[NEW] Fitur Seal Online Adventure. (OBT 26 Febuari 2014) > - TopicsExpress


[NEW] Fitur Seal Online Adventure. (OBT 26 Febuari 2014) > Reputasi Karakter : Fodder > Equiptment Karakter : - HTBS Doll Costume.DG+9 MO - TGD.DG+9 MO - Red Clad Rooster+9 MO - 1st Level Job Weapon.XG+12 MO > EXP : 200% > DROP : 150% > Pet Feeding : Golden Shield > Cegel : 10.000.000 cegel > Free all IM, except : ATB2 > Free Coin on game : 5 minutes,3 coin > Quest on game : All Quest Active > Server Active : - Server 1 = Non PK - Server 2 = PK > Daily Event : Monday - Sunday > Update Map : - Alcanez - Unison - Ice Castle - Mt. Cross > Drop Boss : - Kyle, Mercurial Dragon (Skilled) Drop Item : Pink Diamond,Gold Rune Stone, Kyle Wings, Baby Pacifier,Martyrs Mace, Executioner Mace, Joker Dagger, Dual Hand Dagger(LnR), Spiritual Axe. - Rymos, Dragon of Destruction (Skilled) Drop Item : Pink Diamond, Gold Rune Stone, Wings of Rymos(Str/Mpw), Midas Hammer,Specialist Hammer,Protector Shield, Spiritual Shield,Protector Sword. - Pagan, Dragon of Trepidation (Skilled) Pink Diamond, Gold Rune Stone, Pagan’s Wings, Wings of Rymos(Str/Mpw), Yellow Ribbon, Golden Sword Balde, Heartless Sword, Ice Bone Cane, Fire Bone Cane. - Dominator Zombie General (Skilled) Drop Item : Pink Diamond, Gold Rune Stone, Money Bag (250K), Swimming Eye Google.G+0, Executioner Mace, Joker Dagger, Protector Shield, Midas Hammer, Martyrs Mace, Fire Bone Cane, HTBS Protector, HTBS Midas, HTBS Fire Scale, HTBS Illusory, HTBS Executioner, HTBS Heartless. - Terminator Swine Commander (Skilled) Drop Item : Pink Diamond,Gold Rune Stone, Money Bag (250k), Swimming Eye Google.G+0, Dual Hand Dagger(LnR), Protector Sword, Spiritual Shield, Spiritual Axe, Specialist Hammer, Ice Bone Cane, HTBS Ice Scale, HTBS Martyrs, HTBS Joker, HTBS Spiritual, HTBS Specialist, HTBS Golden Sword. - Iceman (Sword) Drop Item : Diamond, Pink Diamond, Gold Rune Stone, Money Bag (250k), Swimming Eye Google.G+0. - Iceman (Shield) Drop Item : Diamond, Pink Diamond, Gold Rune Stone, Money Bag (250k), Swimmong Eye Google.G+0. - Ice Golem Drop Item : Diamond, Pink Diamond, Gold Rune Stone, Money Bag (250k), Swimming Eye Google.G+0. - [Sly] First Pig Drop Item : Manual G14, Manual A14, Manual Ac14, Manual G15, Gold Rune Stone, Pink Diamond. - [Violent] Secong Pig Drop Item : Manual G14, Manual A14, Manual Ac14, Manual G15, Gold Rune Stone, Pink Diamond. - [Swift] Third Pig Drop Item : Manual G14, Manual A14, Manual Ac14, Manual G15, Gold Rune Stone, Pink Diamond. >Free ALL IM shop Except: ATB 2 dan Posh Pet Batman > Shop on Web Gems - Crystal (Free) - Ruby (Free) - Diamond (1 coin) - Pink Diamond (150 coin) - Blue Rune Stone (Free) - Red Rune Stone (Free) - White Rune Sone (Free) - Black Rune Stone (Free) - Gold Rune Stone (Free) - Black Orb (3 coin) - White Spirit (3 coin) - Brown Soil (3 coin) - Yellow Iron (3 coin) - Green Wood (3 coin) - Blue Water (3 coin) - Red Fire (3 coin) Refine - Manual G1 (Free) - Manual G2 (Free) - Manual G3 (Free) - Manual G4 (Free) - Manual G5 (Free) - Manual G6 (Free) - Manual G7 (Free) - Manual G8 (Free) - Manual G9 (Free) - Manual G10 (Free) - Manual G11 (Free) - Manual G12 (Free) - Manual G13 ( 1000 coin) - Manual G14 (1000 coin) - Manual G15 ( 1000 coin) - Manual G16 (3000 coin) - Manual G17 (3000 coin) VnB - All VnB (Free) Armor - HTBS Ice (@1000 coin) - HTBS Zombie General (@2000 coin) - HTBS Anastasys (@15000 coin) - HTBS Pilgrim Garment (Free) - HTBS Garment of Wisdom (Free) - HTBS