NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE (NDE) TRAINING VIDEO FOR DOCTORS & NURSES This is a trailer for a training video created by the International Association For Near-Death Studies (IANDS) for health care professionals to learn 1) How to recognize a patients NDE, 2) How to respond to it, and 3) Important knowledge about NDEs that will help both the patient and the doctor or nurse. Imagine being a patient who has had a near-death experience and has no reference from which to process it. This video training offered by IANDS for $39.95 can help doctors and nurses know how to help these people. I think this is a brilliant idea that should be shared with as many health care professionals as possible. Wouldnt it be great if every hospital and doctors office had one? ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV afterlifetv The IANDS website adds: The purpose of the NDE Training Video is not only to educate medical professionals about what an NDE is, but also to help them see that NDEs are fairly common and that they may need to set aside their own reactions and beliefs to assist their patients...This training video shifts the emphasis to patient care, with NDEs presented as normal human experiences, which must be treated in the larger context of patient needs...In addition the video provides medical professionals with a response protocol for dealing with patients who have had NDEs. They will know what questions to ask and where to refer patients for more help. To purchase the video visit: Special thanks to David Sunfellow NHNE Near-Death Network for making me aware of this in his wonderful newsletter: ............................................................................. Bob Olson hosts Afterlife TV afterlifetv Bobs other sites include: Best Psychic Directory: BestPsychicDirectory Instant Psychic & Medium Readings: bestpsychicdirectory/instantreadings.php Best Psychic Mediums: BestPsychicMediums JOIN Afterlife TVs EMAIL LIST: afterlifetv.us1.list-manage/subscribe?u=3368933498150b34e1d03aff0&id=7372a7d965
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 22:20:35 +0000

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