NETWORKING - TopicsExpress


NETWORKING MATERIAL BEACONBYTES amjad-hr.blogspot NETWORKING:- connect devices through a transmission media (cable/wireless) is called network, for purpose of sharing resources, file, folder, printer and other things also. DIFFERENT TYPE OF NETWORKING:- LAN:- local area network CAN:- campus area network MAN:- metropolitan area networking WAN:- wide area network LAN:- In LAN PC’s are connected through a transmission media in one building. CAN:- In can we connect different buildings lands through a transmission media, this can support up to 10k.m only. MAN:- In MAN we connect different buildings with metropolitan area using, access points, It support only up to 100k.m. WAN:- WAN is a LAN of LANs in WAN we connect PC’s through PSTN line WAN is two types, they are 1) public network (internet) 2) private network (enterprise network) NETWORKING COMPONENTS CLIENT:- Client are the network computers with out having hand disk, CD-Rom, Drive and Floppy Drive, they are accesses resources of server. SERVER:- Server is a computer that is provide service (shared resources like CD-Rom, Floppy drive, Printer, Folder) to connected clients. NODE:- Node is a device like client, server of printer or scanner which is exchanging information in network. HOST:- Any devices PC/printer/fax/scanner connected using TCP/IP network is called HOST, every host have a unique name, the maximum length of host name is 15 characters. SIGMENT:- A connection from system to HUB is called a segment. PEER-TO-PEER NETWORK:- In this all PC’s are connected each other using transmission media and HUB or switch, this PC’s are sharing resources, there is no centralized administrator, Every PC’s act as a client and server, no security in this network. SERVER BASE NETWORK:- In this network PC’s are connected each other and they one sharing resources (CD-Rom, Printer, Files and Folders), one PC controlling the complete network that is called server, other PC’s are called clients, high security available in this network. PSTN:- public switch telephone network NIC:- network interface card FOR CREATING A LAN WE REQIRE Hardware software PC’s Network OS NIC NIC Drivers Transmission media(Wire and wireless) Protocols Connectors SERVER OS FROM DIFFERENT COMPANIES Microsoft Unix Linux Novel IBM Window NT Sun Solaris red hat ES and AS novel net ware (first server OS) Lotus notes Windows 2000 server HP Unix Windows 2003 server Sco Unix COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS Net BIOS windows to windows IPX/SPX Novell to Novell Netware TCP/IP Every OS (universal protocol) LAN TOPOLOGY:- The structure of the layout of the network is called as the topology of the network. NETWORK TOPOLOGY:- it is divided into two types PHYSICAL TOPOLOGY:- It explains the actual physical layer out of the Network LOGICAL TOPOLOGY:- It explain the logical flow of the data through the network. TOPOLOGIES ARE FIVE TYPES:- Bus topology Ring topology Star topology Mesh topology Hybrid topology BUS TOPOLOGY:- In this transmission is very slow and there is possible of data loss at a time only one system can transmit data in the network. It one connection is damaged complete network will damage. RING TOPOLOGY:- In this data flow in the form of packets, Every packet contains destination address, source address and data, If our connection damage complete network will damage. STARTOPOLOGY:- In this topology multiple data transmission will happen, If one connection fail your network never effected. MESH TOPOLOGY:- In this topology every server directly connected with other server, ATM’s are working depending on this network only this is very costly and very fast, this is only in server. HYBRID TOPOLOGY:- mixing of Bus topology, Ring topology, Star topology, Mesh topology is called hybrid topology. TECHONOLOGY DEPEDS ON TOPOLOGY:- ETHERNET TECHONOLOGY:- In star topology we use Ethernet technology NIC cards. TOKEN RING:- For connecting Ring topology we use token Ring NIC cards. NIC CARD:- NIC card is a interface which connected your system through transmission media, NIC card connection 3 ports 1)AUI port 2)RJ-45 3)BNC AUT:- (Attachment unit interface) this is the universal connector sun machines and other branded computers like DELL, IBM, this all will use this port AUI port contain 15pin female port. RJ-45:- This is 8pin port, we use cat 5 cable to connect to the RJ-45 port. BNC:- This port will be used by the cable net