NEW INFORMATION - VERY URGENT - JADA HAS BEEN SIGNED OFF FOR EUTH AT MORENO VALLEY SHELTER. They can kill her at any time and she will die alone and betrayed in the shelter. She is available for adoption for $50 TODAY. According to a member of the kennel staff who took care of Jada, she is friendly and a nice dog. Can we please SHARE to find someone to pick up Jada today and get her to a vet to see what her condition is and if she can be made comfortable and have some love for any time she might have? VERY URGENT. IT LOOKS LIKE JADA, AT 12 YEARS OLD, HAS CANCER. SHE IS AT MORENO VALLEY SHELTER (CA) and is past her due-out date. Is there anyone willing to give Jada a soft bed and somewhere to live out the rest of her life knowing she is loved and safe. Jada has been in the shelter more than 2 weeks. This is not how she should be spending her final days, weeks, months. I dont know anything about Jada. I saw her beautiful face in and email and needed to help. I will call the shelter later to try to get some info on Jada. Please SHARE to save this beautiful senior. Here are the medical notes that were posted on Friends of Moreno Valley Shelter Animals thread: Very large tumor on her leg. 06/10/14 Dog is toe-touching lame on right rear leg. The limb is diffusely swollen from the stifle to the tarsus, and the right inguinal lymph node is enlarged. The cranial portion of the swelling has opened up leaving a large area of ulceration with necrotic tissue and fresh bleeding. Suspect ulcerated tumor that is very locally aggressive; suspect cancer is also in the lymph node. The tumor is not resectable due to size and location. Best recommendation for comfort would likely be amputation, but cancer may have already spread to other internal organs. Euthanasia would be a humane option if owner does not want to pursue extensive diagnostics or surgery. Keep comfortable with soft bedding. Please SHARE to find a home or rescue for Jada. She needs our help NOW. Remember...I do not allow pledging on my threads. Paypal information will be posted if pulled by rescue which allows those who want to help to make a donation. Thanks. JADA - ID #A263165 Petharbor link: petharbor/pet.asp?uaid=MRVL.A263165 Shelter staff named me JADA and I am a spayed female, black and brown Rottweiler. The shelter thinks I am about 12 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 10, 2014 and I am available for adoption now! Friends of Moreno Valley Shelter Animals thread: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=326290544192405&set=a.136023899885738.29276.135559229932205&type=1 Moreno Valley Shelter - Phone: 951-413-3790, Address: 14041 Elsworth St., Moreno Valley, CA 92552 NOTE: The shelter is CLOSED Tuesdays, Thursdays and holidays. PetConnect.Us PLEDGE POLICY: I no longer allow pledging on my threads. I am thankful to everyone who offers her/his hard-earned money to help shelter animals. Your kindness, compassion, and generosity are appreciated and admired. I have found that pledges, while helpful to rescues, create friction, judgement, animosity, hostility, and distractions. Pledges attract disreputable rescuers and mislead private adopters who believe they are entitled to the funds. Pledgers will still have the opportunity to donate to the rescues that save the animals they choose to support, as once an animal has been rescued I will post paypal instructions. Its my hope this policy will stop the fighting on the threads which distracts from the mission of saving animals and intimidates people who want to help. NOTE: I am not a rescuer, I dont pull animals from shelters. My role is to spread the word about animals in danger. I dont coordinate rescues. I dont arrange transport, but if I have contacts I will help. Once the animal is rescued I will post a paypal address or donation information if provided. Pledges are generally for a 501c3 rescue group - though the person who pledged has the discretion to donate to a private adopter or independent rescuer. It is PetConnect.Us policy to not allow the posting of another animal on the thread of one I am networking. Comments promoting other animals will be deleted. Please post pleas on my timeline.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:02:44 +0000

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