NEGROLAND WEST AFRICA: AFRICAN HEBREW EMPIRES 300AD-1492AD For generations the offspring of the First slaves From Africa to arrive in America and other corners of the Earth. Have walked in darkness cloaked with Mystery as to whom they are as a people Culturally,Ethnically and Spiritually. Hunted captured and exported to a land far from what was known as home. To arrive upon the shores of strange lands governed and ruled by strange cruel people of foreign languages (Deuteronomy 28:49-50). Estranged and discontinued from countless centuries of folktales rituals and spiritual customs passed down from elders and Noblemen (Jeremiah 17:4). In these lands they served hard bondage, both of physical spiritual and mental oppression. Now the day has come where we will began to return to our heritage whence we lost. Lets take a journal back some 400-600 yrs, where were we ? I present you the answer. According to the legend of Ouagadou, the black Jews empire of Ghana was created by Syrian Jews Fleeing from Persecution in the Second Century AD Negroland or Nigritia, was a term invented and used by Europeans in colonial times, for an inland region in West African an area described as populated with Negro people. The term Nigritia was used in 1823 to describe the region by Mercators Chart. This area comprised at least the western part of the region called Sudan (not to be confused with the modern country). With regards to the name Sudan, originally it comes from the term`Bilad -al- Sudan` which means “Land of Blacks”. So the term is a mere derivation from the Arabic word ` Sauod` meaning ‘Blacks’ as an indication to the skin colour of the inhabitants living in the region. The term is said to be used by Arab travelers, geographers and historians who first wrote the history of the region in the 9th century AD. This region (Western Sudan) was Home to number of great Kingdoms, City states and Empires. One being the Za Dynasty in Kukiya c.AD 690 - 800. Oral and written history attest to the Founder of this Dynasty being A Jew From Yemen named Za or sometime Ja/ Da Alayaman. Al-Sadis seventeenth century historian, considers this to be the Foundation of the Songhai Empire c.AD 7th Century. There were fourteen Za dynasty rulers in the early period of Songhai history. The Songhai state has existed in one form or another for over a thousand years, from the first settlement in Gao on the eastern edge of the Mali empire, under which it was a semi-vassal status, through to its continuation in Niger as the Dendi empire. Situated in modern Mali in an area called Western Sudan (not to be confused with the country of the same name), the Songhai empire was founded as a small state centred on Gao in circa 700 by Songhai Berbers on the Middle Niger, but it didnt become an empire until the fifteenth century, and reached the height of its power by around 1500, by which time it was the one of the largest African empires in terms of territory, stretching almost the entire length of the River Niger. Sunni Ali Ber Songhais Last Israelite Ruler Also known as: Sunni Ali Kolon Sunni Ali Ber; Sonni Ali; Ali the Great; Born: fl. 15th century CE Died: 1492 Occupation: ruler of the Songhai Empire, ca. 1464–1492 From: Encyclopedia of African History and Culture: African Kingdoms (500 to 1500), vol. 2. Sunni Ali built the kingdom of Gao into the powerful Songhai Empire. He ruled from ca. 1464 to 1492. Sunni Alis place in life began as a matter of chance. Two of the wives of his father, Za Yasiboi, gave birth on the same night. As was custom, the infants were not bathed until the light of the next day. Sunni Ali was the first infant to be washed, thereby gaining the rights of the eldest child. At some point in his youth he was taken to the Mali Empire, apparently as a hostage. In 1464 he returned to the Songhai Empire as its ruler, initiating a period of great expansion for the kingdom. A member of the Muslim Sunni ruling dynasty of the kingdom of Gao, in the western Sudan, Sunni Ali was a good administrator. Backed by a strong cavalry and an organized fleet of ships to take control of the Niger River, he began to expand his native kingdom, filling the power vacuum left by the declining Mali empire. A great conqueror with a brilliant military mind, Sunni Ali also was a ruthless despot. His reign was marked by a series of military campaigns as he expanded the Songhai Empire and united the western Sudan. In the meantime he also fended off incursions by the neighboring Tuaregs and Mossi and Fulani peoples. He repulsed the Mossi in large part because of his strategic cavalry maneuvers. The Fulani Dendi region also fell to him. In 1468 people of the prosperous Sudanese trading center of Timbuktu asked for Sunni Alis help in overthrowing the oppressive Tuareg Chief Akil. Ali took advantage of the opportunity to add Timbuktu to his growing empire. The citys residents found out too late that Alis rule would prove to be even more oppressive than Akils. In the process of liberating the city, Sunni Ali displayed a tyrannical nature, killing many of the Muslim residents who failed to fully support his efforts against the Tuaregs. In 1473 Sunni Ali took the important merchant city of Jenne, located at the junction of the Bani and Niger rivers, after a protracted battle that, according to Arab histories of the region, lasted more than seven years. Sunni Ali continued to expand and strengthen his empire, failing only in his attempts to subjugate the Mossi people to the south of Gao. In 1492 Sunni Ali died, apparently by drowning, under uncertain circumstances. At the time of his death the Songhai Empire was the largest in West Africa. The Jew A Negro by Arthur Talmage Abernethy Dixie Publishing Company, 1910 - African Americans - Author, who has already shown the reckless intermarriage of the Jews with the Egyptians, that in so doing they laid the early racial foundations for the NegroJudean peoples whom we so readily receive among us as merchant princes, social leaders and financiers, yet who, if history is to be believed, are as much the offspring of the early Negroes as the less fortunate man of color who is compelled to bear the humbler burdens of our day(Slavery). To those who would discountenance these deductions the Author would say that the ancient Nigritia was but a part of the modern Negroland, as we know that in early times the Negroes (Nigritiae) went by the general name of Ethiopians. Various historical records attest to their presence at one time in the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires, then called the Bilad as-Sudan from the Arabic meaning Land of the Blacks. Jews from Spain, Portugal, and Morocco in later years also formed communities off the coast of Senegal and on the Islands of Cape Verde. These communities continued to exist for hundreds of year but have since disappeared due to changing social conditions, migration, and the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. see Sources: *Dubois, Felix (1896), Timbuctoo the mysterious *Tarikh al-fattash, by Mahmoud Kati ben El-Hajj El Motaoukkal Kati, 1657, *Jews of a Saharan Oasis: Elimination of the Tamantit Community, Markus Wiener Publishers, Princeton, New Jersey, 2006, by John Hunwick *Primak, Karen. Jews in Places You Never Thought of. Ktav Publishing. ISBN 0-88125-608-0. *Jews in Cape Verde and on the Guinea Coast, Paper presented at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, February 11, 1996, by Richard Lobban * Encyclopedia of African History and Culture: African Kingdoms (500 to 1500), vol. 2. The Jews of Timbuktu, by Rick Gold, Washington Jewish Week, December 30, 1999
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:17:49 +0000

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