NEW AMAZON REVIEW FOR MY BOOK (Friday, April 4, 2014) ***** - TopicsExpress


NEW AMAZON REVIEW FOR MY BOOK (Friday, April 4, 2014) ***** FIVE STARS - POWERFUL BOOK ON THE END TIMES! By Diana on April 4, 2014 The book is a blessing and unbelievably easy to understand not only how we are to walk with the Lord, as Christians, but how we are to become Overcomers. Randy, who had been a Pastor for over 40 years and totally believing what he was taught in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture teaching, was humble enough to investigate the possibility that he was dead wrong. So many pastors and teachers today, rely on their teachers and tradition, rather than taking the time out of their hectic lives to really study the Word themselves, without man’s interpretation. This is exactly what Randy has done. Randy is an astute student and teacher of linguistics and the history of the Bible. His expertise is profound and his communication skills in explaining why he had been wrong for so many years are exemplary. Randy doesn’t profit from this book, which goes to prove that he isn’t in it to make a small fortune. He has produced this book to aid Pastors, Teachers, Missionaries and others preaching the Gospel, just how important the End Times Prophecies really are and why Jesus wanted us to listen. So many pastors will give you a “I am Pan Trib., whatever pans out, is good enough for me!” First of all, that is a cop-out and it will not hold up at the Day of Judgment for these lazy Pastors that stand at their pulpits collecting a check every month and are too afraid to lose some of that good money, by the congregation getting upset. No, the Book of Revelation is very clear in reading the last chapter. It does matter what you are teaching, so much that you can be blotted out of the Book of Life. That, my friend is a salvation issue. This book points to the Bible as our Source and to a book that actually maps out every End Time Prophecy without succumbing to man’s thoughts or ideas or interpretations. The book is called Til Eternity written by Paul Bortolazzo, which woke Randy up and caused him to write this book. It follows that after you read Randy’s book, you will of course want to get Til Eternity and get several copies to share with others. May these two men, Randy Orris and Paul Bortolazzo be blessed beyond comparison for being selfless and going forward in God’s truths, even though it goes against the tide of tradition that has enveloped the Church. I give this book 5 Stars of Excellence in all phases!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 22:26:26 +0000

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