NEITHER IN THIS MOUNTAIN NOR YET AT JERUSALEM Beloved, Last time we discussed d place of Pentecost in d life of d Church with focus on d Leadership of this great movement. Today we continue to prepare our minds for d great outpouring of the Holy Ghost come PENTECOST WEEK. The situation btw Samaritans and native JEWS found in John 4 can be likened to that of AGN today. Bible scholars teach us that Samaritans share Jewish blood historically. This is not our focus here. At d time of Christ there was no love lost btw Samaritans and Jews. U find instances in 1. Parable of Good Samaritan, where d only peron who cared for d robbery victim was a Samaritan. 2. D story of a Samaritan leper that returned to say Thank You Lord, whereas d 9 who were, presumably Jews never did. 3. D story of this Samaritan woman who initially refused to offer a cup of cold water to Christ simply because He was a Jew. Many other instances abound to show deep hostilities btw both brothers at d time of Christ. A key bone of contention happened to be place of worship. The Jews believed Jerusalem was Sacred and would not compromise. The Samaritans believed Mount Gerizim was d place and wouldnt also bulge. Both places bear historic and theological signifcance to d Nation of Israel, Samaritans inclusive. But we wont go into this here. Our interest is that The Lord himself declared this is not time to drag btw Mount Gerizim &Jerusalem. Rather, it time TRUE worshippers worship in Spirit & in Truth. Its time we as individual believers submit to d power and control of the Holy Ghost in our lives. Its time u & I seek for in-filling and refilling of HG. Its time for PENTECOTAL EXPERIENCE! The current state of affairs in our beloved Church has, no doubt, created disaffection and dissension, as it were, especially in aspects of administration. Some say they are now House of David while d rest of us remain in AG FAMILY. Quite unfortunately, this has resulted in different dates for PENTECOST WEEK & different dates/Themes for YOUTH WEEK! We are confident that sooner than later these issues would fizzle out and d Church of God shall triumph in UNITY & ONENESS. In d meantime, I wish to appeal to individuals within d ranks of Clergy and Laity never to be distracted from d mood of d season ahead: PENTECOSTAL EXPERIENCE. Our Father in Heaven is calling on us all to be * Be filled in d Spirit * Live in d Spirit * Walk in d Spirit * Pray in d Spirit * Preach in d Spirit * Worship in d Spirit * Talk in d Spirit..... For in Him we we live, and move, and have our being... That Christ may dwell in ur hearts by faith... And to know d LOVE OF CHRIST which passeth knowledge, THAT YE MIGHT BE FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD. Dearly beloved, if for instance you dont believe in House of God Project but find urself in within their domain, please go ahead and participate in ALL ACTIVITIES and dont deny urself of any BLESSINGS at all. Grab all. We are still brethren. Although this is Gen Council Youth Week, if they say its PENTECOST WEEK and organize a Revival, pls my dear go ahead and worship and participate fully. Get filled. Get refilled. Get revived. If u are a miniter pls cooperate fully with your District Authority. Carry ur church along, at least no one will invoke d instument of transfer! Again, if they say their Theme is THE CROSS MY PRIDE. Beautiful! Pls embrace it. Participate fully and cooperate fully. Dont rob urself of d joy and blessings of this annual celebrations. O yes, we are all products of d CROSS. No cross, no crown. Without d Cross, we are of all men most miserable. Do everything expected of u as a member/minister/Leader. Forget about House of David issue, FOR WE BE BRETHREN. But keep praying in ur heart that d Lord Almighty will open their spiritual minds to understand d significance of d CROSS and subject themselves to d Control of whoever d CROSS symbolizes so that THE CROSS will actually be their PRIDE! If on d other hand, u share d pilosophy of House of David, but find uself within mainstream AG, same appeal applies in this instance. Forget about d purported crisis. Dont be bothered about seeming great confusion. See urself as a child of God. Participate fully and reverently in all church programs. Dont deny urself of any benefits/blessings. Dont boycott our on going Youth Programs. Prepare urself for d great outpouring come next week. O yes we are Raw Materials in d hands of our creator. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Beloved remember that in a great house, there are not only vessels of Gold and of silver, but also of wood and earth; and some to HONOUR and some to DISHONOUR. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel UNTO HONOUR, sanctified, and meet for d MASTERS use, and PREPARED UNTO EVERY GOOD WORK. Finally brethren, we are in injury time. Lets all walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as WISE... because d DAYS ARE EVIL! I beseech u by d mercies of God that u should not be bothered whether they say its Mount Gerizim or they return to us at Jerusalem. Our GOD is seeking TRUE WORSHIPPERS who will worship d Father in Spirit and in TRUTH! It is d SPIRIT that quickeneth, d flesh profiteth nothing! God bless 2014 National YM Celebrations! God bless 2014 PENTECOST WEEK! God Bless d General Council, Assemblies of God Nigeria!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 10:31:32 +0000

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