NETWORK SECURITY: Unit I Computer Security : Introduction, Need - TopicsExpress


NETWORK SECURITY: Unit I Computer Security : Introduction, Need for security, Principles of Security, Types of Attacks Cryptography : Plain text and Cipher Text, Substitution techniques, Caesar Cipher, Mono-alphabetic Cipher, Polygram, Polyalphabetic Substitution, Playfair, Hill Cipher, Transposition techniques, Encryption and Decryption, Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography, Steganography, Key Range and Key Size, Possible Types of Attacks Unit II :Symmetric Key Algorithms and AES: Algorithms types and modes, Overview of Symmetric key Cryptography, Data Encryption Standard (DES), International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), RC4, RC5, Blowfish, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Unit III :Asymmetric Key Algorithms, Digital Signatures and RSA: Brief history of Asymmetric Key Cryptography, Overview of Asymmetric Key Cryptography, RSA algorithm, Symmetric and Asymmetric key cryptography together, Digital Signatures, Knapsack Algorithm, Some other algorithms (Elliptic curve cryptography, ElGamal, problems with the public key exchange) Unit IV: Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Digital Certificates, Private Key Management, The PKIX Model, Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), XML,PKI and Security, Hash functions, Key Predistribution, Blom�s Scheme, Diffie-Hellman Key Predistribution, Kerberos, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, The Station-to-station Protocol Unit V:Network Security, Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks: Brief Introduction to TCP/IP, Firewalls, IP Security, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Intrusion Internet Security Protocols: Basic concepts, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (SHTTP), Time Stamping Protocol (TSP), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET), SSL vs SET, 3-D Secure Protocol, Electronic Money, E-mail Security, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Security, Security in GSM, Security in 3G Unit VI:User Authentication and Kerberos: Authentication basics, Passwords, Authentication Tokens, Certificate-based Authentication, Biometric Authentication, Kerberos, Key Distribution Center (KDC) , Security Handshake Pitfalls, Single Sign On (SSO) Approaches ASP.NET: Unit-I Review of .NET frameworks, Introduction to C#, Variables and expressions, flow controls, functions, debugging and error handling, OOPs with C#, Defining classes and class members. Unit-II Assembly, Components of Assembly, Private and Shared Assembly, Garbage Collector, JIT compiler. Namespaces Collections, Delegates and Events. Introduction to ASP.NET 4: Microsoft.NET framework, ASP.NET lifecycle. CSS: Need of CSS, Introduction to CSS, Working with CSS with visual developer. Unit-III ASP.NET server controls: Introduction, How to work with button controls, Textboxes, Labels, checkboxes and radio buttons, list controls and other web server controls, web.config and global.asax files. Programming ASP.NET web pages: Introduction, data types and variables, statements, organizing code, object oriented basics. Unit-IV Validation Control: Introduction, basic validation controls, validation techniques, using advanced validation controls. State Management: Using view state, using session state, using application state, using cookies and URL encoding. Master Pages: Creating master pages, content pages, nesting master pages, accessing master page controls from a content page. Navigation: Introduction to use the site navigation, using site navigation controls. Unit-V Databases: Introduction, using SQL data sources, GridView Control, DetailsView and FormView Controls, ListView and DataPager controls, Using object datasources. ASP.NET Security: Authentication, Authorization, Impersonation, ASP.NET provider model UNIT-VI: LINQ: Operators, implementations, LINQ to objects,XML,ADO.NET, Query Syntax. ASP.NET Ajax: Introducing AJAX, Working of AJAX, Using ASP.NET AJAX server controls. JQuery: Introduction to JQuery, JQuery UI Library, Working of Jquery SOFTWARE TESTING: Unit-I Fundamentals of testing: Necessity of testing , what is it, Testing principles, Fundamental test process, The psychology of testing Unit-II Testing throughout the software life cycle: Software development models, Test levels, Test types: the targets of testing, Maintenance testing Unit-III Static techniques: Reviews and the test process, Review process, Static analysis by tools Unit-IV Test design techniques: Identifying test conditions and designing test cases, Categories of test design techniques, Specification-based or blackbox techniques, Structure-based or white-box techniques, Experiencebased techniques Unit-V Test management: Test organization, Test plans, estimates, and strategies, Test progress monitoring and control, Configuration management, Risk and testing, Incident management Unit-VI Tool support for testing: Types of test tool, Effective use of tools:Potential benefits and risks, Introducing a tool into an organization ADVANCE JAVA: Unit-I Event Handling: The delegation event model, Events, Event classes, Event Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegatiion event model, Adapter classes, inner classes AWT : Windows