NEW GENERATION POLITICIANS OF INDIA ARE REQUIRED TO SOLVE SRILANKAN THAMIZH PEOPLES’ PROBLEMS We all know among the trio Thamizh Kings, Chera Kings is one. Now the people of Chera kingdom are speaking Malayalam language. So now a days Malayalis[ NAGAs and DRAVIDIANs] are also Thamizh people only. Like this the Sinhala people also Thamizhs only, but now they speak Sinhala language. The fight between the Sinhalese became tense/ created in large scale due to the Sinhala only Act, 33/1956 enacted during S.W.R.D. Banadaranaike was the Prime Minister of Ceylon. The Sinhalese politicians took the innate, emotional and animal characters of human in the name of language to organise the Sinhala speaking people for their selfish political victory. Now it has ended at genocide. In India also the INC took independence struggle as a tool to organise the people under them, BJP took Hindutva Bigotry technique, DMK took Anti Hindi Protest, and now the Ramadoss took caste politics to organise the vanniar people. Now in many states, division of states are getting infuriated due to the instigation of some political leaders have the possibility or the power crazy and maniac to become CMs . So the Sinhalese are also the people of NAGA race only. Vijayan, a NAGA race King’s son was sent to Ceylon and married the daughter of ThamizhNadu’s Pandiyan King only. So from their version of Mahavamsam also they reveal the fact that they are NAGAs only. But indeed the remnant sons of soil of Thamizh people after the sea engulfed Lemooria Continent are the people SriLanka. Sinhala language was emerged during the period 200 AD to 600 AD only. Hence they are the clans of PARAYARs only as 85% of Indian people are in divided forms as various castes of Konaar/Yaathava to Kuzhuvan and various languages speaking people. The Indian DRAVIDIANs and ARYANS have kept the NAGAs at the present condition of fighting between them in the name of castes. Hence as many of us correctly say those people promote caste clashes in ThamizhNaadu have no deserve to speak about unity of Thamizhan and the rights of SriLankan Thamizh people. Some half boiled comrades are advocating for the split of people in the name of languages, castes, etc., eventhough they are the people belong to the very same race. While the Indian DRAVIDIAN and ARYAN races’ people are not advocating for themselves to be divided into castes, many foolish men of NAGA race are trying to disintegrate India and nationwide NAGA people in the name of languages. So we will disseminate the historical facts to abolish the castes of NAGAs and try for national integration and the political victory of NAGAs. Even today also if the political parties lead by BCs and STs in India make an alliance to face the election, they can come to power and resolve amicably the issues of SriLankan Thamizh people. Once the laws are brought to ban any one becoming PM, CM and the Chief of Political Party for more than ten years, ban the heirs of out going political party chief becoming the next chief of the political party, the election counting is to be done for state level instead of the constituency level and the funds for political parties to face election are provided by the nation through the Election Commissions most of the problems now we face will be vanished and India will become a real democratic country. Though it is stated that kings’ rulings were abolished and the democratic ruling was brought in India after the Independence, now indeed the dynasty practice [kings’ ruling] in the democratic mask is followed with the help of corruption money. For survival and earn amazing wealth many people have chosen politics as the amazing wealth and funds with the political chiefs maintain kings rule in democratic mask are distributed to them. If the present day political persons are indeed fair, they will first urge their political chief to ensure democracy within their political parties. People are ignorant about the need of real democracy. Those politicians practices dynasty in democratic mask are only creating all the problems and polluting the democratic set up in India. Wherever politically biased and impasse situations can happen or arise on the fear of perhaps they will be lost the support of people belong to some castes, community, language, state, etc., such subjects must be given to Rights Activists instead of the present day politicians. As platforms are available for political activists for doing public services, similar plat forms must be available to the rights activists also in these areas/situations. For this purpose the Constitution of India must be amended. People of India must be enlightened to demand for the above said political reformations and to support many New Generation Politicians to bring these reformations. With the present political set up India can not do anything more for their people. The people of India are kept as consumers only due to the selfish politicians having connivance with dominant countries. Otherwise we can immediately realize Rivers Interlinking Project, World Class Cities in every State, People Run Organised Multi Brand Retail Trade System instead of FDI in Multi Brand Retail Trade, etc., through the Self Generated Funds/Out Sourcing of Funds techniques, i.e., without the budget of governments. Thanks and Regards (!) *****
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 06:47:18 +0000

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ini Figure kco0e7
How is it we havent heard much about this on the news? Isnt this

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