provider. MANUFACTURES OF NIC CARD:- VIA, INTEL, REAL TECH(RIL), 3.COM, D-LINK, BST LINK. TRANSMISSION OR DB15 CONNECTOR:- This connector convert the AUI port to RJ-45 port. FRAMES:- Data flow to the network in the form of frames. MAC ADDRESS:- Every Ethernet card stores one mac address, mac means media access control address, this mac address is permanently stored in your NIC card this is a 48bit address, We can view this address in our PC in 12bit Hexa decimal format IEEE providing this mac address , this mac address is a physical address of your computer, when a system brow cost a data that data’s targeted address is always ffffffffffff total12f’s that is a cravens mac address. TRANSMISSION MEDIA:- They are two types 1) wire less transmission media 2) cable transmission media. WIRE LASS TRANSMISSION MEDIA:- In this data will flow through electro magnetic waves, radio waves, micro waves, infrared waves. BAND WIDTH:- Any point of time the data flow through cable is called band width, media band width is two types 1) base band 2) broad band BASE BAND:- Through base band only one signal transmit at a time we use base band for digital data transmission purpose, this is more secure than broad band. BROAD BAND:- Through broad band number f signals transmit at a different frequencies through a single cable. It is very slow and not secure. SIGNALING SPEED:- (clock speed) it is used to increase the band width by in creasing the signaling speed this speed majored in Mhz, Band width = no.of bits * clock speed. Cables are three types, they are 1) twisted pair 2) Coaxial cable 3) fiber optic’s COAXIAL CABLE:- In this data flow through a signal copper wire, dis advantage in coaxial is any damage data loss will happen and there will be a huge noise, these are two types. a) THIN CABLE:- 10Base2 used by cable tv. b) THICK CABLE:- 10Base5 used by cable net. 10Base2 bandwidth is 10Mbps and it will support up to 200 miters. 10Base5 bandwidth is 10Mbps and it will support up to 500miters. We use BNC connector for connecting co-axial cable. TWISTED PAIR:- The twisted pair is divided in to 2types, they are 1) UTP cable 2) STP cable STP cable is more secure than UTP cable because STP cable has a shield protection. UTP cable has following types 1) CAT1 2) CAT2:- this is used to connect telephone lines. 3) CAT4:- 4) CAT5:- this is used to connect networks, this will support up to 230miters. 5) CAT5E:- this will support up to 300miters. 6) Cat6:- this will support above 300miters. For ca5,5E,6 we use RJ-45 connector for cat2 use RJ-11 connector speed of cat5 cable is 100Mbps, modem contain RJ-11 connector, Ethernet card contain RJ-45 connector. FIBER OPTIC CABLE:- this support more than 2k.min this optics cable data flow in the form of light with the speed of more than 100Mbps for connecting CAN network we use this cable. BSTRIGHT CANBLE:- we use straight cable for connecting different devices, ex:- one said PC and other side HUB. CROSS CABLE:- Using cross cable we connect same devices. Ex:-both PC’s. MEDIA ACCESS OF ETHERNET:- method of sending data through network cable is called media access, media is a cable which is used to send the data. MEDIA ACCESS IS THREE TYPES:- 1) Contention based 2) Token ring 3) Demand priority CONTENSTION BASED:- this method works depending on following two commands. CSMA/CD:- carrier service multiple access collision detection. CSMA/CA:- carrier service multiple access collision avoidance. COLLISSION:- collision will happen when the two pockets crash together. TERMINATOR:- terminators are used to prevent the signal bounce and collisions. TOKENRING METHODE:- this method has been designed by IBM, this is also called as zero collision method, data can be send by a computer which is having token device which is used in this is called MSAV (Multi station access unit) DEMAND PRIORITY:- this is an 100v.g any LAN 100 voice grade any LAN this is a device which connects all the computers CABLES AND SPEEDS:- CABLES STANDARDS 1 2 3 10 100 Base Base T T 1000 10 Base Base T 2 10 1000 Base Base 5 FX 1. Data transfer speed 2. Broadband of base band 3. Types of cable (T) UTP (2,5) co-axial (FX) fiber optic 10Base2 thin Ethernet of thin net. 10Base5 thick Ethernet of thick net. IEEE:- 802- this group work on LAN/WAN. 802 SUB GROUPS:- 802.3 – Ethernet 802.11 – Wireless at the speed 11,25,5 Mbps. 802.5 – Token ring method at the speed 4,16Mbps. 802.3 – Group used the CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA technology. Under 802.3 there is two groups 1) Slow Ethernet at the speed 10Mbps. 2) Fast Ethernet at the speed 100Mbps. Any type of cable will used for this ISO/OSI:- International standard organization open system interface. It is a reference model, structured layer concept used for of referred for communication in a network. This reference model is called as open system interface means every system should be communicate with other system this model is governed by group of form different organization that organization is called ISO. ISO/OSI MODEL HAS 7 LAYERS:- 7. Application layer 6. Presentation layer 5. Session layer 4. Transport layer 3. Network layer 2. Data link layer 1. Physical layer 7) APPLICATION LAYER:- It is an user interacting layer in which all sending applications will be interacted by user. The protocols which work At this layer HTTP (hyper text transfer protocol) FTP (file transfer protocol) SNMP (simple network management protocols). 6) PRESENTATION LAYER:- In this layer data is send in appropriate format like encoding, decoding, compression, will work in this layer (Extension means DOC, PPT, XLS, Tabular, MP3, MPEG, VOJ). 5) SESSION LAYER:- Creating maintaining and disconnecting the session as well as data is send in which format like simplex and duplex (Half, Full). 4) TRANSPORT LAYER:- It is a core layer in which transmission, Retransmission of data will happen with acknowledgement, data is divided into segments, the protocol is work at this layer is TCP, UDP. 3) NETWORK LAYER:- In this layer segments are converts into packets and each packets is assigned with logical address called as IP address, these packets are transfored from one network to another network’s IP address (router, brouter). 2) DATA LINK LAYER:- It is divided into two part’s one is MAC address went is LLC in this layer packets are converted into frames and each frames is assigned with MAC address (BRIDGE). 1) PHISICAL LAYER:- Data is converted into binary signal and binary signal to analg signal and these signals are transport via transmission media (repeater, HUB, Switch). TCP:- Transmission control protocol this protocol is working in transport layer TCP is a connection oriented protocol, UDP is a connectionless protocol, TCP communication is slow campuses to UDP but it is very secure TCP check error connections. IP:- internet protocol this protocol brought cast data through a proper interface. It will slow the path to data, IP just add an logical address on every packet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IP ADDRESSES:- This is a 32bit address this address divide into four parts each port contain eight bit, it all 8bit are zero’s The IP address is this is default address of router. It all bits are one’s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The IP address is This is a brought cast IP address This IP address depending on use divided into two types, they are public IP, private IP. IP ADDRESSES ARE CLASSIFIE IN TO 5 TYPES:- 1) Class A – 1 to 126 2) Class B – 128 to 191 3) Class C – 192 to 223 4) Class D – 224 to 239 5) Class E – 240 to 255 127 is the loop back address for system selfchacking purpose from to Class A – 1 – 126 IP address In this one network ID starts from to this is one complete network ID, in class A first bits one called as Network ID, remain 24bits are host bits, when the network ID has been changed, we can not connect the systems which have different Net ID’s Class B – 128 – 191 IP address In this one network ID started from to In class B first 16 bits are called as network ID and remaining 16bit is HOST 16bits, you that in class B first two numbers should be same. Class C – 192 – 223 IP address In this network ID is to In class C first 24bits are called as Net ID remaining 8bits are HOST ID, so that in this HOST 3 numbers should be same. PRIVATE IP ADRESS:- same IP’s are reserved for internal use purpose, this IP’s are not unique in world. Class A – to Class B – to Class C – to TCP/IP:- ARPA – advanced research project agency. ANC – advanced networks and service. TCP 3 WAY HAND SHAKE:- between two transport layers data will flow in the form of segment, it third transaction completed successfully in between this layer is called TCP 3 way hand shacking. POCKET:- HEADER:- It contains miscellaneous information such as segment numbers, acknowledgement, error check. FRAME:- BIT’S:- 0 1 1 1 0 0 From