fundamentals, Working with frame windows, Control fundamentals, - Labels, Buttons, CheckBox, Radio button TextFileld, Understanding Layout Manager Unit-II Swing: JColorChooser, JComboBox, JFileChooser, JInternalFrame, JLabel, JMenuBar, JOptionPane, JLayeredPane, JDesktopPane, JPanel, JPopupMenu, JProgressBar, JRootPane, JScrollBar, JScrollPane, JSeparator, JSlider, JSplitPane, JTabbedPane, JTable, JTableHeader, JtoolBar, JToolTip, JTree, JViewPort, JEditorPane, JTextPane, JTextArea, JTextField, JPasswordField, JButton, JMenuItem, JCheckBox-MenuItem, JRatioButton-MenuItem JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JMenu. Unit-III Introduction to servlets: Need for dynamic content, java servlet technology, why servlets? Servlet API and Lifecycle: servlet API, servletConfig interface, ServletRequest and ServletResponse Interfaces, GenericServlet Class. ServletInputStream And ServletOutputStream Classes, RequestDispatcher Interface,HttpServlet Class, HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse Interfaces, HttpSession Interface, Servlet Lifecycle. Working with servlets: organization of a web application, creating a web application(using netbeans) , creating a servlet, compiling and building the web application Unit-IV JDBC: Design of JDBC, JDBC configuration, Executing SQL statement, Query Execution, Scrollable and updatable result sets, row sets, metadata, Transaction. JSP: Introduction, disadvantages, JSP v/s Servlets, Lifecycle of JSP, Comments, JSP documents, JSP elements, Action elements, implicit objects, scope, characterquoting conventions, unified expression language. Unit-V Java server Faces : Need of MVC , what is JSF?, components of JSF, JSF as an application, JSF lifecycle, JSF configuration, JSF web applications (login form, JSF pages) EJB: Enterprise bean architecture, Benefits of enterprise bean, types of beans, Accessing beans , packaging beans, creating web applications, creating enterprise bean, creating web client, creating JSP file, building and running web application. Unit-VI HIBERNATE: Introduction, Writing the application, application development approach, creating database and tables in MySQL, creating a web application, Adding the required library files, creating a java bean class, creating hibernate configuration and mapping file, adding a mapping resource, creating JSPs. STRUTS: Introduction, Struts framework core components, installing and setting up struts, getting started with struts. LINUX: Unit-I Introduction: Introduction to UNIX, Linux, GNU and Linux distributions Duties of the System Administrator, The Linux System Administrator, Installing and Configuring Servers, Installing and Configuring Application Software, Creating and Maintaining User Accounts, Backing Up and Restoring Files, Monitoring and Tuning Performance, Configuring a Secure System, Using Tools to Monitor Security Booting and shutting down: Boot loaders-GRUB, LILO, Bootstrapping, Init process, rc scripts, Enabling and disabling services. The File System: Understanding the File System Structure, Working with Linux- Supported File Systems, Memory and Virtual File Systems, Linux Disk Management, Network Configuration Files Unit-II System Configuration Files: System wide Shell Configuration Scripts, System Environmental Settings, Network Configuration Files, Managing the init Scripts, Configuration Tool, Editing Your Network Configuration TCP/IP Networking: Understanding Network Classes, Setting Up a Network Interface Card (NIC), Understanding Subnetting, Working with Gateways and Routers, Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Configuring the Network Using the Network The Network File System: NFS Overview, Planning an NFS Installation, Configuring an NFS Server, Configuring an NFS Client, Using Automount Services, Examining NFS Security Unit-III Connecting to Microsoft Networks: Installing Samba, Configuring the Samba Server, Creating Samba Users 3, Starting the Samba Server, Connecting to a Samba Client, Connecting from a Windows PC to the Samba Server Additional Network Services: Configuring a Time Server, Providing a Caching Proxy Server Unit-IV Internet Services: Secure Services, SSH, scp, sftp Less Secure Services (Telnet ,FTP, sync,rsh ,rlogin,finger,talk and ntalk, Linux Machine as a Server, Configuring the xinetd Server, Comparing xinetd and Standalone, Configuring Linux Firewall Packages, Domain Name System: Understanding DNS, Understanding Types of Domain Servers, Examining Server Configuration Files, Configuring a Caching DNS Server, Configuring a Secondary Master DNS Server, Configuring a Primary Master Server, Checking Configuration Unit-V Configuring Mail Services: Tracing the Email Delivery Process, Mail User Agent (MUA), Introducing SMTP, Configuring Sendmail, Using the Postfix Mail Server, Serving Email with POP3 and IMAP, Maintaining Email Security Configuring FTP Services: Introducing vsftpd, Configuring vsftpd, Advanced FTP Server Configuration, Using SFTP Unit-VI Configuring a Web Server: Introducing Apache, Configuring Apache, Implementing SSI, Enabling CGI, Enabling PHP, Creating a Secure Server with SSL System Administration: Administering Users and Groups Installing and Upgrading Software Packages
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 05:32:25 +0000

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