NATURE PROCLAIMS GODS EXISTENCE: In Gods compassion for mankind, - TopicsExpress


NATURE PROCLAIMS GODS EXISTENCE: In Gods compassion for mankind, He did not hide the truth of His existence from anyone.The word says that God reveals Himself to all people.(See Romans 1:19-20). People who now claim to be atheists will one day stand defenseless before the Lord,because God speaks to everyone through his handiworks.Even people living outside the will of God perceive right from wrong and the reality of God,because nature itself testifies of Gods power and divine plan. Psalm 19:1-4 says: The heavens declare the glory of God,and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork,day after day pours forth speech,night afternight shows forth knowledge.There is no speech nor spoken word(from the stars):their voice is not heard,yet their voice(in evidence) goes out all through the earth,their sayings to the end of the world.Of the heavens has God made a tent for the sun. I encourage you to take time to look at what God has created. The main thing God says to us through nature is that He is.Period.It is an important revelation because the Bible says that before we can get anywhere with God,we must first believe that he is: Without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him.For whoever would come near to God must(necessarily)believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out(Hebrew 11:6). God has given every person a measure of faith to believe in Him(see Romans12vs3).The very first words of the bible are our first lesson of faith, In the begining God.... Many people acknowledge that God exists,but they have not learned to relate to Him on a day-to-day level when they face struggle or difficulties.By grace,God tries to reach us everyday,and he places reminder of Him everywhere. He leaves clues of Himself all around us,clues that belloe out clearly, I am here. You dont have to live in fear, you dont have to worry, I am here Jesus said to consider the lilies of the field(matthew 6:28) and the ravens of the air(luke12:24). Meditating on how God adorns the fields and provides for the birds can remind us that He cares more for us. A nice walk outdoors is a great opportunity to take a short vacation from the pressures of daily living and look at the trees,the birds,the flowers,and the children playing. How can anyone look at a baby and doubt Gods existence? When we consider how some trees look totally dead in the dry season and yet come back to life each wet season,it reminds us that God will bring our lives back into full bloom even if we feel our circumstances are hopeless. We can look at a tree and think,last dry season it looked barren,but now it flourishes. Every morning the sun comes up,and every evening it goes down.The stars come out in the sky,and the universe remains in order as a reminder that God is watching over us.He keeps the planets in orbit,and He can keep our lives in order too. The ocean is so amazingly massive,and yet the mighty raoring waves stop at a certain place because God has commanded them to go no farther(proverb8:29). Think of all the different animals and how God has given each one of them a way to protect themselves. There are some that change color to match their environment when danger is near,and others that spew forth poison against their attacker. In the book of Job God asked Job, Where is the way where light dwells? And as for darkness,where is it abode? (See job38:19). The point is that we do not know everything there is to know about God;we have not seen where the wind,rain,or lightning is stored.It seems that any reasoning person could be assured of Gods existence by simply being in and seeing nature,and yet there are those who persist in unbelief. Nature is a way by which God communicates to us about His existence and capabilities. Have a nice day pals.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 07:27:16 +0000

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