NDC ACTIVISTS CAN KNOCKOUT GHOSTS FROM OUR PAYROLLS Sometimes l get a little worried when we seem to be helpless in the face of simple things that are harming the government and making us unpopular. The wage bill has become so unbearable, compelling the government to put embargo on new recruitment or even replacement. The decision not to employ isnt a pleasant one as it tends to increase unemployment rate in the system and make the duty bearers at the local levels very uncomfortable. Workers who have gone on retirement and those who have either been sacked or resigned, cant be replaced simply because the governments hands are already full. One of the reasons why the wage bill kept on increasing isnt the quantum of money paid to workers but what is paid to nonexistent workers. In recent times, about 4,000 ghost names have been identified and removed and so if the government gets the opportunity to recruit, we know that number can be recruited easily because provisions had been made for them already, albeit, illegally. How many of such ghosts are receiving salaries to date? How come head count upon head counts had been organized but the ghosts die only to re-resurrect and create nightmares for the government financially? Who in the CAGD is the prophet responsible for resurrecting the ghosts and financing their wellbeing in the world of humans when their pepper and salt had already been exhausted? The CAGD is responsible for managing the payroll system in the country and this has been found to be overbloated. How then do we ask the same outfit to investigate their own actions? For me, this is an administrative faux pas! So long as these people want to cover their backs, they will still leave escape roots or channels for manipulating the outcomes. MY SUGGESTION Less than half of the resources for these exercise could be sent to the district assemblies and l tell you we will eventually have better results than we are currently receiving. The best personnel to use under this consideration is a team made up of national service persons and Unemployed Activists of NDC who could be compensated by asking them to give form to the ghosts! Once they know that jobs could be made available when the ghosts are chased out of here, l can bet on my last ghana cedi that the exposures would be mind bugling. I am a DCE but l only read about the CAGDs exercise on the social media. Why are the districts not being brought onboard even if they are not going to be in charge of the exercise? I have decided to experiment something. To send a team of National Service Personnel and party activists to undertake a similar exercise so we can compare and contrast the work of officials from CAGD and those from Local boyz-boyz brigade. If we are able to cover all angles of GES and other sectors, no ghost will dare show their hollow eye sockets at any place in Ghana. Scribed by Comrade Abass Sbaabe ( Nantor Ababana)
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:33:31 +0000

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