NEVER FORGET. GOD BLESS THE USA AND THOSE THAT PROTECT AND SERVE. MY FAMILY WILL FOREVER BE GRATEFUL. I will never forget the events of that day. I was a sleepy college kid living with my older sister. I was just waking up for my Tuesday morning Business Finance class at MU. For some reason I slept in my sisters room that night because she was working. She was working as a flight attendant. I woke up like any other morning and turned on the TV to see a smoking tower. Like everyone else, I assumed it was simply a small personal plane that had accidentally crashed. My mother called and we were watching the news and the 2nd tower was hit. My stomach jumped up in my throat because the world immediately knew we were under attack. And my sister was on a flight from Newark to California that morning. It was unarguably the most frightening morning for my family. Cell service was non existent and we would not find out until that evening that Shana was ok. Thank God she was ok. I cried and still cry for those families that were not so lucky. 9/11/10 was the day that changed America forever. It certainly shook me to the core and I went to bed that night not as a college kid, but as an American that loved this country and everything it stands for. I am a better citizen and a better mother because of what I saw that day. I will teach my children to stand up for their beliefs and respect this great nation. I teach them to stop and thank a policeman, a fireman, and every soldier they see. They understand that we are forever in debt to those brave servicemen that protect our freedoms each and every day. GOD BLESS THE MEN AND WOMEN THAT KEEP US SAFE, GOD BLESS THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES ON THAT DAY AND EACH DAY FORWARD AND GOD BLESS THE USA.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:41:37 +0000

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