bit’s data will convert into analogsignals. ARP:- (Address resolution protocol)this protocol work on network layer it is responsible for opting hardware address in windows:- ARP – a ICMP:- internet control management protocol, it used to report error and send massage about delivery pocket this protocol work on network layer. If you are in TCP/IP network, If error is “destination unreachable” means route is not founding any destination if error is request timed out means destination exists but you are not getting response means time to leave is ‘0’ when time to leave of a packet is ‘0; we will get this error. SUBNET MASK:- Class A – Class B – Class c – LOOPBACK ADDRESS:- STATIC IP:- Adding IP address to a pc manually is called static IP. DYNAMIC IP:- System getting IP address dynamically from DHCP server, It may be change time to time. EXTENDING NETWORKS REPEATER:- Repeater regenerate the signal and this is for amplification purpose, repeater works on physical layer. EXTENDED DEVICES ARE DEVIDED IN TWO TYPES INTRANET INTRERNET Repeater Hub Switch Bridge Router Brouter Layer 3 switches HUB:- using hub we can connect more than two systems, HUB is a broad cost device, HUB we called as multiport repeater, HUB is a single collision device in HUB bandwidth is shared by all ports, HUB is a multicast device in HUB there is a one port called HUB link port using this we can connect the another HUB this connection is called as cascading of HUB. HUB IS TWO TYPES ACTIVE HUB:- active HUB act as a multiport repeater, it regenerate the signal and amplify the signal, this HUB require power supply, active HUB are different types 1) Five port HUB 2) Eight port HUB 3) 16 port HUB 4) 24 port HUB PASSIVE HUB:- it will not regenerate the signal, it just divides the signal and this HUB will not require power supply. DATA FLOW IN THE FROM OF SEGMENT:- The connection from HUB to PC is a one segment, in cat5 cable there is 4 pairs of cable, 3 pairs of cables are only for reciving data, 1 pair of cable is for sending data. SWITCH:- Switch is called as intelligent HUB. Because it maintain the MAC address table switch is a multi collision device switch never share the signal bandwidth switch is unicast device this is work on physical layer, switch is a layer2 device, when we start the switch one’s it broad cast and get the all system’s MAC address. SWITCH TYPES:- 1) 8 port switch 2) 16 port switch 3) 24 port switch 4) 32 port switch 5) 96*11 rack also available DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HUB AND SWITCH HUB SWITCH 1) HUB is a single collision device. 2) Hub is a multicast device. 3) HUB will not maintain any address table. 4) In HUB bus topology is used. 5) HUB shares the bandwidth. 6) HUB broadcast the data. 1) Switch is multi collision device. 2) Switch is a unicast device. 3) Switch maintain MAC address table. 4) Tin switch mesh topology is used. 5) Switch’s not share the bandwidth. 6) Switch only one’s brought cast the data. BRIDGE:- using bridge we can connect different type of topologies (bus or token ring), this bridge working on data link layer. ROUTER:- we use routers in wan for connect different remote subnets using router we connect enterprise network this router work on network. BROUTER:- using brouter we can connect different topologies in wan it will work on network layer. LAYER3:- ISP’s use layer3 switch it at a switch it act as switch come router, using layer switch ISP provide ISDN connectivity, this layer 3 switches work on network layer. GATEWAY:- In router one port is there named ‘eo’ this port has been called as gateway. Thorough gateway, we send and receive this data. Cat5 and cat6 cables support maximum 100meters but cat5 transmit data at the speed of 100Mbps, cat6 transmit data at the speed of 180Mbps. FGDN NAME DNS:- (domain naming system) domain is a group of networked computer. They are sharing there resources (cd-rom, printer, folders, files) in this one or more PC’s act as a reveres for centralized administrator purpose, this is called as domain in this more security is available. WORKGROUP:- group of computers connected in a peer to peer network, they are sharing resources every PC, act as a client or server no centralized administration, there is no security. In windows server called as dc(domain controller), client is called as member of server. SUBNET MASK:- subnet mask differentiate between a signale IP address network ID and host ID. How to find out network ID Class A – subnet mask and IP address Net ID IP ADRESS SUBNET MASK NETWORK ID PRIVATE/PUBLIC Public Public This is 1000 back Address Public This is not A IP add Ness Public 255..0.0.0 Public Public This is brought cast address Public Public PROBLEM:- If your LAN card’s backside light not glowing when you connect the CAT5 cable? SOLUTION:- 1) Cable not crimped properly. 