NEW BULLETIN READ AND GO HIGHER BY OBEYING THE MESSAGE, YOU HAVE ENOUGH GLORY WORLDWIDE. AS YOU READ, YOU ARE GETTING TO THE TOP. TITLE: EXCELLENCE IS NEVER A SURPRISE Da:6:1: It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, which should be over the whole kingdom;Da:6:2: And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage.Da:6:3: Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. “Success is found by holding on long after others have let go” “Persistence is simply enjoying the distance between the birth and fulfillment of your dreams” John Mason What is Excellence? It is to be Superior, the quality or state of being outstanding. It’s a state of leadership where everyone submits to your authority. That is why they use your Excellency for leaders. It’s a position that you have something to offer for the general public and they have no choice than to accept it because your offer is unique. It’s to be different among others. Example, when Jesus was in His earthly ministry, it got to a time that people were running after Him to the extent that the leaders then were jealous His life. I can still say excellence is a position that attracts jealousy from others. Anybody is entitled to the position of excellence but there are prices to pay for it. As we know nothing comes free of charge in life, you must do something to attain the position. Thank God, He has made all things easy for you to get to the place 1. He has line-up greater glory for you 2. He has won the battle of darkness for you people to arise and shine without the intervention of kingdom of darkness. When I say it’s not a surprise, it means you too can pay the price and get to the position of excellence. Daniel paid the price of excellence and he got it. He was singled out of others though a slave in the land. He ruled with many kings in the land. You cannot attain position of authority free of charge as we said before but a price is needed and that is why it’s not a surprise again to be on top since you can pay the price. It’s attainable for all. People that dodge responsibility become nothing in life. “Responsibility is the price for greatness” said a wise man. All successful people work for it. A man, lawyer by profession struggled to get a visa to United Kingdom. Due to financial constrain, he was working all-round everywhere like cleaning of plates and all the rough jobs to educate himself there. Today, he is one of the successful lawyers in the country. He paid price for his success and no other way round. If you are the type that always find a reason for your failure, you cannot get to the top. . It’s very simple. Do everything possible to overcome mediocre in life. The pressure determines the output. What you invest into your life determines the final output. A man with little information can only apply the little to get little result. Also, a man with little technical know-how can only apply the little and get the little. A man who looks for wisdom all round and apply it always shall surely be on top of others because wisdom is the principal thing. You can see from the original scripture that whatever you get in life, you must get wisdom. Wisdom is costly, it’s not cheap and that is why majority cannot have wisdom. Not all can pay the price for it. Wisdom is product of knowledge rightly applied but can you get knowledge cheaply. No way. Education alone cannot give you wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowledge of different people and from different angle. Therefore, a successful man must be a man of wisdom in a direction though it may not be in all but must master an area. Nobody wakes up one morning and claim success. Success takes time to materialize and if you are on your way to success, don’t give up. You shall surely get there. A times it takes at least 10 or more years to be a complete success in some endeavour. Note that I said before you become a complete success, which means many breakthroughs must have taken place along the line before that time. There is almighty formula for success, don’t give up. You may need to apply the formula more and more. If you apply this formula as others in the past had applied and made it, which is step by step, you shall surely be on top sooner or later, time different for individual. Successful people must have long story to tell. Everyman star in one profession or the other works for their success. Everybody loves fame and glory but few are ready to pay the price. The bible encourages everybody to work hard. Proverb:6:6: Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Proverb:6:7: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Proverb:6:8: Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. Proverb:6:9: How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Proverb:6:10: Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: Proverb:6:11: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man. That scriptures are telling you to work hard or else you become poor. The life of ants is used to demonstrate work for us. These tinning animals also work without any special supervision and they are successful in their ways. Life greatest burden is when you have nothing to bear. When nothing moves you to do more, something that you need shall finally move you in the future. When you see others transcend to upper places, you may have yourself to blame. Everyone in life has one blockage or the other; therefore, your complaints may be empty words from empty man. Stop making excuses about your poor