NE JOHERA MAG RUMBA RAHA KORO AORO MAE WAPARGO NDALOWA:....PUONJGOURU NYIMINEU OWE MONDEU MOS 12600 Letters - By Franco Luambo Makiadi. CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Nzambe aloba na mokili okoki kobala ndeko na yo te, mutu mosusu akouta mosika akobala ndeko na yo, mpo na nini motungisi na mabala oh? (God has decreed that you can never marry your sister/brother, someone else will come from far and marry your your brother so why are you destabilizing marriages?) Nzambe aloba na mokili bala osala ya yo famille, ndeko na yo ya mwasi akobala akosala ya ye famille, tolingi la paix ezala na famille oh. (God says to the world, take a wife and start your family, Your sister should also take a husband and start her own family, we need peace to be there in families) CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Nalembil yo yo, yo, yo, oh, ngai nabaye nabaye oh yo yo yo oh mpo na nini kaka ngai likambo ya motindo boye? Ngai nabaye nabaye oh yo yo yo yo mpo na nini kaka ngai bandeko? (I am tired, i am tired, oh am tired why is it only me bandeko) CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Bandeko mibali, bandeko basi nzembo oyo eza koyemba mpo nayokaka mingi que soki nayembi nzembo epayi ya bandeko basi bakoloba que nazali kofinga bango mais awa nazwi 12600 lettres ewuti epayi ya basi ya mabala. na ngonga moko moko bokozala koyoka mboka moko moko soki nabandi kotanga minkanda miyango, merci. (My brothers and sisters this song that is playing because i always hear that every time i compose a song that touches on ladies they always complain that i am insulting them but right here i have received 12600 letters (complaints) from married women and soon you will hear from different women from different countries as i start reading them, thank you. CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) minkanda nazwi ewuti na ba maman ya Zaire, naponi monkanda ya citoyenne Mosapi. Citoyenne Mosapi ayibisi boye, uta ye abal azalaki malamu ba basemeki na ye mais sikoyo basemeki babalukila ye balingi lisusu te alambela mobali, bango moko basemeki bakomi kolambela mobali na ye Est-ce que wana ezali malamu? (I have received letters from women of Zaire, i have chosen one written by citizen Mosapi and she says since marriage she has lived peacefully with her brothers sisters but now they have turned against her. They no longer want her to cook for her husband, they now are the ones who cook for her husband so is that proper?) CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Minkanda nazwi ya basi ya mabala ya Congo Brazzaville, naponi ya madame Bikuma. Madame Bikuma ayebisi boye uta ye abala chance ezali te mpo akoka kobota, mobali asali nyso moyen kaka te, mais basemeki musala kofingaka ye que ye musala kotambola na voiture, kolata ba bijous mais abondeli mobali abala mwasi mosusu akoka kobota ye moyen eza te. (I have also received letters from women of congo brazzaville, i have chosen one by Madame Ikuma and she says since she got married she has not been able to have a baby the husband has tried everything in vain but the husbands sisters are always on her neck insulting her saying You instead of giving us children you are just driving around, and putting on jewellery But she has pleaded with her husband to take a second wife who can give him children because she is unable to) CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Minkanda nazwi ewuti epayi ya basi ya mabala ya Gabon, Naponi monkanda ya madame Iyeku, ayebisi boye, Semeki na ye mokolo mosusu akeyi kofinga baboti na ye est-ce que nalingi nayeba, ngai muto nabalana na ndeko naye to baboti na ngai bato babala ndeko na ye? Soki alingi kofinga aya kofinga ngai mutu nazali epayi ya ndeko na ye, Cest tous! (I have received letters from married women of Gabon and chosen one from madame Iyeku, she says one day her husbands sister went to insult her parents, and she is asking Am i who is married to her brother or my parents who are married to her brother? If she is in insulting mood let her come and insult me who lives with her brother, that is all) CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Minkanda nazwi ya basi ya mabala na mboka Cameroun, Naponi munkanda ya madame Obima, madame Obima ayebisi boye semeki na ngai soki ayoki ata likambo au lieu aya kotuna ngai na malembe na ndako akoya kaka abandi kotomboka kofinga ngai devant bana, bana basi bakoli! Akofinga ngai, bato nyoso bayokaka ndenge akofinga ngai mpo te ngai nazali mwasi ya ndeko na ye? ( I have received letters from married women of Cameroun and i have chosen one by madame Obima and this is what she says My husbands sister if she hears anything instead of coming to ask me diplomatically in my house, she will just come in public and explode insulting me in front of children, my daughters are now grown ups. She will continue insulting me for all to hear just because i am her brothers wife? CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Minkanda nazwi ya basi ya mabala na mboka Togo naponi monkanda ya citoyenne Afya ye ayebisi boye, mobali apesa ye mbongo asalaka mombongo azwa mesa na zando ya Lome, kuna soki azali koteka bilamba ba semeki na ye bakoya kodefa bilamba mais ntango ya kofuta balingi kofuta te, Reponse na bango? Ezali mbongo ya ndeko na bango! (I have received letters from married women of Togo i have chosen one by citizen Afya and she says her husband gave her money to start a business and she took up a stall at Lome market while selling clothes her husbands sisters come and borrow clothes but when time comes for them to pay they refuse and when she inquires why they answer that it is their brothers money after all!) CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Bino bandeko basi manso oyo nawuti koyemba awa esi esalama, esalamaka mpe ezali kosalama mais boyeba que bozali kopesa mpasi na bandeko na bino ya mibali. Akokende mosala azali kokanisa, alinga ndeko to alinga mwasi mais je crois entre la femme et la soeur le choix est claire nest-ce pas? ( You sisters all that i have just sang here has already happened, happens and is happening, but you should know that you are making your brothers sad, whenever he is at work he is confused between the wife and the sister whom should he love, but the choice is clear isnt it? CHORUS X 2 Bandeko ya basi yo yo yo balingaka basi ya bandeko mibali te mpo na nini oh yo yo yo (Our sisters always dont like our wives, but why?) Ngai nalembi yo yo yo yo yo Nakoya kosimba courant ngai nakufa(I am tired Iwill commit suicide by electrocuting myself)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:29:13 +0000

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