NAYSAYERS DON´T HEAR, DON´T SEE, DON´T UNDERSTAND, DON´T KNOW GOD! FIX YOUR EYES UNTO JESUS, SAINTS! The naysayers don´t have a direct contact with God, that´s why they talk like the world talks! They don´t see God! They don´t understand God! They don´t know God! Don´t listen to anyone´s negative words you hear! Simply focus on God´s Words in your heart! If we won´t know & experience pain out of unbearable problems personally & don´t get the feel of the real thing in our hearts about the people who are handicapped & families who are suffering, we will never be able to help & comfort any of them when we see one! How could that happen when we don´t know anything? How would we be in the position to pacify & help comfort them in their distress or loss when we never did do know how it is? In my case, God simply gave & still does give me boldness in approaching parents with their handicapped children no matter where & in what situation I will be caught with them. My late daughter Damaris was in a special wheelchair 18 yrs. long & 12 days! Bcoz of her case in my life, God made me able to help thoz who are grieving. God makes me tell them the blessings in disguise they are having through their handicapped children which make them happy. I can go along with the children or any handicapped person very well as God prepared me for the work he planned for me to attend to. Everytime Damaris was confined in the hospitals, God sent me to doctors, nurses, other admitted patients & their families who were helpless & comforted them with the love of God! So, I always told Damaris, "Sweetheart, you are in this hospital for a divine purpose. Now we will both do the commands of God our li´l ways accg. to God´s awesomely amazing ways. I´ll go out & go where the Holy Spirit leads me to while buying your needs." And she would gladly smile. She was used by God in her li´l ways amazingly! Nurses would secretly come & stay longer than usual, saying, "it feels so good when we are in your room with Damaris." One nurse said, "please let me stay longer, for I love hearing about God you always talk about in connection with Damaris´ life & yours. I always look forward to seeing & hearing about God everyday I come to work." Parents & family, keep the children´s hands clasped tightly in yours & assure them God is working miraculously in their lives extraordinarily they can´t understand now...not even you. Yet, deep in your heart, you know there´s that something special in your lives. After Jesus told me to stop giving Damaris all the strong medicines she was taking everyday, like, diazepam (valium), phenobarbital, etc., Jesus healed her instantly I noticed early morning when she woke up! From total blindness she could see a hundred per cent, clozd the deadly hole in her heart without meds & operation, meningitis subsided, epilepsy stopped; she became actively alive & well from total apathy & from being a living dead & a total wreck at that! I asked God much later for Damaris to be able to walk & talk. Know what God answered me? "NO. HER BODY IS WEAK, BUT HER SPIRIT IS WHOLE." So, I gladly thanked him even for that wheelchair-bound body of my baby till a little more than 18 long years. At five-month pregnancy when Damaris was yet conceived, I suddenly got very sick which was seldom in my whole life, for I rarely got severely sick in my life ever! She got affected & was born prematurely at 7 months by caesarian good as dead in my womb for three long days! When she was released from the 6-month stay at the ICU in the hospital, my husband & I attended a Bible Study till late in the evening with her together. A prophesy in a vision was given in the middle of the study which said, "I SEE A BABY CARRIED LOVINGLY WELL PROTECTED IN BOTH HANDS. THIS BABY WILL BE LOVED BY EVERYONE WHO SEES HER." Wherever we went on vacation in some other countries or just at home here in Germany, she was just loved by everyone that people came to Jesus bcoz of her & even cried upon seeing her ´coz she was such a loving child ... extraordinarily friendly & supernaturally lovable! Even on the streets people who passed us by would come back to talk to her, give her a hug or something gladly, saying, "What a child! I love her! She is so lovable!" There were people who said condescending things about her presence, but I didn´t care a bit! I cared for God´s will in our lives, since when Jesus appeared to me in person that night in June 1985, I told him, "From now on 100% of my life is yours. I won´t keep anything for myself anymore. Thy will be done! I don´t care what your will is. Do what you want. If you will take Damaris away from me, even if it hurts, it´s ok for me, Jesus. But if you will leave her with me, then help me through." You brethren who are called by God to serve him his way, just fix your eyes unto Jesus all the time even if you are crying. God will see you through. You will be glorifying the Father & the Son by the Holy Spirit who is in you all the time. Supernatural blessings & more extraordinary favors be poured down like heavy rain upon you all. In prayers of love & care, sister in Jesus Christ the King. Sept. 9, 2013 - Monday 4:53 p.m.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 15:24:49 +0000

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