NATO has fundamentally changed their military assessment of the - TopicsExpress


NATO has fundamentally changed their military assessment of the situation in the Eastern Ukrain: The military conflict for Kiev is already lost, noted a senior NATO General. Spiegel are still promoting involvement of the Russians even quoting Ukraine that a Russian tank battalion were involved at Lugansk Airport. Of course no one has supplied any verifiable photographic evidence & eyewitnesses discount these accusations. What is interesting about this article: Kiev had hoped for a quick & decisive victory. I think this is representative of the degree to which Ukraine has adopted their US mentors underestimation of opposition & overestimation of their own abilities. We have seen this inflated military ego expressed time & time again by the US: As the generals of the Alliance met late last week for an emergency meeting on the situation of the military of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, they drew a gloomy picture. Military conflict for Kiev is already lost, noted a senior NATO General. The verdict was that Poroshenko had one option: only negotiations, to withdraw his men alive from the clamp of the Russians. The secret meeting held behind closed doors were far more dramatic than the few pictures that NATO published mid-week. On large maps Russian units were marked with thick arrows, coming from the North, the West and the South on the border of Eastern Ukraine - at least 20 battalions, including Scouts of NATO, with at least 500 men and heavy guns. The new front in the South near the city of Mariupol was of special concern to NATO military. Moscow could use the troops to fight a land connection to the Crimea - and consolidate so the peoples illegal annexation of the peninsula. Also the Ukraine lost virtually complete control of the eastern border of their own. On the other side of the border the situation looks a lot better. Ukrainian units have encircled and virtually cut off freedom of movement by separatists and Russian soldiers with heavy artillery. Great success in early August - then the setbacks Kiev had made massive military successes in the first week of August and almost included the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk. In Kiev, many had hoped for a quick and decisive victory. Russia increased its military assistance to its affiliates. An offensive of the pro-Russian fighters drove back Kiev military. Since then, it is one setback after another for Kiev. On Monday Ukrainian units withdrew after heavy bombardment of the airport of Luhansk. According to Ukrainian, a Russian tank battalion was involved in taking. For the first time, the separatists took control of an airport. In Kiev, the fear that Moscow could support the rebels now with air support is growing.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:54:35 +0000

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