NDUNGU WATER PROJECT Water is one of the most powerful ways to - TopicsExpress


NDUNGU WATER PROJECT Water is one of the most powerful ways to improve their health, hygiene, and well-being of any families need water to survive. Ndungu village is situated in the local government Ward of Ndungu Same District in Pangani Basin.The village is a part of Same District council.Its a traditional village of Pare people,although there are also other tribes like Sambaa,Maasai pastoralists and other so many tribes from within the country. Their economics activities depend on agriculture,livestock and trading but majority of them are small scale farmers and agro-pastoralists. This project of water will implemented at Ndungu village and other five villages nearby which is located eastern part of Tanzania but its bordered with Mkomazi game reserve which is about 500 kms from Dar-es-salaam the capital and trading centre city of Tanzania to improve health, sanitation, hygiene, socio-economic and living condition among the beneficiaries local communities. .. At this moment, many communities throughout the areas are suffering needlessly because water is either scarce or polluted or may not exist at all.As a charity organization we believe that when clean, fresh water begins to flow in a community, a whole new life begins – free from the threat of food shortages and the myriad of health related problems associated with hunger. Lack of safe water Simply put cause diseases among them like (typhoid, diarrheal diseases, amoebic dysentery, cholera, and other notoriously virulent diseases) especially during the rainfall seasons due to contaminated water. And for those who survive, without good health, there is little chance for a normal and productive life. Much of the reason is because in rural areas in Tanzania like Ndungu the only water source for people to wash with and drink from is often a badly polluted shallow rivers because both animals and humans use the same water at the river Yongoma. In those areas where there’s actually a stream or river, they’re often polluted as well, because animal and human wastes are emptied directly into it without proper treatment .Mohispac Foundation water’ projects have an immediate life-changing impact, particularly on women and children, who most often have the responsibility of collecting water for the family each day of their lives. Successfully projects utilize water and sanitation as a tool to create sustainable socioeconomic development in these poor rural communities. Their challenges is our challenges too and we believe it is one of our responsibilities to give a voice to the rural poor of Same District and to say: “Yes, everyone deserves the right to safe water.”Every day, thousands of students head for class with no clean water. It simply can’t be found.Without access to water, education is almost impossible. Dirty water leads to a cycle of disease, missed school days, and high drop-out rates – especially for girls in the areas of the project.The project is going to benefit 30,000 extremely poverty people from six villages in Same District.The purpose of this proposal is to help the poor families to get safe drinking water through Construction of Water Pipe Line direct from Yongoma River which is located upward of the mountains at Ndungu village , Construction of Reservoir tank at Kampimbi areas of Ndungu and its distributions to other 5 villages. The availability of safe and clean water will controlled eruption diseases and the standard of living among them will be improved. The project need your kindly support of $300,000 for the project of two years while people will donate their manpower to support the implementation of the project. Nothing changes a community like providing a source of clean water for use. Giving clean water to a poverty stricken community like in Ndungu is just like giving a blood transfusion to a dying man. Clean water and latrines gives people the opportunity and the dignity to lead healthy lives, pursue education, and fulfill their lives to the fullest. This leads to new potential, new hope for a better tomorrow and a new life. We hope that by the end of the project the community around will have an access to clean and safe water to improve their health and their economic position. Any assistance will be gratefully esteemed. RevMakenya MohispacFoundation ExecutiveDirector Email:mmohispacf@yahoo, call+255716876742/758888193 NB:Contact us to view our fully proposal. Further:more visit us at:mohispacfoundationtz.or.tz envaya.org/mof,
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:18:51 +0000

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