2) Cable loose connectivity both saides. PROBLEM:- In HUB physical network connected properly, but al lights are not glowing? SOLUTION:- Power problem in HUB. PROBLEM:- If one segment light is not glowing? SOLUTION:- 1) Segment not crimped properly. 2) Lose connectivity both sides. PROBLEM:- On your LAN icon if you get question mark? SOLUTION:- IP address has been conflict means other system also using same IP. How to view network interface deice? My network places – right click – properties than you get all the configured network interface devices. How to view other pc’s information from your system? My network places – open – entire network click on this – Microsoft windows – workgroup of domain icon will appear click on that – all network pc’s will appear click on any pc you can view the files and folder which are shared. How to ad IP address? What are the protocols available on network properties? Under network properties Client for Microsoft network:- this client service is useful when you one connected pc’s in a Microsoft network Client for Netware:- this service is useful for adding a client in a novel Netware. Network load balance:- for create clusters we use this. File and printer sharing:- Because of this service only we are sharing files and printers. FQDN:- (fully qualified domain name) this name contain two parts, they are 1) host name 2) domain name Maximum length of domain name is 63 characters. Maximum length of host name is 15 characters. INTERINC:- this is an organization which will give the domain names. DNS:- domain naming service or domain naming system, DNS is a one service for host resolution purpose. HOST RESOLATION:- assigning a human understandable name to the numerical IP address is called Resolution. EX:- - DNS is two types:- 1) client DNS 2) server DNS CLIENT DNS:- When we install one Os by default client DNS enabled in your system which is storing host recorder in a temporary buffer area, this DNS is called “cache DNS” SERVER DNS:- In a domain network one PC working as a DNS server. It stores all the host recorder permanently in zone files (text files). DHCP:- (dynamic host configuration protocol) When we add IP address manually following problems will occur. 1) IP adding will conflict when static IP 2) Adding static IP manually in a big network is default job. 3) Not secure. For solving above problems they invent boot p protocol, implementing boot server also a default job for domains. Collecting MAC address manually server side adding MAC address to IP addresses. Depending on boot p DHCP was developed; in DHCP only give the range (scope). All DHCP client side one protocol work it is boot p when you start a client system boot p send request along with MAC address to DHCP server. RESOLVING IP ADDRESS TO MAC ADDRESS ARP:- address resolution protocol this protocol send 4 type of massages. ARP REQUEST:- System know the destination IP address requesting for MAC address. ARO REPLAY:- This request response to every request it will inform the MAC address. This technology all ISP use this ATM technology, data flow is very fast 620Mbps asynchronies transfer mode – ATM. In this technology data will now in digital format. APPLE TALK:- this is developed by apple macanintosh using this we can connect two apple pc’s. TCP/IP SERVICES HTTP:- (hyper text markup protocol) this protocol work on application layer we access web sides using this protocols every browser’s work depending or HTTP. HTTP works using TCP/IP services. HTTP port no – 80 PORT NUMBER:- in application layer every service have it’s own unique identification number this number is called port number (server address). BROWSER:- Browsers is small application, using this application we can access web sides through internet. Browsers are two types they are 1) Graphical base browser. 