Suit of Fate (Free) - HTBS Suit of Silence (Free) - HTBS Crsytal Suit (Free) - HTBS Suit of Blaze (Free) - HTBS Sword of Ghost (Free) - HTBS Suit of Radience (Free) - HTBS Armor of Prayer (Free) - HTBS Holy Armor (Free) - HTBS Demolishers Outfit (Free) - HTBS Mclvers Outfit (Free) Weapon - Saturn Mace.XG+7 (Free) - Aura Dagger.XG+7 (Free) - Marucurds Staff.XG+7 (Free) - Oriental Sword.XG+7 (Free) - Sword of Ellen.XG+7 (Free) - Deans Hammer.XG+7 (Free) - Orion Shield.XG+7 (Free) - Pilgrim Mace.G+0 (Free) - Wisdom Mace.G+0 (Free) - Dagger of Fate.G+0 (Free) - Duo Silencer (LnR).G+0 (Free) - Crystal Staff.G+0 (Free) - Staff of Blaze.G+0 (Free) - Sword of Ghost.G+0 (Free) - Sword of Radience.G+0 (Free) - Axe of Prayer.G+0 (Free) - Shield of Prayer.G+0 (Free) - Holy Sword.G+0 (Free) - Holy Shield.G+0 (Free) - Demolishers Hammer.G+0 (Free) - Mclvers Hammer.G+0 (Free) - Pink Rose (1000 coin) - Yellow Rose (1000 coin) - Red Rose (1000 coin) - Blue Rose (1000 coin) - Orange Rose (1000 coin) - Black Rose (1000 coin) - Purple Rose (1000 coin) - Priest Fireball (1500 coin) - Jester Fireball (1500 coin) - Knight Fireball (1500 coin) - Craftman Fireball (1500 coin) - Warrior Fireball (1500 coin) - Mage Fireball (1500 coin) Accessories - Brick Hat (5000 coin) - Wooden Wing (5000 coin) - Dark Wooden Wing (5000 coin) - Bat Guy Mask (Free) - Black Ribbon (Free) - Cleric Piya Hat (Free) - SCN (Free) - Snorkle (Free) - Amariel Wings (2000 coin) - Purple Amariel Wings (2000 coin) - Fancy Golden Light Wing (1000 coin) - Kyle Wing (1000 coin) - Rudolph Nose (Free) - Pig Nose (Free) - Soul Collector Spine (Free) Style - HTBS Pink Birthday (@1500 coin) - HTBS Pink Maid (@500 coin) - HTBS White Maid (@500 coin) - HTBS Halloween (Free) - HTBS Green Santa (Free) - HTBS Black Santa (@100 coin) - HTBS Ghost Buster (Free) - HTBS School (Free) - TBS HQ School (Free) - Golden Light Spear (Free) - Silver Light Spear (Free) - Bouquet (500 coin) - Candy Cane (Free) - Japan Fan (500 coin) - First Pig Helmet (Free) - Second Pig Helmet (Free) - Third Pig Helmet (Free) Etc - Rusty Gear (Free) - Mystic Magic Card (Free) - Mystic Damage Card (Free) - Blessed Gold Bell_ASPD (Free) - Blessed Purple Bell_EVA (Free) - Blessed Blue Bell_ATK (Free) - Blessed Silver Bell_MPW (Free) - Blessed Green Bell_DEX (Free) - Blessed Red Bell_DEF (Free) - Light Element (Free) - Darkness Element (Free) - Soil Element (Free) - Tree Element (Free) - Iron Element (Free) - Fire Element (Free) - Water Element (Free) - Max Junction Ampora (1000 coin) - Max Potion Ampora (1000 coin) - Yummy Carrot (500 coin) - Wringle (300 coin) Pet - Seed (Free) - Piya Egg (Free) - Bird Egg (Free) - Heaven Egg (Free) - Green Seed (300 coin) - Pink Piya Egg (500 coin) - Pink Bird Egg (800 coin) Event OBT Seal Adventure > Fast Leveling to level 251 - Peserta adalah semua job karakter - Level 251 dan sudah Job 2 - Reputasi : Veteran - Reward : Equiptment HTBS 180 (DG+0) dan Weapon 180 (DG+0) - Hunting mandiri tanpa memakai buff apostle GM - Winner : 10 winner > Fast Evolution Great Pet - GB Pet Heaven Egg menjadi Fly Valkyrie+9 - Reward : Fly Valkyrie+9 MO - Winner : 3 Winner > GB Hari Couple (Pemanen) Ketetntuan : 500 Hari Couple = HTBS Couple Costume 1000 Hari Couple = HTBS Wedding Costume+300 Rose 2000 Hari Couple = Royal Crown+TBS Idea King+300 Box of Chocolate 2500 Hari Couple = HTBS Japan Wedding 3000 Hari Couple = HTBS Taiwan Wedding 5000 Hari Couple = HTBS Korean Wedding >High Reputation