NEED A PICK ME UP?? READ THIS ABOUT MY LITTLE ANGEL, ABIGAIL. DONT MISS THIS ONE. Written by Songs for Sound Founder: Jaime Vernon Let me tell you a story about a little girl named ABIGAIL who changed my life. One day, Lexi was within her 1st year of hearing, one of her little parts wasnt working. I had a tough morning and was disgruntled. Woe is me! I had to go switch out a part so Lexi could hear! I worked at Vanderbilt at the time, and even though it was a very convenient 3 block walk to Audiology at the Bill Wilkerson Bldg, I was still... WOE IS ME. I have to do this right now during my busy day? However, whenever I would enter the 9th floor of Audiology, I would peruse the room to be any sort of advocate for any parents embarking on the same journey as us. I turned around and saw this little blonde angel across the room. She was tiny, had her head on her mommys shoulder, and I could see it.. a WHITE COCHLEAR IMPLANT Processor (the outer part). OF COURSE, I walked over and began to chat with her mommy. As her mom turned around, it was that moment, I saw these crystal blue eyes on Abigail. Then I saw her stare off in the distance. Yes, Abigail is deaf, but she is also blind. AS I type this, I still get overwhelmed and can remember that day like it was yesterday. Poor me...poor me??? ABIGAIL CHANGED MY LIFE. I listened to her mommy telling me ALL THE MILESTONES SHE WAS ABLE TO OVERCOME BECAUSE HER HEARING WAS RESTORED. I listened as she told me that, somehow, some way....her VISION improved after her COCHLEAR IMPLANT SURGERY. How no doctor could medically explain it. However, she can track her mom 20 feet across a room now...which only validates what she is hearing! And so, I want you to meet a little girl who is now walking, talking and SEIZING this life God has given her. MEET ABIGAIL---three years ago when my friends Jay Sottolano & Pam Sottolano were so kind to come into Nashville and do a video shoot of our families! https://youtube/watch?v=iBGCxcPtGuw&list=UUlor0DyqCtkjZlW5S-qpPmw
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:46:49 +0000

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