NEW DISEASE WORSE THAN EBOLA SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE!! New disease worse than Ebola spreading like wildfire!! Yup sad to say the new disease which has actually been around for years but is now spreading like wild fire and is causing untold damage to millions of people world wide. The death toll rises every single day. And just like Ebola the world is just not willing to open its eyes and take note of the terrible spread of this deadly disease. How many more must die an unnecessary death before we do something to stop this plague from destroying entire nations?? The symptoms of this disease are easy enough to recognize. Although the symptoms vary from patient to patient there are some easily recognizable symptoms that can be picked up by an observer. 1) The first symptom that is noticeable is the fact that the infected seem to go color blind and can seemingly no longer differentiate between white folks and blacks. 2) It also effects the patients IQ very quickly and they can no longer be expected to have an intelligent conversation and when they come under intellectual pressure they suffer some sort of seizure very similar to those suffered by people with tourettes syndrome, they do not however swear uncontrollably but seem to scream the word “RACIST” when suffering an episode. 3) They also develop an uncontrollable desire to copulate and procreate with lesser species?? Probably due to the degeneration of their brains that even their base instincts are screwed up? 4) It also causes complete loss of long term memory and therefore they no longer remember the sacrifices of those that went before them. 5) Another terrible symptom of this disease is loss of strength, ambition and the complete loss of interest in any sort of work and therefore sufferers of this terrible disease are very quickly become a huge financial drain on the welfare system of the country as it renders them completely without use or the ability to make a contribution to any society. 6) The patients are also prone to violent outbursts when they don’t get what they want and have been known to destroy entire neighborhoods during one of these symptomatic outbursts. 7) Much like the zombies of “walking dead” fame the infected also seem to suffer from the herd mentality and generally move around in large groups infecting everything in their path. They are however easy to track as they turn even the most beautiful landscaped areas into disgusting wastelands. 8) The most difficult part of this plague is that the patients just don’t want to take their medicine!! Their are many qualified professionals who are out there trying very hard to give these people their much needed release from this disease with the simple application of a lead pill, but sadly this disease has spread into the highest reaches of our society and has affected our leaders and they in turn are trying to stop us from saving these people from this horrible disease. SO PLEASE MY FRIENDS BE AWARE AND KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR THE INFECTED, MAKE SURE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE SAFE FROM THOSE THAT ARE SPREADING THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE!! WE MUST STAND TOGETHER FOR THIS I AM SAD TO SAY MAY VERY WELL BE THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. Oh before I forget the name the disease has been given is “LIBERAL STUPIDITY” and the patients are known as LIBTARDS. Go with God my friends for these are dark times and we will have to fight for our survival. nubbi.wordpress/2014/10/14/new-disease-worse-than-ebola-spreading-like-wildfire/
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 11:28:24 +0000

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