NC’s policy to malign image of people, institutions of probity: - TopicsExpress


NC’s policy to malign image of people, institutions of probity: Dilawar Mir Srinagar: People Democratic Party (PDP) general secretary Mohammad Dilawar Mir has said that Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has conceded his defeat ahead of the Assembly elections by acknowledging that he is inaugurating half backed projects to deny the new government any chance to inaugurate them. Addressing a well attended meeting of party workers in Chanpora on Sunday evening, Mir said that now it is obvious even to Omar Abdullah that next government is going to be formed by PDP and that is why he is rushing through inauguration of incomplete projects as he did in Chanpora yesterday by opening an incomplete building without any infrastructure in the name of a dispensary. Decrying Omar Abdullah’s question mark on impartiality and objectivity of the Kashmiri press, Mir said Omar’s statement reflects National Conference’s policy to malign the image of Kashmiri people and the institutions of probity in the state. “The National Conference has already labeled Kashmiri people as enemy agents, drug addicts and Maha Chor. Now the NC leadership has started casting aspersions on impartiality of Kashmiri press by labeling it of ‘packaging lies.’ This is highly defamatory and contemptuous statement against the local press that has maintained objectivity and impartiality even in the most pressing circumstances in last over two decades,” Mir opined. The PDP general secretary said that since the NC leadership, the party and the government run by it are all on sale and have a fixed a price for everything from a ration card to a state subject, fixing of a contract or transfer or an employee, they weigh every other institution on a similar line. Mir said National Conference has failed to refrain from its unabated tirade against the people of Kashmir. “Omar’s remarks about MONEY being used to lure voters, has come as an insult to the people of Kashmir. It is most unfortunate that both Dr Farooq and his son Omar Abdullah do not stop making such wild accusations pointing to lack of integrity among the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Does the father and the son mean to say that all Kashmiris are a saleable political COMMODITY ?” Mir asked while seeking an unconditional apology from the chief minister on his remarks against professional ethics of the press in Kashmir. He said that the National Conference leadership’s idea of a free press is praising the NC and they have through the generations tried to browbeat people in opposition and silence the voices of dissent through all means including violence. “In that backdrop there is an obvious threat to media from the ruling party given Omar Abdullah’s insecurities after the Lok Sabah rout and his failures to impress the people with these gimmicks.” The PDP general secretary said that the frustration of National Conference is understandable as its decimation in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections in the state has taken a heavy toll on the logic and sanity of its leadership. Mir also ridiculed Omar’s remarks on PDP-BJP tacit understanding saying that people are aware about the fact that until 1998 BJP was an untouchable party in the country for its sectarian agenda. But, it is the NC with 2/3rd majority and being the only Muslim Majority state in the country that joined NDA to give BJP a respectability that they lacked till then. “NC continues to be in relation with BJP as Omar Abdullah has confessed of giving money to BJP legislators,” Mir said while pointing out to a relationship of reciprocity between NC-BJP in 2009 Rajya Sabha elections and 2011 Legislative Council. “Those who accuse us of having some understanding with BJP should explain to people as to what they were doing in the NDA government,” Mir asked. Addressing the gathering the party candidate for Amirakadal constituency Syed Altaf Bukhari pledged to work for the betterment of people of his constituency. He said the people of Amirakadal constituency have been the worst victim of mis-governance, corruption and administrative inertia under National Conference regime. “This constituency has always been neglected to the hilt by the ruling NC. No infrastructure has been developed in this constituency in last over five and a half years. The developmental scenario of this constituency portrays a grim picture of political ineptitude and administrative lethargy. A visit to Amirakadal gives a feel of an extremely backward and a far lung constituency where an elected representative has been behaving as a political master hardly bothering to uplift his own electorate,” Bukhari observed. On this occasion Amanullah Khan joined the PDP. Khan has contested assembly elections in 2008 from Amirakadal constituency as an independent candidate. He was welcomed by the PDP general secretary into the party fold. Besides, Mir and Bukhari those who addressed the meeting included Abdul Hameed Kosheen state coordination secretary, Haji Parvez Ahmad district coordination secretary, Malik Asif Noor, Anjum Fazili PDP women wing leader, party leaders Mohammad Altaf Dar, Nisar Ahmad, Aijaz Ahmad Rather, Ghulam Mohammad Rah, Shuja Sarwar, Mohammad Ashfaq and Jehangir Ahmad.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:20:26 +0000

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