NEIGHBOURLY PSEUDO-SPIRITUAL DELUSION When failure stirrs one in - TopicsExpress


NEIGHBOURLY PSEUDO-SPIRITUAL DELUSION When failure stirrs one in the face, the search for the reason or cause of failure starts. This is where anger/aggression/defeat finds its base. Naturally, there must be a reason. For those who patronise mallams, imams, men of God (gods), pastors, reverends, seers or native doctors for divination, their reason is always there - neighbour. The search is always myopic and foolish. You see, that is why defeat is not far from those who suffer from this delusion. It has nothing to do with religion or strength of faith. In fact, where faith is professed without a solid foundation, such a soul is more opened to this delusion as it is constantly the case. My neighbour is this, my neighbour is that. That neighbour is responsible for my setback. This neighbour, only god will judge us. Which God/god? For a good appreciation of the failure, one would see a clear picture of the cause of setback or failure. It is always good thinking that wins. There, the rise or movement to the right direction starts. Failure is banished or defeated. Once a mindset of spiritual interpretation of events is begotten, the free fall of backwardness knows no end. For the imam, mallam, men of god, native doctors and pastors, a circle of fetish life is opened. Fasting; alms giving; nocturnal spiritual movements into forest, rivers, streams or junctions of 3 or 4 roads meeting; animal, material or food sacrifice to unknown gods and spirits; singing and dancing; possession of charms and amulets; taking baths in cemetries, rivers, streams, graves, junctions, churches, etc; buying of white cloth here and there; cutting/hurting the flesh with sharp objects like razor blade or pen knife thereby inflicting wounds, scares or marks on the body with powder/watery substance rubbed thereon; etc are unleashed on the short sighted fellow. The deluded character has cast upon himself a spell. He has killed reason, truth, logic, fairness, progress, etc and the mind killers and manipulators have seized his heart. In his water; mirror; dreams; thinking; etc, he sees the witch or wizard in his neighbour. This madness or laziness is made worse by the worsening failure. Oh my God! My cassava, yam, potato, maize etc farm is poor this year. Why always me? My son failed his school leaving examination and the other could not secure admission into the university. But my neighbours case is different. Why, why, my God? Jealousy, hatred and mischief are brewing up. The reason for this my neighbours progress is the seizure of my progress. When the neighbours progressive practical thoughts are awakened, you employ your spiritual stagnant thought and results are expected. What do you expect? Does Allah, Jesus the son of God, daddy G.O, the herberlist, imam, pastor, Indian ring, spiritual pen or mummy water write examination for school pupils. Do these spiritual forces provide employment, buy cars, promote a business venture, command WAEC/WASCE officials to increase or decrease a candidates scores or performance, strengthen a footballers legs and skills to earn dollars/euros in Europe, make a person or contractor to win huge and profitable projects for execution, produce a spaceship to explore the moon, mars or space, etc? For the sake of humanity, science, art and development, this is the computer age. Let us free our minds, allow reason to guide our course of thinking. Let us ask questions, seek for guidance and knowledge and rub minds. Curb suspicion and open up our hearts by leaving it free. Assess your neighbour and open up access for interaction cos iron sharpenth iron. Let us be realistic, this world of ours is real. We are not living in a dream world. A man is not a computer or robot to be a subject of remote control. We must, individually, take control of our destiny rather than place it in the hands of these spiritual businessmen and women. They are con men dividing human interest and encouraging laziness and idle thinking of I must make it, cos a seer said so or the seer has destroyed the ancestral curse limiting my progress. Or, he has banished the spiritual powers of the neighbour. A friend of mine and a critical thinker said that a holder of this opinion or mind set of this nature is a victim of or suffering from poverty of ideas. This is true. So, let us chart a way forward and resist these temptations of easy way out thru lazy conclusions. Let us build our communities devoid of suspicion and break these teachings of material world. The church and mosque have not cured this social problem. Rather, religion seems to encourage this unproductive and poverty stricken mind set. This is a challenge to mankind eps black people. NOTICE: Sooner very soon, a thought on those who run away from their home villages/towns for fear of spiritual attack would be published here - those who do not go home, but keep running away from witches and wizards. Yet, once an economic opportunity rears its head, hehehehehehehehe, they forget the fear: home they go.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 05:04:28 +0000

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