NEOCON TREASON — Newsweek magazine published a cover story on - TopicsExpress


NEOCON TREASON — Newsweek magazine published a cover story on Dick Cheneys energy commission held at the White House where he invited all of the Big Oil Men to submit their wish lists to accommodate their desires for the petro chemical industries. They obliged. However, this cover story was lost to history because the day it came out on the newsstands was 9/11/2001, and the story got buried under the nations shock of being attacked by Middle Eastern terrorists. The day after 9/11, neocon Paul Wolfowitz encouraged Bush to invade Iraq saying it would only last 90 days and would be financed by Iraqi oil. Earlier, nine months before 9/11, at the first Bush Cabinet meeting, (as later confirmed by Treasury Secretary Paul ONeill) Cheney showed a chart dividing Iraq into oil leases. Yes, thats right, nine months BEFORE 9/11. The U.S. went into Iraq for oil, thinking of profits and a more stable geopolitical framework. Boy were the neocons wrong. Back then, anyone claiming we did if for the oil was castigated by everyone including traditional liberal media. Poor Congressman Dennis Kucinich appeared on Meet the Press and argued that oil was a primary reason for the US to want to invade Iraq, and in response, neocon Richard Perle (Bush speechwriter David Frums co-author in their 2004 An End to Evil) replied: It is a lie, Congressman. It is an out and out lie. That exchange led the Washington Posts liberal columnist Richard Cohen to say it was refreshing to hear Perle call Kuchinich a liar. Little did we know at the time that Perle was the liar. This is why Rachel Maddows program is so important. Many of us never knew this to be confirmed by facts like Bush speech writer David Frums revelations. Presently the neocons, led by Dick Cheney, are trying to rewrite the Iraq War history because he and his cabal are true war criminals who should be prosecuted and tried for treason. Cheneys company, Halliburton, won a no bid contract for the Iraq War and pocketed 38 billion dollars in profits. Are you mad yet? Watch Rachel Maddow tonight and learn the truth. Then lets so something about it by sending a Blue Tsunami to the polls in November. (Note: the subtitle, The Bush Oil War is my title and not The Rachel Maddow Shows.) https://facebook/therachelmaddowshow
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 05:27:59 +0000

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