2) Text base browser. IN WINDOWXS:- 1) Internet explorer 2) Netscape navigator 3) More zeal FTP:- (file transfer protocol) using this protocol we can download, upload files in internet or internet FTP port number – 21. TFTP:- (trivial file transfer protocol) this is mainly use full for file transfer purpose using TFTP we can take backup of router. RARP REQUEST:- (reserve address resolution protocol) system know the MAC address requesting for the IP address. RARP REPLY:- it will give reply for RARP request we can know all MAC address using ARP – a command. TRANCE ROUTER:- tracert using this command wwe can find out that data following through hw many routers. HOST FILE:- in olden days there is a file called lm host which will maintain al the MAC address and IP addresses now days this has been changed to HOST file. %rot drive%/windows/system32/drivers/etc In this there is host file, this file maintains all the host and I address. HOW TO CREATE DNS CLIENT? Client side select local area network connection right click – properties – TCP/IP – properties – her we can add static IP subnet mask and gateway. For crating a DNS client that system easily find out only host in the network with the help of DNS server. ADDING VITUAL IP ADDRESS:- TCP/IP – advanced – properties. If you installed deferent application servers required one unique IP but yur PC was connected through a single NIC card we can add number of logical IP address this IP address one called virtual IP address. NS LOOK UTILITY:- c:/>NS Lookup /> – host name Using Ns lookup utility you know the IP address easily we can find out HOST name. UNC NAME:- universal naming conversion URL:- (universal resource locator) we use URL in browsing. VNC:- \\\ Ex:- \\system2\jamp - 36 NET BIOS NAME:- length of NETBIOS name is 15 character, in windows environment if your OS is win-95,98,nt all this don’t know what is FQDN and DNS this systems connected network using NETBIOS protocols this is called NETBIOS name. DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES TOKEN RING:- In token ring technology all pc’s are connected in a ring topology. FDDI:- Fiber distributed data interface in FDDI technology all the pc’s connected using fiber optic’s cable. In this technology there will be two Rings the are a) primary ring b) secondary ring In primary ring data flow in clock wise when primary ring ha been failed then data will flow through secondary ring in anti-clock wise, in this technology data will flow very fatly, this technology will support to 100k.m. ARC NET:- (Attached resource computer NET) This technology invented in 1970’s that tie it’s bandwidth has been developed to 20Mbps, using this technology we can connect maximum 255 pc’s this is also a token ring method, every pc’s has it’s won name in this technology we can use any type of cable, this technology physical topology is star topology. Data will flow in the from of address priority. VG ANY LAN:- Voice grade any LAN in this technology priority wise data will flow first priority will be given to the voice. ATM:- we can send voice, video’s, music all type of data at a time through. SMTP:- (simple mail transfer protocol) this protocol use for sending mails, port no – 25. POPUP-3:- (post office protocol venison – 3) this protocol used for receiving mails port no – 110. MAILCLIENTS:- some application supports both SMTP and pop – 3 protocols for sending and receiving mails, this application is mail clients. Ex:- in windows 1) Out look express 2) Ms out look (ms – office) 3) Internet explorer (IE) The OS which is used in router is called ISO. INTERNAT NEW’S GORUP’S:- In internet there are some groups called NEWS groups, this group always provide latest information and also they will clarity all your don’ts the protocol used in internet NEWS groups in NNTP. NNTP:- Network news transfer protocol SOME INTERNET NEWS GROUPS:- Alt – all distribution information’s B12 – all business information’s Comp – all computer and software News – all news groups Text mode is universal mode, text mode is faster than graphical mode, all server work in text mode. TEL NET:- this tool useful for remote log SNMP:- simple network management protocol IANA:- internet assigned number authority total port no – 65536. IIS:- internet information server RPC:- remote procedure call IAS:- internet authentication service LOCAL PRINTER:- If printer is directly connected to the computer USB port/parallel port that printer is called local printer of that computer for installing local printer you must required printer drivers. NETWORK PRINTER:- If you are using a printer which is available in network but not connected directly to your computer using