NEPSE SIX MONTHS HIGH; NBB TOPS THREE STRAIGHT DAYS 27th August ______________________________ After two days of correction, the Nepse index today steadied itself back again in the bullish path. In the preceding two days, the profit booking by investors had prevented the market from further incline despite of huge transactions. However, coming today, the investors were found lured into the listed scrips in anticipation of good returns from companies in the form of cash and bonus dividends. Currently, only eleven companies have proposed dividend in which none are commercial banks. So, citing the opportunity to grab the attractive scrips at lower price from the prior week’s profit booking, the investors today pounced in the market propelling the local bourse to six months high of 552.17 levels, adding 5.5 points in total. Heavy buying in the banking scrips today boosted the Banking sector by 4.28 points. Likewise, Others sector also made hefty growth of 12.92 points as Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC) incline by Rs 11. Similarly, Hotels and Hydro also made the giant leap of 10.14 and 25.78 points respectively alongside 7.12 point gain of Insurance. Whereas, Development and Finance sectors managed to make slight incline of 1.89 and 0.57 points respectively. Nepal Bangladesh Bank (NBB) continued to remain proactive as it excelled in all fronts of the transaction, turnover and shares traded categories today also. This is the third straight day, the company has been leading in all fronts. As the company is set to receive owed amount from Bangladesh based IFIC bank for the purchase of NB group and associates’ promoter share, more and more investors are now eyeing in this scrip making it one of the lucrative share to purchase in recent days. The scrip traded between the range of Rs 367 to Rs 400, before coming to close at Rs 375, adding Rs 11 or 3.02% more than that of yesterday’s level in the process. The turnover of the scrip today also stood at the mind-blowing figure of Rs 48,099,681 carried out by 341 transactions totaling 126,163 units. The broker with the highest standalone dealing of the NBB was Broker No 10 (Pragyan Securities Pvt. Limited) with 6.55%; amounting Rs 6,307,626 via 47 transactions totaling 16478 which includes one matching transaction of 500 units worth Rs 193,000. All in all, the scrips of 111 companies were traded, out of which 69 scrips gained, 13 remained intact and 29 scrips lost. The best performer for the day was, Himalayan Gen. Insu. Co. Ltd. (HGI), closed at Rs 278, with Rs 25 or 9.88% gain. Whereas, the worst performer was, Kasthamandap Development Bank Ltd. (KDBL), closed at Rs 73, with Rs 4 or 5.19% loss. Overall, 693,848 units of share were traded by 2,150 transactions with total turnover worth Rs 230,494,940; the market capitalization by the end of the day tallied to Rs 550,634.20 million.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 05:33:48 +0000

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