NEVER FIT IN by Lee Gilmour “Why are you trying so hard to - TopicsExpress


NEVER FIT IN by Lee Gilmour “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?” she said and she held out her hand and wiped the tears from her sons face They may never understand you, the world will always think there is something wrong with what you do or how you say it. But I think fitting in is overrated. I’d rather just fit out... Fitting out means being who you are, even when people insist that you have to change. Fitting out means taking up space, not apologizing for yourself, and not agreeing with those who seek to label you with stereotypes.” The boy looked into his mothers face and gave something like a smile B-but its so hard, the people at school they say I am weird they dont want me to be part of there groups or want me to be there friend. And I tied so hard but they either call me names or they beat me its like no one understands me.... his words trailed off as the tears fell faster into his cupped hands, held to his face in shame. “There are people who are generic, she said and she ran her hands through her sons hair They live inside a box and they think people who dont fit into their box are weird. But Ill tell you what, generic people are the weird people. They are like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance and they never see the power of imagination, the power that we all have to change other lifes by looking at things the wrong way around. She took his hand and once more wiped the tears from his face and smiled, her white teeth and her eyes glowing in the bright sunlight seeping in from the window like yellow and gold shards of fire making her eyes seem for a moment like they were glinting with some secret magic that only she and he shared. We all want to be extraordinary, she said softly in a voice that wrapped over the boy like a warm, comforting blanket making him feel at peace. and we all just want to fit in and be accepted and understood in life. But she raised a finger holding it there and pinged his nose and he laughed. Unfortunately, extraordinary people rarely fit in and you my darling are extraordinary and one day all of those people, the oned who laughed at you, and said you were weird, they will sit miserable in there grey lifes in there boxes, machines to what they deem is a higher power, and people like us, she took his hand and squeezed it tight well people like us will be having the best adventures. And that my darling ... is why in the end, you should never want to fit in.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 21:56:07 +0000

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