UNC path we can configure network printer no need any drivers. NETWORK APPLICATION’S E – MASSAGING:- Now day’s E – massaging is the one port our lives this E- massaging system possible because of networking only, using LAN or WAN. DIFFERENT MAIL – SERVER APPLICATION’S SEND MAIL APPLICATION’S:- this application will work on Linux OS only, totally 60% users using this application. G – MAIL:- this application will work on Linux and Unix OS only. SUNMAIL:- this application will work on Unix OS only. CC: MAIL:- this application will work on IBM and lotus notes. MS – EXCHANGE SERVER – 2003:- this application will work on win – 2003 server only, totally 25% users are usually this application, mail – server are commonly divide into two parts, they are 1) public mail server 2) private mail server. PUBLIC MAIL SERVER:- using tis server any one can apply and create account ex:- yahoo mail server. PRIVATE MAIL SERVER:- this server mainly for organizations internal use purpose only administration can create account. Ex:- satyam mail server, wipro mail server. MAIL CLIENT:- a) Internet Explorer b) Out look Express c) Ms outlook MTA:- (Mail transfer agent) this will take the responsibility of forward mails. THE ACCESS UNIT/GATE WAY:- this protocol take the responsibility of receiving mails. X400:- this is universal standard for creating mails server. NETWORK SECURITY AUTHONTICATION:- AUTHENTICATION:- using a user name password login server is called authentication server allow user when username and password is correct. AUTHERIZATION:- adding permission restriction to a authorized user is called authorization. DOMAIN SECURITY:-In a domain environment we can provide more security because of centralized administration, this server OS’s provide more security depending on different services. Ex:- NTLM, KERBROUS NTLM:- New technology LAN manager, this protocol working for security in win-NT. KERBROUS:- This protocol working for security in win – 2000 and win – 2003, Unix, Linux. DAT ENCRYPTION:- In a network we can send data or password in a coding language for security purpose is called encryption. PASWORD POLICIES:- Using password policies we can provide more security in a domain environment, using same rules for password . 1) Password length. 2) How many character and numeric should be there in a password. LOOK OUT POLICIES:- In a domain environment we can set lookout policies for restricting un authorized users. HARDWARE PROFILE:- In win – 2003, Xp we can create hardware profile for restricting removable devices access (CD-Rom, floppy, USB). SECURITY SOCKET LAYER:- This socket developed by net cafe, the port number of SSC 443, using this layer, we can create secure websites, though that websites data will flow in encryption mode. FIREWALL:- PIX – 501, 503 this are the hardware firewalls, Wingate, proxy, Norton, are the software firewalls, we can restrict the unauthorized sites using firewalls. WAN TECHNOLGY PSTN:- Using PSTN line we can create two types of communication 1) Switch network 2) Leased lines network SWITCH NETWORK:- In this network data flow in analog system data flow is very slow and unsecured again this network divided into 2 types 1) Normal line(analog) 2) ISDN line(digital) NORMAL LINE:- In this line we use analog modem through this huge data not possible to send and picture quality very low speed of the line 56Kps. ISDN LINE:- (Integrated service digital network) starting speed of the line is 1.544Mbps through this line data flow in digital format, we can CSU:- (Channel service unit) this unit check the earthing and remove the disturbers in data DSU:- (data service unit) this will add the digital quality to the data. LEASED LINES:- Using this line we can send huge data in GB’s but this line are more expensive, this line mainly used for enterprise network through this liner we can send only data. LEASED LINES ARE T1 – speed 1.544Mbps T3 – speed 128Mbps T2 – speed 64Mbps T3 – speed 256Mbps WINDOW’S 2003 ADMINISTRATION Up gradation of win – 2000 server Win – NT 3.0 (1995) Win – NT 3.5 Win – NT 4.5 (no – ADS) Win – NT 5.0 (win – 2000) (have ADS) ADVACED FETURES OF WIN 2003 ADS – Active directory service. NTLM – New technology LAN manager. WINDOW’S NT:- Windows introduced first networking OS in 1995 later in 2000 they in to duce NT 5.0 given name is no ADS, NTLM in 2000 Kerberos is a protocol for security 2000 and 2003, It is more security protocol ADS and NTLM is developed