NEVER BE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT FOR WHATS RIGHT! If “standing with - TopicsExpress


NEVER BE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT FOR WHATS RIGHT! If “standing with Israel” means never saying anything negative about the Israeli government and berating anyone who does, then we should have nothing but contempt for the biblical prophets. Amos was accused of conspiring against the government and was driven out of town. Jeremiah was thrown in prison by the king of Judah for predicting Jerusalem’s downfall. And so many others that came not only against the people of the oldestament but the king as well remember DAVID. They say the Palestinians are immigrants in there own homeland. But they are the seed of Abraham and even if this were so, The word of God tells us how to treat Immigrants and strangers among us. Leviticus 19:33-34 ESV / 547 helpful votes “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. No where here does it say to murder children, woman and old people, fathers and or your brother. The belief that the modern state of Israel is entitled to the blessings and benefits of what Christians regard as the “old covenant” gives way to yet another evangelical sentiment: namely, that it’s never OK to criticize the Israeli government. That “standing with Israel” means supporting them no matter what they do. How do we conclude from any of this that it’s not OK to criticize the Israeli state. No matter how many Palestinian children are killed in the crossfire. No matter how many homes and farms they bulldoze. No matter how many walls they build. No matter how many settlements they establish on Palestinian land, knowing full well that each one makes a viable Palestinian state more unlikely. This sentiment was on full display in the aftermath of the reprehensible kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers and the subsequent retaliation by Israeli extremists. As Benjamin Corey wrote: What bothers me most is that when news broke of the death of the Israeli teenagers, the internet lit up with your standard “stand with Israel” cheers, yet whenever Israel is the agent of aggression or retaliation, things go silent. The only voices who speak up are a few brave souls who are willing to be castigated by other Christians for having the courage to stand up against the violence and oppression of the nation state of Israel. Why do we do this? Why does Israel get a free pass in doing whatever they want? They bulldoze communities so they can build illegal settlements, and we say and do nothing. They systematically use violence and oppression over their neighbors, and yet we say and do nothing. When things over heat, they retaliate—burning children alive, and we say and do nothing. Why? CAN I CALL MYSELF A JEW AND CONVERT TO JUDAISM AND THEN DO WHAT EVER I WANT WITH IMPUNITY. Why would we be so foolish as to completely ignore behavior on the part of Israel that would in any other circumstance result in international sanctions or worse? Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that from a biblical perspective the modern state of Israel and the Old Testament nation are one and the same. Let’s say the old covenant is still in force, that the founding of modern-day Israel in 1948 by the BRITISH and then given over to the UNITED NATIONS who FIRST promised it to the PALESTINIANS is actually Valid. https://youtube/watch?v=Y58njT2oXfE Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Paul’s assertion that “all Israel will be saved” was a POLITICAL statement rather than an expression of his belief that Jesus would rescue his own people from sin and death, along with Gentiles. Many evangelicals take some or all of these assumptions to be indisputable fact (though evangelical support for Israel may not be as unanimous or unilateral as commonly thought). A plurality of evangelical leaders believe the founding of modern Israel fulfilled biblical prophecy. REALLY. White evangelicals overwhelmingly sympathize with Israel in their conflict with the Palestinians—by a margin that makes Nazi Germany’s systematic execution of the Jews and the worlds DO NOTHING ATTITUDE TOWARD IT too close to call. Half of evangelicals CHURCH OF PEACE LOVING CHRISTIANS, reject any possibility of peace between Israel and Palestine. Only 12% of white evangelicals believe the US should scale back its support for Israel. and believe they should just continue to maim kill and murder woman children and elderly civilians. KILL the PALESTINIANS THEY ARE NOT WORTHY OF LIFE. THE DOGS! KILL THEM! KILL THERE CHILDREN, TAKE THERE HOMES AND LAND, THERE ALL SUBHUMAN!!! Although they dont say it verbally, its sentiment is spoken load and clear. IT time to STOP going along with the “status quot” and revisited the word of God on the gathering of Israel and what that actually means…. Also we need to pay close attention to something Jesus said in Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Just saying your a Jew doesnt make it so. and it DEFINITELY DOES NOT MAKE YOU A SON OF ABRAHAM OR A PART OF THE COVENANT. JESUS MADE THAT CLEAR!!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:11:31 +0000

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