NEVER AFRAID TO FAIL, LEARN FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE AND EARN IT AS YOUR WISDOM This two always comes along, because successful people always hold a wisdom. I read some of the biography of the successful people such as Henry Sy, Oprah, and Zig Ziglar. One thing they had in common is THEY NEVER AFRAID TO FAIL because through failures they LEARN SOMETHING that they could use in the future. Success is not a straight path it has a lot of detours before you can reach to your destination. There is no short-cut in every valuable things in your life.You must work hard for it. Let me ask you, is your work value a lot for you? Your answer must be YES, because as an employee now, it values a lot to me for I need job to feed me and my whole family. And because I value my work, I do everything just to remain in my job, no matter how hard it is. Am I right? So, there is no easy way to be a successful. Always LEARN something in every FAILURES that you encounter in the past, in the present and also in the future. Learning through your failures/mistake could make you earn WISDOM. What is wisdom? Wisdom is the judicious application of knowledge. It is a deep understanding and realization of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgements and actions in keeping with this understanding. Notice the business tycoon on how they quoted their success,their failures and how they cope up their ups and down in their life. EXPERIENCE could teach you a lot of LESSON in life and you can earn WISDOM on it too. I encourage you to collect all the LESSON from your FAILURES and compile it to be your WISDOM. Keep learning, because education didnt stop after you earn your diploma. EDUCATION is a continues LEARNING. KNOWLEDGE is not just earn in school but also from your EXPERIENCE. Your hypothesis is: NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE FAILED, GET OUT FROM YOUR COMFORT ZONE AND TAKE SOME CHANCES TO BE SUCCESSFUL
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:06:17 +0000

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