parents, about your education background, etc but work hard to be on top. Excellence comes by repetitive practices. Someone may say I am not gifted in area of education but if the man continues to read without looking back, the brain shall be adapted to it and he can become anything in the same education that he failed before. A man failed chemistry many times in secondary school but he finally wrote books on chemistry. Why? Repetitive practices of purpose! He continued to study it until he mastered everything and it led him to be a guru. You can do likewise. Something similar to that happened when I was in secondary school. I noticed I scored very low in sciences. Then I changed gear. I read all the sciences with a purpose. Sometimes soon, I scored 60s in all the sciences instead of 20 or 30 before. The following year, I led one of the science subjects by scoring around 78 all in percentage. From then, I believe nothing is impossible for anybody that is ready to go higher. The subject I led was chemistry, impossible to an ordinary person. All happened within a short time, from ss2 to ss3. You can do all things. You can become anything especially now no demons or Satan to block you in the spirit. If Anthony Robinson could read 700 books in secondary school and he has become terrible consultant in America today, what is not possible for you. The man became multi-millionaire at the age of 24. He became adviser to even his teachers. Now he is selling his wisdom. Put more effort and you shall be there soon. The information gathered by Donald Trump in America has made him terror. It costs people fortune for the man to speak in their programmes. It’s not by magic, the man paid for it. He read a lot even with his busy schedules, seeking information worldwide daily, waking early every day. Do you know the secret of the scientist till date? REPETITION! They never give up on whatever they want. When a man like Albert Eisten was in his laboratory, he would never have time for any other thing. He had discovered a lot that became enjoyment for us today. What of BOEING, what of BILL GATES, what of BEDFORD that made cars for America cheaply etc. Once you can pay the price for EXCELLENCE, you must surely have it and excellence is not static, it’s continuous thing. It’s what you must attain daily and nobody wants to draw back. What gives somebody like Soyinka in Nigeria his fame? Preparation and repetition! Those people never look back. Do you think your labour has not resulted to any achievement, try to do more. Success is simple when you apply right anti-do. You are not a failure until you conclude to be one. For your information, higher percentage of the rich people you see are from poor background and are illiterate as far as former education is concerned but they forced themselves to be something by applying simple rules. You have no excuses for your failure, arise and succeed. We are now in new dispensation, the best dispensation since the beginning of this set of people, since time of Adam. Your prayer is not important but your actions. Take giant actions and not little actions. I pursued a company for almost a year before I could be recognized as a computer engineer in the past when I was working, before I became a prophet. That is a spirit never to give up. OBSERVATIONS 1. Every day is unique with its opportunities 2. He who hesitates misses the green light and loses his parking space, therefore, be sharp and move ahead. 3. Life is called for constant actions. 4. Successful leaders have courage to take action while others hesitate. 5. You will never know what you can do until you begin. 6. The moments you give up, someone sees the opportunities and use them. 7. Start every task thinking how to do it better than it has ever been done before. 8. Don’t seek just success but excellence. You will find both. 9. Excellence demands that you be better than yourself. Your vision must be bigger than you. That means it’s only God that can do it. 10. Opportunities hide behind obstacles. When things look like its impossible, that is when you should move ahead, there must be opportunities there. Obstacles are part of life but only physical now, the spiritual has been removed. 11. The different between iron and steel is fire. Let the fire of life brings out the best in you. Life examples 1. Abraham Lincoln. He was not educated until he became a politician 2. William shake sphere. His literature still relevant today since 15/16 century. 3. Barrack Obama. He became first black America president 4. Engineer oloide. He established local medicine company through the book he inherited changing from computer engineering. He is making it in the new profession. Etc. If black man can become the president of America, your colour is irrelevant. A black man fought and died for the same purpose before, to free the black. There are black billionaires in dollar in the world. If you determine, you can become anything. Chief M.K.O was once became 7th richest in the world during his life time, nothing can limit you. If not death, the man should be number one before he died. That means irrespective of your colour or background, you can be anything. Record cannot be cheated. Once you have the materials, you are enlisted already. Can you take money to BOEING Company and they refuse to sell private jet for you? Impossible! Can you have something to sell and people refuse to buy them if they are ok and standard? Impossible! See how china is going at very faster rate. They have something