ND Be Made Equal? Posted by Kehinde Adegbite on April 13, 2012 at - TopicsExpress


ND Be Made Equal? Posted by Kehinde Adegbite on April 13, 2012 at 5:16pm ⁠View Blog . Do you know that the entry level for an HND holder into the Civil Service is Grade Level 7 while a university graduate is taking on GL.8? Do you also know that there are companies that don’t employ HND holders? They often insist on degree. Do you know that the peak for an HND holder in the Civil Service is GL. 14 while his varsity counterpart can rise up to GL. 16? What I have listed above are just few of the disparities between a varsity graduate and an HND holder. I used to hear the complaints of the HND holders from a distance until “a victim” came close to me recently. This “victim”, a young man, is a student of mine in a B.SC programme. He made me know that in his place of work, a federal establishment, the difference between a varsity graduate and a HND holder is much more than grade level. He said an HND graduate who is employed on GL. 07 collects about N75, 000 monthly salary, while his varsity counterpart on GL.8 goes home with N135, 000 every month. What a disparity! Presently, I learnt that a bill is pending before the National Assembly to press for the eradication of dichotomy between these two sets of graduates. But here is my own worry: is the disparity justified or not? If justified, then there are two options: either the situation is left as it is or an upgrade should be done to the quality of HND (i.e Polytechnics) education in Nigeria. This has to be done first before any step is taken to close the gaps in terms of disparity in emoluments and other benefits. On the other hand, where the situation is found unjustifiable then nobody has anything to lose even if the gaps have to be closed with despatch. Feel free to express your view concerning this post. Keep a date with my blog as a follow up is coming on this to examine the genesis and reasons for the disparity between treatment dished out to HND and degree holders.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:37:19 +0000

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