NEVER NEGOTIATE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. IT CAN BE FATAL! Did you know that the future is cheap, but the present is very expensive? Well, Esau sold his Birthright (An entire future financial security) to buy the present (A plate of stew). Jacob sold the present (A plate of stew) to buy his brother’s Birthright (An entire future financial security). Gen. 25:30-31, And Esau said to Jacob, Let me eat some of that stew, for I am hungry. And Jacob said, Sell me your birthright now. Are you aware that your life is a sum total of negotiations from the day you are born till the day you die? In fact your birth was influenced by the negotiation between your father and mother. Sometimes it is a loving negotiation; other times it is a hasty, guilt-ridden negotiation with a lot of pain and bitter consequences. Negotiation is a form of a deal we make to exchange what we have in the present for something we need in the future. There are negotiations we do in the boardroom and others we do daily in our choices. The sad story however is that whilst formal negotiations are very familiar to us, we are totally ignorant of the skill involved in doing daily informal negotiations. As a result of the lack of these salient informal skills, just like Esau, many are negotiating for a future life they would not be proud of. The secret underlying this phenomenon is that, human beings negotiate towards their most needful thing at the time of the negotiation. Dear friend, take this from me; Never negotiate when you find yourself in any of the following states of mind. (1) NEVER NEGOTIATE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. For the hungry man, he needs food more that his future financial security. Like Esau, hungry people have intense present need and as such, close their eyes to the consequences of their choices. (2) NEVER NEGOTIATE WHEN YOU ARE FEELING TIRED. The tired mind needs rest more that the billions of dollar contract to sign. (3) NEVER NEGOTIATE WITH SOMEONE YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH. You are more likely to be charmed by beauty and handsomeness. (4) NEVER NEGOTIATE WHEN YOU ARE OVER-EXCITED. Any good negotiator will tell you that over-zealous and eager traders easily get burnt in negotiations. Excited people give more away than are ready to take in. And (5) NEVER NEGOTIATE WHEN YOU ARE UNDER PRESSURE. This morning I ask, what are you negotiating for in life? Are we negotiating on empty stomachs? Just make sure, you’ve eaten before you start negotiations. (DR. DANIELS)
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 08:05:42 +0000

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