NEVER HAS THE 2ND AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION BEEN MORE IMPORTANT, AND MEANINGFUL TOO THE BLACK MASSES IN THE UNITED STATES, THAN THIS HISTORICAL MOMENT, WITH MILLIONS PROTESTING, RACIST POLICE MURDER, BRUTALITY OF BLACK AMERICANS, AND OTHER MINORITIES. Many Do Not Get The Most Important Aspect Of The 2nd Amendment To The U.S. Constitution. It Is Not So Much That Every American Has The Constitutional Right To Bare Arms, But Rather We Have A Right To Have A WELL REGULATED MILITIA. Its Very Important Our People Understand This Meaning. One Individual Bearing Arms To Defend Ones Self Is Only One Of The Intentions Of This Law Written By The So-Called Forefathers Of The American Revolution. The Most Important Aspect We As A People Must Understand, Is This 2nd Amendment Constitutional Right More Importantly Gives Us As A People, The Right To Organize A Well Regulated Militia To Defend Our Lives. At The Time The 2nd Amendment Law Was Written, Europeans Of A British Nature Were In A Penal Colony, Meaning They Had Committed Crimes In England, And Their Punishment Was To Be Brought Too This Land Occupied By Native Indians, And Work As Indentured Servants (European Slaves). These Convicted White Criminals Rebelled From Their British Rule, And The American Revolution Was Born. They Wrote In Their Newly Founded U.S. Constitution The 2nd Amendment, Giving The Right To Any Future Generations Of Americans The Right To Take The Same Action They Took, Against England Oppressing Them. To Have A Right To Organize A Peoples Army, A Militia, To Defend The People From A Government Practicing Tranny. This Is Were America Is Today In 2014, And Its Tranny Consist Of The Continued Practice Of Racism, Murder And Brutality Against A Discriminated Section Of The American Population, That Being Black Americans, Spanish Americans, Asian Americans, All People Of Color In This Country, And Poor Whites. They The So-Called Forefathers Of The American Revolution, Knew That History Might Repeat Itself, And Oppress Others In The Future, So This Law Was Written In Case This Happened Again. Who Amongst You Black Men, Can Step To This Call To Arms, In Our History, To Be A Solider For An Oppressed Race Of People, In Particular Black People In This Country? This Is How We Intensify Our Struggle, This Is Whats Is Absolutely Necessary At This Juncture In Our Continued Struggle For Freedom From This Violent Form Of Repression Being Instrumented By Americas Law Enforcement, Infested With Racist White American Men. This Fact Does Not Need To Be Proven, We Have Centuries Of Documented Proof, And Get Fresh Evidence Everyday Of Our Lives. My Mission As A Black Revolutionary, And Freedom Fighter, Is To Convince My Race To Organize This Defense Force, Peoples Militia. To Encourage Participation From Black Men, And Other Men Of Color. Black Men, You Must Talk To Your God, And Find The Inner Strength To Be A Solider For Freedom, Be Prepared To Die, As In Any War Of Liberation. Again, Our Political Situation Leaves Us No Choice But To Exercise Our 2nd Amendment Rights Within The Confounds Of America, Where We Are Being Systematically Murdered, Brutalized, And Our Government Is In Support Of This Terror Against Black People, And Others. Hail The Second American Revolution. All Power To The People. General Can Do Victor Huey Houston, Original Black Panther Party Leader, Oakland, California, Since 1967 To Now.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:03:57 +0000

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