NEVER SHOOT THE MESSENGER. I ONLY INFORM AND POST WHAT IS ALREADY WRITTEN ABOUT OR WHAT I WRITE. ----------------------------- The General Sejusa Return and his Cowardly Stunts The Inside Story detailing why Gen David Sejusa had to Swallow Humble Pie and Beg Gen Museveni for Forgiveness Again and Again Hitherto renegade Gen David Sejusa formerly Tinyefuza returned to the country last week, a subdued man save for the few stinging comments he made for purposes of remaining relevant in the eyes of Ugandans. Sejusa’s return by all standards contrasted sharply with Dr Kiiza Besigye’s return from self-imposed exile in South Africa in 2001. Whereas Besigye braved the full force of the military and made heroic entry into Kampala, Sejusa arrived like any other ordinary soul and did not draw huge publicity from both local and international media agencies as it was with son of Kifeefe. That said, we must haste to point out that we have picked pen and paper to add another interesting angle to Sejusa’s return which touches on why the hitherto fire-spitting General had to recant his war talk and embrace President Museveni, the man he had vowed to send parking. We shall not dwell on closed door reconciliation talks… blah...Blah…, which Sejusa held with Kampala. That is now commonplace, the other media having ably covered it. UK Flatly Rejects Sejusa’s War Option We learned from our impeccable sources within the Diaspora that Sejusa had courted the West, particularly the UK, to help him further his war against Museveni. This Sejusa did by asking for arms and financial help. To justify his quest for war, Sejusa reportedly endeavored to impress it upon the West and his UK benefactors that Museveni was running a dictatorship in Kampala which had no further regard for human rights and democracy at all. Sources with the Ugandan intelligence, which were tasked to spy on Sejusa night and day, confirmed having received Sejusa’s such maneuvers. Try as he could, but Sejusa failed to convince the UK that war was the best option to bring down his Commander-In-Chief. And here is why. To start with, we understand, UK told Sejusa that Museveni was not only militarily strong but had a big political following back home. And as such, the asserted, the politically and militarily mighty Museveni would find no problem beating down his ( Sejusa’s) rebellion like he had done with countless insurgents that have been cropping up since the day Kaguta wrestled power from Tito Okello Lutwa and group. Our sources further reported how the UK informed Sejusa that Museveni was not only their best ally today as far as fighting terrorism is concerned, but he is also a man who is ready to offer the West the best of business deals that there are. By supporting his war effort, our sources quoted the UK and its Western allies as telling Sejusa, I would only serve to antagonize Museveni and further drawing him towards the East Bloc, from which they are currently fighting tooth and nail to win him back from. Majority in Diaspora Reject War Too Sejusa’s war option would suffer yet another blow when majority in the Diaspora joined London to denounce the same. An angry Sejusa would react by abandoning the first political grouping; he had formed in collaboration with Ugandans in the Diaspora, to form his own Free Uganda political forum. Free Uganda Fairs Badly His move to Free Uganda only ended up justifying the talk that Sejusa was in London on a mission to spy on Ugandans who were bent on opposing the Kampala government. Though, the purveyors of such talk could not prove it’s veracity beyond the fact that Sejusa had in the past fallen out with Museveni only to get back in bed with the man, going on to report people who had allegedly lured him into rebellion, Ugandans in the Diaspora used such propaganda to politically weaken the General and the trick proved a success. Cold Exile True Sejusa had in the past lived in exile in Kenya. This was in the 1980’s when he together with Maj Gen Jim Muhwezi Katugugu broke Jinja Road Police cells and escaped prosecution for conspiring with the then National Resistance Army rebel leader Yoweri Museveni to fight Obote’s government. Even then, it can be argued, Obote’s government was not as good with intelligence as the current Museveni’s is. This fact could have made Sejusa’s Kenya exile life much easier than the 2014 UK exile. Too, Obote was largely discredited in the eyes of his fellow Presidents within the East African region, but most importantly in the Western countries, who were all willing to offer sanctuary to those who were fighting Obote at the time. On the contrary, Museveni is in the good books of the Western countries, which clearly speaking, must have made the UK uncomfortable giving shelter to Sejusa, the man who was talking of overrunning government back in Kampala. Empty Pockets Intelligence is said to have frozen Sejusa’s bank accounts the moment he escaped to London and vowed to overthrow Museveni’s government. Kampala is also said to have frightened Sejusa’s business partners and military colleagues with threats of bad times ahead in the event they continued to hobnob with the general. As a matter of fact, most of Sejusa’s friends in the army where purged with some rendered idle and others imprisoned. What this meant is that Sejusa was cut off from money sources, leaving him at the mercy of the UK government, which was also only willing to give him stipend for survivor in a bid not to cross the Kampala regime. In such miserable state financially, it becomes abundantly clear why Sejusa could not have sustained the war efforts against Kampala even if he was dying to. Above all, Sejusa remembers very well how made Shs800m without making a sweat in the past just by regretting his “sins” and embracing Museveni again. And that was all, he also became the enviable top most spy. By doing the same again, Sejusa calculated that he would land more cash and whet his dry pockets. Not Besigye When Besigye escaped to South Africa, his predicament elicited sympathy from his host country and the West because Kampala was hell-bent on persecuting him for daring to spoil Museveni’s political party. Then, it was even Sejusa, as one of the leading military figures in the army, who had made life a living hell for Besigye, necessitating the man’s flight to exile. In the case of Sejusa, he was only running away from prosecution for breaches he had committed against the military law to which he was subject. Though the UK, out of its regard for human rights sheltered Sejusa, the fact that Sejusa had committed worse human rights as a military man before, was not lost on his host country and the West at that. In the circumstances therefore, the UK was not going to sympathize with Sejusa forever and keep him for longer. This became apparent when voices started to ring out, challenging the UK to surrender Sejusa to Hague for prosecution at the International Criminal Court for crimes he had committed against Ugandans. The above being the case, the UK would only help as it did to talk to Kampala to offer Sejusa a soft landing lest it risked a backlash from human rights activists for sheltering a man deemed to have caused many a lot of suffering. Hindsight Having been at the helm of the military intelligence and served in many top army positions, Sejusa must have realized the folly of taking on the mighty UPDF and as such capitulated. For how was Sejusa supposed to fight without money, support from the West, Diaspora and Ugandans at home, who know too well his past human rights record? Again, many of Sejusa’s bush war colleagues are expired militarily speaking. Many have made a lot of money. They are now contented with enjoying the fruits of having “ fallen into things” and their massive fortunes and mistresses, to mind calls from a fellow expired colleague take to yet another round of war!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:25:07 +0000

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