NEW BLOG @thabodledimo says THERE IS SUCCESS IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS - TopicsExpress


NEW BLOG @thabodledimo says THERE IS SUCCESS IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS I was born in Bostabehlo a township the south of Bloemfontein, in the Free State Province. When I was born my grandmother together with my mom and other relatives lived in a shack. Years later they got an RDP and that is where I was taught most of the values I know. The one important value I know of is not bad mouthing others or bad mouthing them. I used to do that as a kid, no knowing any better and my grandfather gave me a physical lesson (I can still feel the beating today) My older cousin who practically raised me up dropped out of school when she was still in grade nine. So I grew up in an environment where education was not valued, but none the less I was taught that I should never downplay anyone irrespective of how many degrees or distinctions they have or DON’T HAVE under their sleeves. In reflection today I have written books, got published and have been on radio and written for many great online blogs and magazines. There is no other way that I can show gratitude for this entire process than encouraging young people to read. Reading is what opened my eyes to the world; it showed me that you can be anything you want to be only if you believe in yourself. Irrespective of how big or stupid the idea may seem to the world and those around you. At the end of the day you are the captain of your soul, the master of your own fate. There is nobody who can tell you otherwise. I really care about your outlook; the way that you view life will determine what you want in life. So wouldn’t it be more interesting if your outlook on life was clearer? Imagine what you can achieve with yourself if you at least knew what the outcome of your actions would be before you even do that task, wouldn’t you like to know how people feel and what makes people happy and more attentive to the experiences of live as whole? I know you would, because that is the recipe of success, what is referred to as technocratic leadership or personality. Technocratic people surround themselves with positive and successful people. So how can I meet such people you may ask me, well the best place I know of is called a ‘book’ stories of the greatest men who had ever walked the earth are written in there. From Nelson Mandela, Jesus of Nazareth, Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa and even you. Yes you are one of those people; it only takes you to believe in yourself, if you can imagine it you can do it. YOU ARE THE CEO OF ME INC!!!! Steps necessary to reading As young people we are very impatient when it comes to reading because it takes too longs. Well this is how I would like you to view it, take a book as a sop opera. So instead of trying to read the whole book in a day, take the book an divide it for yourself, perhaps a chapter a day, two pages a day, which ever works for you (But be warned, books are really good and they can draw you in very deeply) Check list 1. A book on a topic you enjoy or rather one you are curious about 2. A place you feel at ease (the park, your bedroom, garden) 3. Mood [music works for other people and it does not work for others, so listen to a song, and if the song and the reading work, then that is your style] 4. Don’t feel guilty when you are too busy to read, it’s about enjoying yourself, not competing or reading the most books, so take it easy on yourself!! “What a mighty power is imagination, the workshop of the soul, in which thoughts are woven into railroads and skyscrapers and mills and factories and all manner of material wealth.”- Napoleon Hill
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 07:02:04 +0000

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