NDC AND NPP IDEOLOGICAL BROUHAHA: by Raymond E.Y Nuworkpor Social democracy is defined basically as a political ideology or political regime involving a universal welfare state and collective bargaining schemes within the framework of a capitalist economy. Whiles property owning democracy is a political ideology that believes in establishing a society of opportunities, through facilitation of the widespread of assets and human capital (i.e. creating opportunities for education, training and skills for a pre-generational expansion of access to wealth). Social democrat believes in de redistribution of wealth to the poor mass population through taxation, also common to social democratic ideology is the advocacy of universal social right to attain universally accessible public services such as education, health care, workers’ compensation other services including child care. But on the contrary, property owning democrat aim to prevent a small part of society from controlling the economy, and indirectly political life as well. Property owning democracy political ideology is not about redistribution income to those less well-off through high taxes against the main economic producers but rather by establishing a society of opportunities through the facilitation of the widespread ownership of asset. Is quiet clear that social democracy is not basically referred to being poor and living a low standard life as people have explain it to be. Whiles property owning democracy is also not about selling of state property to cohorts and amassing wealth to the detriment of the citizen. Bringing the two major political parties in Ghana (i.e. NDC and NPP) into focus regarding their development ideologies, the NDC claim their political ideology is rooted in the social-democratic philosophy blended with probity and accountability. Whiles the NPP’s political and socio economic outlook was founded on UGCC’s which sit in property owning democracy thus promotion of private enterprise and enjoyment of unqualified freedom combined with some aspects of socialist’s idea. Now the question that the NDC and the NPP must ponder over is whether they have strictly adhered to the principles and doctrine that underline their developmental ideology when they took over governorship role of the country respectively. In my candid view, I humbly submit that the two major political parties have largely fell to make their development ideology manifest in the governorship of the country. The NDC pride itself as social democrat but unfortunately embark on some policies that hither to contravene the ideology of social democratic. The NDC government privatized a lot of state owned enterprise even some were sold to their party factionaries; also they also adopted a free market approach in the management of the economy under international monetary fund the guidance. Our brothers in NPP pride themselves as property owning democrat with their aim of private enterprise development but what do we see under president Kuffour’s led NPP government, a reckless termination contract that private businesses have with the state. Also the NPP who claim they never believe in the taxation to redistribute income, adopted high taxation policy when they were in power. Selling of state property to party cohorts make a lot of Ghanaians whether the exact developmental ideology the NPP was practicing. In conclusion, I humbly submit that the theories to a large an extent exist in the text books since both parties are not practically entrench on their ideologies, there is a gradual shift to govern with respect to the careful application of both theories. I hereby advocate a “Ghanaian Consensus’ in the area of economic policy thus a situation where both ideologies are blend to extract the best out of it for the betterment of and progressive development of Ghana.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:40:47 +0000

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