NEF Cannot Dictate To Northern Governors Over Jonathan’s - TopicsExpress


NEF Cannot Dictate To Northern Governors Over Jonathan’s Re-election – Onuesoke Northern Elders Forum (NEF) and its leader, Professor Ango-Abdullahi has no right to decide for governors from the region on the issue of President Goodluck Jonathan’s re-election in 2015, argues Chief Sunny Onuesoke, Delta State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirant in 2007 general elections. In a reaction to the statement credited to the Secretary of NEF, Abdullahi, who said northern governors should be bold to tell Jonathan that he has no right to contest election in 2015 based on a purported agreement on rotation, Onuesoke reminded Abdullahi that the current dispensation was democratic and as such he had no right to speak for anyone. “Ango-Abdullahi should tell us the reason he wants northern governors to tell Jonathan that he has no right to contest 2015 election? “Ango-Abdullahi could tell his brothers in the opposition that their political times have expired. Their offsprings shall serve their tenure in 2037. Before then every other zone would have served its own term because we all are one Nigeria,” Onuesoke said. The former governorship aspirant had earlier in the year picked up issues with Anglo Abdullahi, whom he said has been beating drums of war despite the fact that Jonathan had not declared his intention to run for re-election. “Even if Goodluck Jonathan does not want to run before, for the fact that the northerners are making it to look as if they are the owner of this country by their utterances, the president must run whether he likes it or not. We southerners are waiting for the war drums the northerners are beating. “They are surprised by Jonathan’s achievements and know that majority of Nigerians would want Goodluck to remain till 2019. That is why the are beating the drums of war to destabilize the election. I have always told them to wait for their turn because after South- south, South-east, it will be the turn of Middle-Belt before it will gets to the North,” Onuesoke had disclosed.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:02:56 +0000

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