to sell and we have no choice than to buy from them. That is it. Work hard and sell your resources. Look at the life of Samuel the prophet. People ran to him because of the gift of God in his life. From Saul example, people didn’t go to prophet free of charge, why? He has something unique among others. He gave them solution and direction and they paid him likewise. I am doing the same here on facebook and anywhere I may be called. I give them direction and people honour God by paying me something not by charge or force but according to the grace of God in their lives. I know because of your stinginess, you may want to proof you have not received any grace from God. Nobody pays a man of God and go free. He must be blessed now or latter. Do you hear the story of how former President Olusegun Obasanjo ruled Nigerians 3 times? His church owned money and the man sacrificed his time to pay the money. On the day the prophet in the church prayed for him, he was told Nigerians shall serve him 3 times and God line up that prophesy that day in the spirit, unchanging handwriting of God. He got to the place after many years. Did the man rule Nigerians 3 times? Yes. Even at the last hour that Abasha wanted to harm the man, the prophesy was still working and he was released to become president. The prophecy then said 3 times and it never exceeded the times, even when the man planed to add a term, it couldn’t work because the result of what he did then was 3 times. Another sacrifice may place him in another position in the future. What have you sacrificed for the prophet of God or God house or service in the past or now? Take a step of faith and do something for God. Devourers can be more terrible than demons if you eat money of God (Malachi3:8: Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.Mal:3:9: Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.Mal:3:10: Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Mal:3:11: And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.Mal:3:12: And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts..) God always wait a little for man to repent that is why you think you can go free on the tithes and offerings you are eating like meat, you are not matured. Last time that God torched you to bless a man of God, what did you do? You waved it away and you want to become president or big man in the future. Don’t deceive yourself. Finally, 1 Be persistent 2. Have a lion like heart 3. Seek information 4. Use mentorship strategies 5. Use new ideas always 6. Don’t listen to criticism from fools. Criticism is a compliment when you are doing the right thing. 7. Give God His own part from your income and nothing shall hinder your excellence. Notice once there is no kingdom of darkness again to block, disobedient to God in tithes and other offerings can block you more than demons. PRAYERS: YOU ARE FREE FROM NOISE MAKING IF YOU HAVE FAITH, TAKE STEPS AND WAIT FOR MIRACLE. TESTIMONIES 1. GOD PROVIDED ACCOMMODATION FOR ME AT LAST HOUR. 2. GOD GAVE ME PREGNANCY AFTER THE MAN OF GOD SAID PRAYER IS NOT NECESSARY AGAIN. 3. PROMOTION GALORE 4. THINGS ARE MOVING FOR ME AS THE MAN OF GOD PROPHESIED. WE INVITE YOU TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORK OF GOD ONLINE PAYMENT TO GOD. TO PAY FIRST FRUIT OFFERING, SEED OFFERING TO US, CHECK THE ACCOUNT DETAIL ON MY FACEBOOK TIMELINE OR BELOW.( FIRST FRUIT OFFERING IS TRUSTING GOD WITH YOUR JANUARY FEBRUARY INCOME OR HALF OF IT OR JUST TRUSTING GOD WITH SOMETHING FROM JANUARY INCOME APART FROM YOUR NORMAL GIVING FOR QUICK BREAKTHOUGHS OR SPECIAL OPEN DOORS(AT WORST FEBRUARY). SEED OFFERING IS GIVING GOD SOMETHING FOR A PARTICULAR TARGET THROUGH A MAN OF GOD ANYTIME OF THE YEAR) YOU CAN ALSO PAY YOUR SEED OFFERING ANYTIME OF THE YEAR TO US.(FOR A SPECIFIC REQUEST FROM GOD) INTERNATIONAL ACCT INCLUDED PAY FIRST FRUIT OFFERINGS, TITHES, TITHE OF TITHES, OFFERINGS, DONATIONS, THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS, ETC TO THE ACCOUNTS BELOW. ACCOUNT DETAIL: NAME: OLADEJO EMMANUEL DARE FIRST BANK: NO:2008107882. SKYE BANK NO:1013674728. FIDELITY BANK: NO:4020894668. GUARANTY TRUST BANK(GTB) NO:0128983015 CHURCH ACCOUNT DETAIL: UNION BANK. NAME: THE SWORD OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES. ACCT.NO: 0034531328 ADDRESS: SW8/15, OLUAYOOLA AVENUE, CHALLENGE, IBADAN. PHONE:08034064474. INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT OR PAYMENT OUTSIDE NIGERIA. DOMICILIARY ACCOUNT OR FOREIGN ACCOUNT FOR DOLLAR, POUND STERLING OR EURO. GT BANK WORLDWIDE NAME: OLADEJO EMMANUEL OLUDARE NO:0138594643 OR SUMMIT ANY CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER OF ANY BANK WORLDWIDE TO THE FIRST BANK ACCOUNT ABOVE OR SEND THE CHEQUE OR MATERIAL THINGS LIKE CARS, BUSES, READY MADE HALL, INTRUMENTS ETC TO THE CHURCH OR THE PROPHET THROUGH THE BELOW ADDRESSES. OR USE SWIFT, RIA FINANCIAL, WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER OR GTFX(ORGANIZED BY GTBANK) FOR FOREIGN TRANSFERS. NAME:PROPHET OLADEJO EMMANUEL OLUDARE OR THE SWORD OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES.(FOR MINISTRY MONEY) ADDRESS: 1. SW8/15, OLUAYOOLA AVENUE, CHALLENGE, IBADAN. 2.P.O BOX 1579 DUGBE, IBADAN, NIGERIA. PHONE:08034064474 CHURCH NEEDS. KEYBOARD CHURCH HALLS POWERFUL PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM CHAIRS GENERATOR BUS ETC. IF YOU LIKE, COMMENT AGAINST IT AND YOU ARE FIRED.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:49:09 +0000

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