NEW EVIDENCE AND FACTS THAT CHRIS BENOIT IS INNOCENT :- First off, I would like to thank Dean, Johnny Angel and the interviews conducted by the family of Chris for helping me out and helping me get some of the info. Here are facts that Chris is innocent. I will continue to post oncoming facts. _________________________________________ Kevin Sullivan threatened Benoit and told him he would kill him. Kevin Sullivan is a high ranking member of the Satanic Church. They live on revenge. By doing this crime, not only would Kevin Sullivan have lived out his Satanic Church creed with his lust for revenge, but he would have destroyed Chris Benoit’s reputation. Satanists hate the Bible and the police have stated that a Bible was found next to the bodies of Benoit’s wife and son. This would serve as a bizarre calling card as if to either say “What good did your Bible do you?” or to throw off investigators to keep them from suspecting Sullivan and his Satanists would have been involved. Why would he tie his wife up before killing her? He would have no reason to, but Kevin Sullivan sure would! When Chris sent the text messages, that could have been a cry for help. Of courese he could call anyone. Either that, or the real killers sent the text messages so that the police could find out and so that the faster the police there, the faster Chris Benoits legacy could be ruined. In almost every suicide case, their is a suicide not. Why didnt Chris Benoit make one. If he did commit these crimes, he had time to write one. Wouldnt Chris want to write a suicide note, maybe explaining his actions to his fans? A formor LPD says qoute, I havnt heard of a suicide note or someone who talked with Mr. Benoit that can say he actully talked to me, that was his voice and he said he killed his wife and son. So sofar Im sopissous that we dont have another party in this crime and Im not even that sure Chris Benoit even commited suicide. We need somthing in his own handwriting or his own voice saying he killed his wife and kid. That is true. There is no evadence in handwriting or in a voice of Chris saying he did it. What happened to innocent untill proven guilty in the court of law? In all crime cases, police do DNA, fingerprints ect. Well, In Chris Benoits case, they didnt do any DNA or fingerprints! This sould be a call to the police, a few hours befor the police came, a white car was scence leaving the Benoit home. Wasnt Chris, Nancy and Daniel spoused to be dead at that time. Who was in that car? When the police arived to the Benoit home, they didnt enter because they were scared of the dogs. So they got a neighboor to enter the home by herself. First, how do the police know the area was safe for her to enter. The true killers could have still been there and got her. Second, how do the police know she didnt mess with evadence? Fact: When someone hangs themself, their face turns blue, there would be blood in they eyes because of the vesicels poping, little blood is on that person, the eyes and tongue poking out of the head and urine and feses would be released. None of this was found on Chris Benoit. His face was normal, no blood in his eyes, tongue inside and no feses or urine on him. The tru killers made it look like he hung himself, most likely they stangled Chris so that it would defently make it look like he killed himself. The mechine that he hung himself on his only a inch or so taller then Chris. He was 511. Chris feet would have touched the floor. Also, Chris weighed 250 pounds. How could a little weight mechine hold up Chris lifeless body of 250 pounds? why would chris purposely send out a txt message knowing that he was going to kill himself. if he really wanted to do that he wouldnt of sent the messages out in the first place. There was a knife under Daniels bed. I remember hearing that Nancy said Kevin used to chase her with a knife, the same kind under little Daniels bed. Chris Benoit loved his family more then wrestling. Why would he hurt his baby boy and his best friend. Why would he ruin the 2 things he loved most, fmaily and wrestling. Why would Chris leave his other 2 kids fatherless, and without a stepmom and their baby brother. The guy investgating the case said he didnt have experience in the case. There is a main point right there. Why didnt they get someone who knew that line of cases to investagate it. According to the co-worker Chris was talking to Friday, Chris said there was a knock o nthe door and hell be back. The co-worker heard a scruffle then the phone went dead. The cops should look into that Chris Benoit was at the doctors office on friday... a witnesses said he was polite, nice, friendly, smiling, soft spoken, posed for picture, signed autograph. this doesnt sound like a man going home to kill his wife the same night Benoit was a man who was devoted to respect...why would you work your entire career earning wht you think to be most precious(respect)and then in one move erase it all? xanax was found in all three persons bodies. If Chris was going on a rage, why would he take the time to give it to his wife and kid? Xanax is a sedative, so someone wanting revenge and holding them hostage might have drugged them up so they wouldnt put up as much of a struggle Why would Chris wait a whole day to do what he did to Daniel? Wouldnt Daniel ask where mommy was and most important, a dead body can smell? Wouldnt Daniel heard somthing or smelt somthing? Chris dad said on fathers day, a few days befor the murdereds, Chris said he wished he could stay home to be with Nancy and Daniel? Does that sound like someone who was going to commit this crime? There were gloves beside Nancy? If Chris was going to commit suiside, why would he wear gloves. A killer wheres gloves to hid his identy and NOT be found. 14 hours before they were found, someone posted the reason Chris wasnt at the PPV was becaue his wife was dead. That doest sound like a corinadence to me. That proves someone KNEW this was going on or the true killers posted it to get the news out sooner. One also needs to consider the fact that Benoit loved his kids and was so proud of his son that was killed. Why would he hurt the one who he was most proud of. His sons wore suits and ties to his wrestling events and was proud of their dad. He was loved and respected by all those who knew him. Why would he ruin all that? # Shobhit
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 10:36:56 +0000

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