finally, we would be grateful that a direct line of communication is opened between NYEA and the Presidency through the office of the Newly appointed Chief of Staff without Reference to any other unnecessary Bureaucracy. And we further re-iterate our request to have an audience with Mr President, where we can display the details of our programs and projects for implementation. Thank you Sir. Dr. Austin Okotie Director-General NYEA
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:36:31 +0000

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