NEW AGE - NEW THOUGHT LEADERS HIJACK THE BIBLE There are what are termed New Age or New Thought leaders/gurus who have an excellent understanding of Scripture, and utilize powerful Kingdom truths from the Word of God for their inspiring and motivational spiritual presentatons, but yet completely remove Jesus as the King of the Kingdom and Son of God out of the equation. These guys are sharp, intelligent, very creative and innovative in their presentation. They know how to utilize pop-culture styles to connect with their audience, and their influence is growing, while much of the church is happy to remain religious - cloistered and monastic like nuns and monks in the 4 walls of a religious monestary, afraid to engage the world for Christ. In watching video clips of these guys, their command of Scripture amazes me. Some of them may even have a church background, but have reinvented themselves with Christ no longer at the center of their lives and message. So they present a Christless gospel as just great principles to live by. And the term universe replaces Jesus or Christ - just connect with the universe and your life will be better. Kingdom priniciples from Scripture are timeless and powerful principles to try and live by. But when you remove Jesus Christ from the narrative of Scripture you just end up with nice philosophy, and the Good News of why God sent His Son into the earth becomes lost. It is a subtle deception, because now, Jesus is replaced by the universe. I was watching a few video clips of an amazing talented upcoming young leader from those circles yesterday, giving such exuberant infectious presentions using Scripture, but without the Living Word - Christ. The funny thing is, I could tell who his mentor was. And sure enough, checking on his website, I was right. I am really writing this post not even so much from a position of criticising these guys, but from a position of challenging us who have both the Scriptural priniciples, and are in relationship with the Living Word of the priniciples. I want us who have The Truth to be challenged to be more innovative and creative to the max in our presentations of the Good News, and much less religious. Lets get out the 4 walls of the church monestary, throw out the religious baggage, and engage the culture with the message and Spirit of Christ that we carry. You may need to change your presentation for a new generation so you can really be an agent for holy transformation.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:58:53 +0000

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