NECO MATHEMATICS SOLUTION. YOU NEED TO KNOW THESE MATHS SYMBOLS.. IF FOR EXAMPLE I SEND ANSWERS TO YOU AS TEXT/POST . BUT Remeber,maths subscribtion is 700MTN TO 07031171393 from 7am to 9:30am. You can also call me. READ DOWN AND MASTER IT NOW 1) ,(comma) means next line. 2)*=multiplication sign. 3)figures after any alphabet or closed bracket means superscript or raised to power eg (i)4x3 means 4x raised to power 3.(ii)(2x y)2 means (2x y)raised to power two. 4)P also means raised to power eg 10P6 means10 raised to power six. 5)log3(base 4) ..Note:the base must be SUBSCRIPT . 6)x bar = mean symbol 7)Pie = pie symbol eg Area of a circle is (Pier2). Tita = angle symbol eg Sin(tita). / means ÷ → * means X → tita means θ → rais means x4 → ^ means raise to power → cube rut e.g 3√27 → squar root means √ → ----(1) means equation 1 → bar means [color=#ff0000] ¯¯e.g xbar = x¯¯ → comma means NEXT LINE(e.g) x : 1,2,3 fx : 4,5,6 fx-xbar : 7,8,9 x|fx |x¯¯| 1| 4 | 7 | 2| 5 | 8 | 3| 6 | 9 |or thisTHIS MEANS THAT THE FOLLOWING NUMBER IS UNDER THE NUMBER IT ISFOLLOWING i.e UNDER. It is usually used during STATISTICS when drawing a table.EXAMPLE 1. X:1,2,3,4,5,6 FX: 4,6,8,10,12 FX-Xbar: 10,8,6,4,2,1 DRAW A TABLE WITH X| FX|(FX-Xbar) The above statement means that: ~For X, it has 1 2 3 4 5 6 under it.which means 1 is under 2, 2 is under 1, 3 is under 2, 4 is under 3 and so on... ~Under FX you have 4, then 6 under 4, then 8 under 6,then 10 under 8, then 12 under 10..... ~Under FX-Xbar you have 10, then 8 under 10, then 6 under 8, then 4 under 6,then 2 under 4, then 1 under 2... ALL SUBSCRIBERS WIL GET DA ANS BEFORE EXAM START. Posted By Astute-Marvis.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:08:53 +0000

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