by IBM. FEATURE OF 2003:- Win – 2000(SPI, SP4, SP5)+ some features of Xp = win – 2003, It support IIS 6.0 for web destiny, IIS (internet information service) WIN – 2003 WIN – 2000 IIS 6.0 IIS 5.0 Enhanced GUI Like win – 98 Remote desk Not available Shadow copy’s Not available Security templates Not available Forest level trust relation Not available 64bit processor Only 32bit processor WIN – 2003 EDITIONS:- 1) WIN – 2003 Standard edition (small organizations) 2) WIN – 2003 Enterprise edition (medium/high) 3) WIN – 2003 Data center edition (medium/high) 4) WIN – 2003 Web edition (web) SERVSR 2003 SUPORTS:- active directory NTFS file system, IS v6, E volume, shadow copy SERVER – 2003 STANDARD EDITION:- 1) Small / medium size business organization’s will use. 2) This addition supports around 1000 HOSTS. 3) This support 4 procession, 8GB RAM. 4) Internet connection sharing (ICS). 5) Four way Symantec processing. REQUIRMENT SERVER – 2003 ENTER PRISE EDITION:- 1) Medium and Lange size business use. 2) 8 CPU support / 32 GB RAM. 3) 8 note clustering 4) This will not support ICS SERVER – 2003 DATA CENTER EDITION:- 1) Available only as an original requirement manufacturer (OEM). 2) Provide physical address extension (AAE). 3) This support lake’s of HOSTS. 4) Support 32 CPU’s and 64G.B Ram. 5) HT technology support. 6) Mainly use for data base services. 7) This will not support ICS (internet connection shaning). SERVER – 2003 WEB EDITION:- 1) 2 CPU’s and 2GB RAM supports. 2) It designed to meet web hosting needs, use for web developers and programmers. LOCAL USER ACCOUNT:- FILE SYSTEM:- Every OS flow one method for arranging files and folder is called file system, present wear using NTFS 5.0 version. FAT - 32 NTFS 1) minimum cluster size 4k.b 1) minimum 4k.b 2) no file/folder security 2) security available 3) data compression possible 3) data compression possible 4) encryption not possible 4) encryption possible 5) we cannot create disk quota’s 5) we create disk quota’s USER’S:- For authorize logging purpose and security we require user account for ser login user must required one user account in that system. AUTHONTICATION:- Using a user name password login in server is called authentication, server allow user when user name and password is correct. AUTHRIZATION:- adding permission and restriction to a authorized user called authorization, user one two type in stand alone PC they are 1) built in users 2) local users. BUITIN USERS:- this user create by manufactures by default ex:- admin, guest. ADMINISTRATOR:- admin is a super user he has all the rights and permission. GUEST:- Guest users by default in disable mode guest user no need password to login, this user not having any permission, only reading. LOCAL USERS:- Admin can create local accounts in OS there accounts always member of “user’s group”. GROUPS:- We can create group for assigning permission’s and restrictions to a group of users, groups are two types:- 1) built in groups, 2) local groups. BUILT IN GROUPS:- Built in groups are created by manufactures by default, they are 1) Administrator group 2) Guest’s group 3) User’s group 4) Power users group 5) Replication group 6) Backup operators group 7) Print operators group ADDMINISTRATOR GROUP:- Admin user is by default a member of admin group get full permission. USERS GROUP:- All the local users member of users group they not having permission to create and delete users. POWER USERS GROUP:- power user group member can create users but not possible to delete users. BACKUP OPERATER:- they have only permission to take backup. PRINT OPERATER’S:- This group member has permission to take print out. USER HOME FOLDER:- Every user have his own home folder %root %document and settings, this home folder save user profile (desktop settings, mail settings, my document settings). SAM:- (Security account manager) This file maintain all the users, groups and security information’s in stand alone PC, %root %windows/system 32/config. FILE AND FOLDER SECURITY MANAGING OBJECTS AND OBJECT SECURITY:- Object names any device like file, folder, system, server, admin. ACL:- (Access control list each object has an access control list for shared resources management using ACL, we can restrict object, access is control through common security techniques. 1) Attributes 2) Permission
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:03:02 +0000

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