Reward(Permanen) Reward Reputasi. Title Fame Reward: Trooper 367,301 :5000 koin + ancient weapon + ancient wings Berserker 462,139 :5000 koin + tipareth/jikael weapon Centurion 580,686 :10000 koin + tipareth/jikael weapon + htbs zombie general armor Praetorian 728,869 :10000 koin + balie weapon Lieutenant 936,327 :20000 koin + jumlah fame x2 + HTBS jikael armor >Event Invitation Player And Friendship Hallo Adventurer, Ayo kita ramaikan Game kita, dengan cara mengajak teman2 kalian untuk bermain disini. Sebagai hadiah/reward, kita berikan koin yang terus berkelipatan bonusnya untuk kalian. caranya: 1. ajak teman kalian untuk bermain di seal advent, 2. bantu dan temani teman yg kalian ajak sampai lv 251 dan sudah ubah job, lalu SS char, nama id dan nama char, lalu kirim via INBOX ke fb saya, dan konfirmasi ulang via sms ke 085721744486 Hadiah : orang pertama yang diajak : hadiah 1000 koin bagi pengajak orang ke dua yang di ajak : hadiah 1.500 koin bagi pengajak orang ke tiga yang diajak : hadiah 2.000 koin bagi pengajak dan seterusnya, jadi extra bonus setiap mengajak orang berikutnya adalah +500, jadi jika mengajak 3 orang = 1000 + 1500 + 2000 = 4.500 koin paham? selamat berkarya ^^ >Buff Potion(Buff Web) (Penyetaraan Job) Agar Job Di Dalam Seal Online Private Server Adventure Balance Dikarnakan Banyak dari player yg menanyakan, apakah di Seal ini, job mayoritas Trickster/Assasin, maka di adakan penyetaraan job menggunakan Buff Web, dengan rincian sebagai berikut Knight:Buff Deffense bertambah 40% Warrior:Buff Attack bertambah 40 % Mage:Buff Intelegency bertambah 40% Clown:Normal Apostle:Attack bertambah 30% ,Intelegency bertambah 30% Craftman:Attack Bertambah 40% (berlaku untuk next Job/ Seluruh job 2) Untuk Web Official : adventure-seal/ Facebook Fans Page: https://facebook/groups/6567...25208/?fref=ts Bagi yang memiliki keluhan / masalah dalam instalasi game dapat menanyakan di forum ini atau di Facebook Free Chat: https://facebook/groups/2806...18208/?fref=ts Market Seal Online Adventure: (bagi yg ingin jual beli barang) https://facebook/groups/6875...50908/?fref=ts Cara Registrasi/Pendaftaran: Agar pemain lebih nyaman, dan akun Lebih aman, maka pendaftaran di lakukan menggunakan SMS ke Nomer 085721744486 (proses registarsi 1X24 jam) cara registrasi sperti di atas di lakukan agar cheater yang sudah di banned tidak dapat melakukan registrasi lagi, semua di lakukan demi kenyamanan player ^^. Untuk Link Download: Full Client :4*sha.....red/rar/neX-Vd03ba/SealOnlineAdventure.html (hilangkan ......) Jika Player sudah memiliki Client atau folder Seal Private lain hanya tinggal mendownload Patch dan launcher: Patch: 4*sha.....red/rar/jnzbUIwO...h.htmlLauncher (hilangkan ......) Launcher: 4*sha....red/rar/f10ZX9Nx...er_advent.html (hilangkan ......) Host: https://facebook/groups/6567...9628914099792/ Cara Download untuk yang sudah memiliki client seal ps lain/file/folder seal ps lain, cukup instal patch masukan ke file/folder seal , lalu hapus launcher seal ps yang lama, dan masukan launcher Seal Online Private Server Adventure. jangan lupa untuk mengganti host kalian dengan cara klik drive C, lalu masuk ke windows ,system32, drivers lalu etc, ganti host kalian dengan host yang ada di atas. jika ada pertanyaan atau permasalahan dalam instalasi bisa menanyakan di forum ini atau di facebook dengan alamat yang ada di atas.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:11:35 +0000

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