NEW GRANT OPPORTUNITY FOR AFRICA October 5, 2013funding, - TopicsExpress


NEW GRANT OPPORTUNITY FOR AFRICA October 5, 2013funding, OpportunitiesAfrican women development funds, Grants The AWDF funds local, national, sub- regional and regional organisations in Africa working towards women’s empowerment. The AWDF is an institutional capacity-building and programme development fund, which aims to help build a culture of learning and partnerships within the African women’s movement. In addition to raising money and awarding grants, the AWDF will attempt to strengthen the organisational capacities of its grantees. The AWDF funds work in six thematic areas: Women’s Human Rights Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods Governance, Peace and Security Reproductive Health and Rights HIV/AIDS Arts, Culture and Sports The AWDF will prioritise programs which develop and promote women’s leadership and advocacy across all these themes. These thematic areas have been chosen because they feature very highly on the agenda of the African women’s movement. Eligibility Organisations can be local, national, sub-regional or regional African women’s organisations, from any part of Africa. Local women’s organisations should send in the names of two referees, one of who should be a member of a women’s organisation that operates nationally. The AWDF will give grants for projects related to any of the thematic areas specified above. AWDF expect applicants to build in relevant and reasonable running/core costs into their project proposals. The AWDF will give grants to national and regional organisations for aspects of organisational growth and development such as strategic planning, developing fundraising strategies, communications systems, retreats, governance systems, etc. The Foundation will give grants for capital costs such as purchase of computers, printers, photocopiers. Frequency of grant making AWDF will make grants in three cycles each year. Applications can be sent in at any time. Organisations can apply for grants ranging from $5000 – $50,000. Kindly note that most grants will be for less than the maximum. Grants over $20,000 will only be made to organisations which operate on a regional basis. Expectations Applying organisations should preferably have been in existence for at least three years. Women’s organisations have to be led and managed by women. National or regional civil society organisations may apply for a women-specific project, but will have to demonstrate that there are women involved in their governance, and that the project will be managed by a senior woman in the organisation. Potential grantees should show how the project proposal fits into the organisation’s overall strategy for the area of work or community in which it is located. Organisations have to demonstrate how their work fits into either a local, national or regional strategy for the empowerment of African women. Applying organisations should have basic organisational systems and structures in place. We will look for evidence of effective leadership, planning and networking. The organisation should have a clear evaluation and sustainability plan for the project The potential to raise additional funding. Ability to manage funds and account for them in a transparent manner. The AWDF will not support the following projects : Organisations that aim to convert people to any religious belief Political parties or women’s wings of political parties Individuals Government departments Scholarships and fellowships for academic studies Women’s organisations which are not led by women How to apply Interested organisations should send in their proposals to the AWDF secretariat in Accra, Ghana, using the grant application guidelines. Applications can be sent in English, French, or Portuguese, by email, fax or post.Please note that whilst we will accept applications by email and fax, we still expect a hard copy. In order to consider your request, the AWDF need basic and specific information about your organisation, its composition, and its purposes. They need to know how your organisation believes its work can be supported with a grant of $5,000- $50,000 from the African Women’s Development Fund. All applications should be sent to: The African Women’s Development Fund Office: Plot 78 Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon Post: P.M.B CT 89 Cantonments, Accra, Ghana Website:
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 20:54:01 +0000

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